
Chapter 1092 Hunting

Chapter 1092 Hunting

The mountain path to the west is rugged, and fifty soldiers from the village, led by Dutou, climbed up cautiously. They have already climbed the hill, entered a pine forest, and ran towards the opponent's back.

After walking dozens of steps, there was a sudden shout, "Kill!"

Chen Qing led five men to fight out. He beheaded one person with a backhand sword, grabbed a long spear, and immediately stabbed dozens of village soldiers like a tiger in a flock of sheep, killing people with guns. There were corpses strewn all over the place where they passed, and there was a lot of wailing, and a dozen soldiers were assassinated in an instant.

His five subordinates were equally ferocious, and each of them assassinated four or five people. In the blink of an eye, only a dozen of the fifty soldiers were left, and they were all frightened. As fast as lightning, the remaining dozen or so soldiers were all down in a pool of blood, all killed by a single shot.

The last one threw away the big knife in his hand, plopped down on his knees, and kowtowed like garlic. He was so frightened that he couldn't even speak. Chen Qing put his spear against his throat and asked coldly: "You are actually from the village?" Bing, can the magistrate participate in the assassination of this king?"

"Shen participated, yes... the magistrate of Tang ordered us to come!" Everyone was so scared that the other party turned out to be King Yong.

Chen Qing pierced his throat with a gun, and said coldly: "Whoever opposes me will die!"

Xu Wu faintly heard the shouts of killing and screams, and he immediately shouted: "It's killing, charge up!"

His second son, Xu Qingzhou, led more than [-] famous servants to rush up the mountain. The hill was only more than [-] feet high. The servants brandished knives and spears and climbed aggressively. , but there is no one on the top of the mountain.

Xu Qingzhou waved his sword and shouted, "Go to the woods to the west!"

The servants shouted and rushed to the west, Xu Qingzhou suddenly felt a movement in his head, when he looked up, he saw a flash of cold light, the head flew out more than ten steps, only a headless corpse was left standing there, with blood flowing from the neck cavity squirt.

The servants looked back and saw the headless corpse, they were all frightened, at this moment, the god of death came, Chen Qing jumped from the tree, slashed away with the golden backed sword, and five heads flew up.

He had a fierce weapon, and charged into the crowd, killing people like chopping melons and vegetables. There were stumps, broken arms and rolling heads everywhere, and the bloody and pungent smell permeated the woods.

The five subordinates also cooperated tacitly to assassinate the servants, but their speed was too slow. After killing more than [-] people, no one was seen alive again. The remaining [-] people were all beheaded by Chen Qing. Losing his head, he didn't even have a chance to scream.

"Throw all the heads down!"

Xu Wu led more than [-] soldiers from the village and was waiting for the result under the hill, when he suddenly threw countless black balls from the hill, and the black balls rolled to their feet, only to find that they were all bloody heads, including all of them. More than a hundred human heads were thrown at their feet, all of them were bloody and bloody.

Xu Wu was also so shocked that his heart almost stopped beating. He also saw the head of his second son Xu Qingzhou. At this moment, great fear overwhelmed his grief and anger, and he also turned his horse's head and ran out of the woods.

Chen Qing and five of his men rushed down the hill and chased after them. Chen Qing saw a war horse tied to a tree. It was Xu Qingzhou's war horse. After catching up with the fleeing soldiers, he brandished his broadsword and killed more than [-] people in a row, basically beheading them with a single blow.

Only [-] steps away from Xu Wu, Chen Qing picked up a spear from the ground sideways, raised his arms and threw it vigorously, the spear flew away, 'Puff! The spear pierced Xu Wu's back and nailed him to the ground.

Chen Qingzong immediately went forward and chopped off his head.
Xu Wu's dream and life disappeared without a trace.

Tang Qi, the magistrate of the county, paced back and forth in the lobby restlessly, while Xu Xiangzhou comforted him, "Don't worry, the magistrate, my father will not do anything uncertain. We have two hundred and thirty people, and there are only six of them, almost Forty people against one person, isn't it okay?"

Tang Qi sighed, that was His Royal Highness King Yong!How could he not be worried?

He has already started to regret it, he really shouldn't have listened to Xu Wu's instigation, if he really killed King Yong, how could they escape?

Xu Xiangzhou was still at the side trying to persuade him, Tang Qi suddenly got a little bored, waved his hand and said: "Go to the gate of the county government office to have a look, they should be back!"

Xu Xiangzhou had no choice but to walk out of the gate of the county government office. In fact, he was also very worried. After all, he was the one who initiated this incident. He told his father that Chen Qing was visiting the county government incognito. If he didn't say anything, nothing would happen. there is none left.

The four members of the Xu family, father and son, are all bad seeds in their hearts. Xu Xiangzhou is a scholar and a military adviser. It was his idea to usurp Lei Jun's old house and ancestral property, and he also arranged to kill Lei Jun. The conflict between the county magistrate was transferred to Xu's family, and Tang Qi, the county magistrate, was given a great favor.

Calculating the time, most of the day has passed, and they should have news.

At this time, there was a rush of horseshoes in the distance, and four war horses galloped into the north gate of the county seat, and rushed straight towards the county government office. Xu Xiangzhou knew that there were only four horses in the entire Yuchi County, and one horse in the county government office. There are three horses from the Xu family, they should be back.

Xu Xiangzhou went down the steps to meet him, and asked anxiously, "Father, did you get it?"

"Your father is here!"

Chen Qing threw a human head in front of him, Xu Xiangzhou recognized the head at a glance, it was his father, he was scared out of his wits, turned around and ran, but it was too late, the cold light flashed, and the head flew away for more than a foot .

The headless body fell to the ground with a thump, and blood spattered out. Several yamen servants happened to see it from inside the door, and they were so frightened that they yelled and turned and ran for their lives.

Chen Qing strode into the county government office with five of his subordinates, and walked straight to the back hall. There was no one in the back hall, but the tea was still steaming. Chen Qing grabbed a tea-serving maid from under the table. The maid cried out in fright, "Don't kill me, a good man!"

"Where are you magistrates? Don't tell me I'll kill you." Chen Qing said viciously.

The maid pointed to the drapery hanging from the floor, and fainted from fright.
Chen Qing put down the maid, and seeing the shaking of the curtain, he gave his subordinates a wink, and his subordinates walked over quickly, pulled off the curtain, and squatted on the ground a short and fat magistrate, shaking like chaff.

The soldiers grabbed him by the back collar and picked him up, causing Tang Qi to shout in fright, "Your Highness, please forgive me. It was Xu Huhu who forced me. If I don't agree, he will report me!"

"Drag him out!"

The soldiers dragged Tang Qi into the yard like a pig. At this time, Ma Houwen, the county captain, was notified by Chen Qing's soldiers and hurried over. He saw Chen Qing in Bianliang and recognized Chen Qing at a glance. Qing's makeup has been completely removed, revealing his true colors.

"The low-ranking Yuchi County Wei Ma Houwen sees His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Chen Qing snorted, and said coldly: "Yuchi County has simply rebelled, and the magistrate colluded with Hao Qiang to want my head, Chen Qing!"

Ma Houwen's face turned pale with fright, and he hastily explained: "The humble official really doesn't know anything about this matter."

Chen Qing saw that he had a face with Chinese characters and an upright expression, so he nodded and said, "From now on, you are the magistrate of Yuchi County, immediately summon all the government officials and civil servants!"

Surprised and delighted, Ma Houwen hurriedly summoned the yamen servants and civil servants.

(End of this chapter)

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