
Chapter 1090 Bloody Case

Chapter 1090 Bloody Case

The next scene surprised Chen Qing. He saw a yamen servant rushing out from both sides, took a water and fire stick and beat the woman, knocking her unconscious. The yamen servant dragged her aside again, and the two young The child threw himself on the woman crying and shouting.

The two elderly people beside him shook their heads and sighed: "How dare she sue Xu Huhu? She is the servant of the county lord, and she is simply impatient."

The magistrate's team walked away, Chen Qing's face was gloomy, and he ordered the soldiers behind him: "Go and see that woman, and bring her to the teahouse next door to see me."

There was a Yang Sanmei teahouse nearby, and the three soldiers divided into two groups, two went to rescue the fainted woman, and the other followed Chen Qing into the teahouse.

Chen Qing sat drinking tea in the elegant room between the inner and outer coats, feeling really angry in his heart. He really didn't expect the officials under his rule to be so cruel and brutal. He remembered that the magistrate of Yuchi County was surnamed Tang, and he was an official of the Puppet State of Qi. The evaluation is clear about public and private, and the accounts are clear.

Unexpectedly, there is another kind of person behind him. Who is Xu Huhu?What does it mean to take care of someone?Chen Qing was full of doubts.

At this time, the soldiers said at the door: "Your Highness, she is here. I said you are the inspector of the appeasement envoy."

Chen Qing nodded, "I want some cakes for her two children to eat outside, bring her in!"

Not long after, the young woman was brought in, knelt down and cried loudly: "I beg the elder to be the master for the women!"

The woman was only twenty-four or five years old, and she was relatively handsome. Her forehead was broken, and she was directly bandaged with the filial piety on her head. It may be due to a lot of blood loss, and her face looked very pale.

"Where's the pleadings just now?" Chen Qing asked.

A soldier said: "It seems to have been torn off by the yamen servant!"

Chen Qing could only say: "Just talk about it! What grievances do you have?"

The woman wiped away her tears and choked up her voice, "The husband's surname is Lei. He is from Leijiazhuang in the east of the city. After the in-laws passed away, they left behind an ancestral house of three acres and three hundred acres of farmland. My husband is a scholar. He I hired two tenant farmers to farm in my hometown. Our family lives in the county seat. My husband is a clerk in the county government. Last month, my husband was captured and beaten to death by Xu Huhu, and all his bones were broken."

Speaking of this, the woman couldn't help but burst into tears again. Chen Qing let her cry for a while and asked, "Why was your husband beaten to death, and who is this Tiger Xu?"

"A month ago, Xu Huhu bought [-] acres of land and the ancestral house in my hometown with three pennies. My husband was so angry that he went to Bianliang to file a complaint. As a result, he disappeared the next day."

"Who is this Tiger Xu?"

"Xu Wu, nicknamed Xu Huhu, is a tyrant in the county and commits all kinds of evil. It is said that he has an uncle who is the prime minister in Lin'an."

"Xu Xiantu!" Chen Qing blurted out.

It should be. Xu Xiantu is from Yuchi County. He must have relatives in his hometown. This Xu Huohu is his nephew. I don't know if it is his own nephew or his family nephew?
"Why didn't my husband file a complaint with the county government? Isn't he a civil servant in the county government? Why did he go to Bianliang to file a complaint?"

"Reporting to the lord, my husband said that it is most likely that the county lord ordered Xu Huhu to occupy my land and ancestral house."

"Why?" Chen Qing was even more confused.

"My husband hates evil, because people from Jingzhao came to investigate the county magistrate at the end of last year. My husband wrote a letter of exposure, but the county magistrate found out, cursed my husband, and kicked him out of the county government."

"What whistleblowing letter?"

"It seems that the county magistrate embezzled food, but I don't know the details."

Chen Qing frowned, "Then I don't understand. Since your husband's death may be related to the magistrate, why do you want to seek justice from the magistrate today?"

"The woman just wants to give it a try. If Tang Qi still refuses to accept my pleading paper, then I will go to Bianliang or Jingzhao to sue!"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said, "Your husband told the county about embezzling grain, what evidence do you have?"

The woman nodded, "My husband has a record, which records in detail every record of Tang Qi's embezzlement of food in the past three years. He said it matches the account."

"Can you give me the records? Don't worry, I will definitely avenge your husband and get back your family's property."

The woman thought for a while, called her five-year-old son in, lifted his clothes, took out a paper bag from his back, and handed it to Chen Qing, "There have been thieves in our house a few times, and they turned the house into a mess. I don't care. Dare to put it at home and take it with you.”

