
Chapter 1091 Hunting

Chapter 1091 Hunting

Chen Qing lived in the inn and didn't go out again. The business was done. He got a counter ticket of [-] guan, and the owner Jiang also shipped the goods back.

Next, he waited for the Bianliang reinforcements to arrive and arrest Xu Huhu and He Tangzhi.

At noon, Chen Qing was sitting at the table eating, when a soldier hurried over and whispered something, Chen Qing was startled, "Are you sure?"

"You can confirm the humble position. There are four people at the front door. There are three people at the back door. There is one person squatting in the side alley. They are all from a group."

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "Go and arrest the people in the side alley, and question them!"

The two men dodged away, and Chen Qing asked the innkeeper again, "Shopkeeper, do you have any weapons here?"

"I don't have it here, but my cousin has it. It's Jiang Dongzhu who bought your jiuqu cake. His family has a lot of weapons to protect the distillery."

Chen Qing immediately asked two of his men to follow the buddies to the wine shop to get weapons, and then asked the shop owner, "Are there any horses in the county?"

The shopkeeper shook his head, "All the livestock in the county have been searched by the Jin soldiers. In the past few months, there have been some more donkeys and mules, and some cattle for plowing the fields. There are really no horses. By the way, it seems that the Xu family has a few horses. .”

Seeing that Chen Qing wanted weapons and horses again, the owner of the inn became a little worried, "Master Chen, what happened?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Don't worry, there's nothing wrong, we may have to go out for a day or two, and the donkey will be taken care of by you, no problem!"

"Don't worry! I will arrange it."

Chen Qing asked again with a smile: "If you were given a choice, which county magistrate would you choose to be the county magistrate?"

"I choose?"

"Yes! I'll give you a choice."

The shop owner scratched his head and said, "If I had to choose, would I prefer Ma County Wei to be the county magistrate?"


"Maxian Lieutenant is generous, treats the people well, never puts on airs, often goes to the fields to help the widowed elderly with their work, I don't know how I thought he was a farmer."

Chen Qing nodded, "What about the county magistrate?"

"Han Xiancheng basically does not exist. He spends most of his time running his winery. Everyone has no feelings for him, but no matter what, Ma Xianwei and Han Xiancheng are better than the current Tang magistrate. Tang magistrate too greedy."

"Understood, thank you for letting me know!"

At this moment, seeing his subordinates appearing at the door, Chen Qing sent the shop owner away, and his subordinates stepped forward and said with a serious expression: "It was arranged by Xu Tiger, to monitor His Highness's every move."

"What do they want to do?"

"The monitor doesn't know, and he doesn't know who His Highness is, but he knows that he is an extremely important person."

Chen Qing narrowed his eyes, and sure enough they recognized him.

The three soldiers all looked at Chen Qing, and Chen Qing said indifferently: "Whoever wants to attack me will definitely pay a heavy price. There is a large forest outside the city. We will leave the city as soon as we get the weapons. You go and prepare dry food for three days." And water!"

The three of them hurried away, and not long after, the two men carried a large number of weapons on two donkeys. Before each of them carried only a saber, Chen Qing only wore a sword, and also brought a bow and three Gunpowder arrows.

Everyone packed up their weapons, and the soldiers handed over a bow and two pots of arrows to Chen Qing, "The hardest thing they have is a stone bow, Your Highness can only use it."


Chen Qingjian actually had six sets of armor. Although it was leather armor, it could also resist ordinary bows and arrows.

He also put on a pair of armor, and five of his men put on the armor one after another, took up weapons, each with a spear and a pair of crossbow arrows.

The shopkeeper came in and saw that they had turned into soldiers. He was so frightened that the water hyacinth in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Chen Qing said to him: "If someone asks you, just say we left without saying goodbye, you didn't see anything, do you understand?"

"I understand."

Chen Qinghe's men took water hyacinths and dry food bags, "Let's go!"

They walked out directly from the main entrance. Several servants who watched them ran away in fright. One of his subordinates ran a few steps slower and was shot in the leg by an arrow from Chen Qing's personal soldiers.

The six of Chen Qing quickly came to the gate of the north city. Seeing their murderous aura, several town soldiers guarding the city did not dare to stop them.