Chen Qing opened the paper bag and took out a piece of paper, which was full of instructions. Chen Qing understood at a glance that the magistrate of Tang County was using wastage, and half of the annual loss of the official warehouse grain, that is, 5%, was eaten by rats, or Insects and mold, and so on, are allowed within half of the percentage, but Yuchi County is a big wine-making county!On the pretext of loss, he sold a large amount of old grain to Xu's wine shop to make wine, and finally made false accounts, and the grain was taken away by Jin Bing.

Chen Qing nodded. The problem was more serious. He had to send troops here. He and his five subordinates couldn't handle it.

"Do you have a place to hide now?" Chen Qing asked the woman.

The woman nodded, "I can meet my mother's family first, which is also in Jiang Village in the east of the city."

"Then you take the child back to your mother's house to hide first, and you will hear the result in five days at the latest."

The woman thanked her a lot and left with her two children.

Chen Qing pondered for a moment, then took out the troop transfer gold medal and handed it to the soldiers, "Hurry back to Bianliang immediately and ask Yan Jun to bring three thousand cavalry over."

"I obey the order!" The soldiers took the gold medal and left in a hurry. They had a horse at the inn, and they could ride back to Bianliang to transfer troops.

Chen Qing immediately settled the tea money and returned to the inn with two of his men.

In the east of the city there is a mansion covering an area of ​​[-] mu. This is the mansion of Xu Huhu. Xu Huhu is called Xu Wu. He is the son of Xu Xiantu's cousin and his nephew.

Xu Wu is fierce, his three sons are more ruthless than the other, and he is willing to spend money to buy the county magistrate, so that he runs amok in Yuchi County, but no one dares to control him.

Last month, he did an evil thing for Tang Qi, the county magistrate. He forcibly seized the land and ancestral house of Lei Jun, a civil official, and then arrested and beat Lei Jun who was about to go to Bianliang to sue. It looked like land The dispute actually covered up his crime of privately selling official food for the county magistrate.

In the lobby, Xu Wu asked his eldest son Xu Xiangzhou nervously, "Did you see clearly? Are you sure it's him?"

Xu Xiangzhou nodded, "My boy has seen King Yong more than once in Jingzhao, I'm sure it's him, although he has put on a disguise, his eyes and demeanor will not change, his height will not change, and several of his subordinates All of them are majestic and strong, with fierce murderous intent, this is not something ordinary people can afford, it must be him."

Xu Wu was pacing back and forth in the lobby with his hands behind his back. It is estimated that Chen Qing came to Yuchi County for a private visit to understand the situation of wine making. He only brought five subordinates. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
Xu Wu's eyes gradually glowed, and he was trembling with nervousness. He knew that he had met a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If he dedicated Chen Qing's head to the imperial court, or to Wanyan Wushu, he would be able to get his wish. The glory and wealth that I dare not even imagine.

At this moment, he could no longer care about the woman who complained. After weighing it over and over again, he resolutely made up his mind, "Prepare the carriage for me, and I'll go find Lord Tang!"

Magistrate Tang Qi's eyes widened. He couldn't believe his ears. Yong Wang Chen Qing was actually in Yuchi County. How could this be possible?

"You read that right! Chen Qing only brought a few followers?"

"I'm sure I'm not mistaken. He's making a private visit on Weibo, and it's also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us. Mr. Tang County, I'm just asking you if you want to do it or not?"

Tang Qi hesitated. Participating in the assassination of King Yong was a serious crime to exterminate the nine clans, and he was not mentally prepared for it.

Xu Wu saw the hesitation of Tang Qi, the county magistrate, and further persuaded him: "Master, Chen Qing has contacted the widow of Lei's family. He will definitely investigate this case deeply. One is murder, and the other is corruption of officials and food." , you'd better think about it, whether you can bear these two charges?"

Tang Qi wavered a little, and Xu Wu continued to strike while the iron was hot, "One death is death, and one hundred times is death, but if we kill Chen Qing and take other people's heads to the court to claim credit, we will never be able to enjoy endless glory and wealth for the rest of our lives." Are you waiting for us? Or go to the Kingdom of Jin, the promise of the Kingdom of Jin offering a reward of one million guan, being promoted to five ranks and taking the head of Chen Qing is still there! With the credit of the people of the Kingdom of Jin, you can become a high-ranking official, and I can also be rich , County Lord, the opportunity is only this time, if you don't seize it, you will regret it for life."

Tang Qi was finally convinced, he gritted his teeth and said, "I can do it, but I have to send my family away first!"

(End of this chapter)

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