Soon, Xu Wu got the news, he was shocked, and immediately found Tang Qi, the county magistrate. Tang Qi knew that he had no way out, so he immediately ordered Dutou to lead more than a hundred township soldiers to join the Xu family's hundreds of servants. Thirty people, led by Xu's father and son, chased outside the city.

After chasing to the city gate, Xu Wu asked, "Where did those six men in armor go?"

The soldier pointed to the large forest in the northwest direction, "They have entered the forest."


As soon as Xu Wu urged his horse, he led more than [-] people and ran towards the forest in the northwest direction.

To the northwest is a low hill called Qifeng Hill. It is about [-] miles long, the highest point is only [-] feet wide, and it is about [-] mile wide. The hill and the foot of the hill are covered by large forests.

Xu Wu's third son, Xu Weizhou, took the lead and rushed into the woods with dozens of people. Suddenly Xu Weizhou screamed and fell off his horse, and several others also screamed and fell to the ground.

The others ran out in fright, Xu Wu got off his horse, the servants had already carried Xu Weizhou out of the woods, only to see an arrow shot between his eyebrows, the arrow almost pierced his head, and Xu Weizhou died of exasperation.

Xu Wu yelled and threw himself on his son. The intense grief made him completely lose his mind. He was shaking while holding his son's body, and his eyes were about to burst into flames. He yelled, "Rush in and kill them all!" !"

More than two hundred people rushed into the woods together, the sound of bows and crossbows sounded, and six more people fell down with arrows, all of them hit vital points. Chen Qing's five subordinates were all highly skilled soldiers, all experienced , can be one against ten, or even more.

After shooting and killing more than a dozen people, Chen Qing led his men to move up the hill. In just a moment, they climbed up to the [-]-foot-high hill and shot arrows down from a high position. More than two hundred people rushed up with shouts. , Chen Qing took out an arrow and shot it one by one, hitting the eyebrow of a village soldier guarding the team, and the corpse rolled down the hillside.

Before the other soldiers could react, Chen Qing shot out ten consecutive arrows, one after the other, and each arrow killed a person. Where had the soldiers seen this kind of killing before? , but was shot and killed several people from behind by five soldiers.

At this time, all the soldiers in the village asked tremblingly, "Mr. Xu, who is the person above?"

Xu Wu said coldly: "It's the first prisoner that the imperial court offered a reward of [-] yuan to capture. If you get his head, you can be promoted to ruler."

Although Dutou was still at a loss, the temptation of being promoted to a ruler completely moved him.

Dutou said in a low voice: "Beizhi knows a small path, if you go from the west, why not lead fifty brothers to outflank it, and after he is killed, the high-ranking officials will attack from the front, surrounded by both sides, they will be hard to fly!"

Xu Wu was overjoyed, "Take your hands down immediately!"

Du swung a [-]-pound gold-backed long knife with his head, "The first team of village soldiers will follow me!"

He led fifty town soldiers and ran westward.

Chen Qing could see clearly from the hill that a large group of soldiers had gone west. He had so much experience, he immediately said to one of his subordinates: "Go to the west and see if there is a way to go up the mountain?"

"Follow the order!"

His subordinates rushed away. At this time, Chen Qing saw that the servants at the foot of the mountain were a little restless, and three people were shouting. He took out three arrows and bit them in his mouth, and shot them one after another. The three most active servants Arrows were shot in his throat continuously, and he fell to the ground clutching his throat. He died immediately, and the woods under the mountain suddenly became quiet.

Not long after, the soldiers who went to the west rushed back and reported, "His Royal Highness, there is indeed a small road to the west, and the humble officer saw them going up the mountain along the small road."

"Go and keep an eye on them, and call me when there are thirty steps left."

The soldiers went again, Chen Qingling said: "Everyone shoot arrows into the woods, it doesn't matter if you can hit each other!"

Several subordinates fired arrows continuously, and the arrows pierced through the air and shot into the forest. Xu Wu led his subordinates to hide in the forest, and no one dared to show their heads.

At this time, the soldiers from the west came back again, "Your Highness, you are already within thirty paces!"

"let's go!"

Chen Qing led five of his men and rushed to the west.
(End of this chapter)

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