
Chapter 1093 Handling

Chapter 1093 Handling
Not long after, more than [-] yamen servants and seven or eight clerks came, and Bo Zhangshan ran to Hanji Winery to find Han Xiancheng. Han Xiancheng heard that His Royal Highness Yong came to pay a private visit, and was almost killed. The county magistrate of Tang was also so frightened that his legs went weak, and he rushed back to the county government.

"Han Zhan, the humble county magistrate, is meeting His Royal Highness King Yong!"

"Hmph! Do I call you Han Xiancheng, or Han Dongzhu?"

Han Xiancheng was ashamed, lowered his head and was about to lose his position. Chen Qing glared at him and said, "Because there are more serious incidents today, I can't take care of your small matter for the time being, but I warn you, I will hear about you again." If you hold two positions, you should resign immediately!"

If Han Xiancheng was granted an amnesty, he quickly promised: "I will never dare to be in a humble position again!"

Chen Qing stood on the steps and said loudly to everyone: "This time I came to Yuchi County for a private visit to investigate the brewing situation of the wine. I didn't want to disturb the people, so I asked the army to come back two days later, but I didn't expect to meet someone with wolfish ambitions." Xu Wu, you Xu Huhu, maybe he thinks that my head can give him the glory and wealth of the imperial court. He colluded with Tang Qi, the county magistrate, in an attempt to kill me. Now their plan has been shattered, and all four of the Xu family, father and son, have been killed. All the militants who participated in the encirclement and suppression of me were also wiped out. I will not kill this magistrate of Tang County for the time being. I will send someone to investigate his embezzlement of official food, and then liquidate them together. From now on, Tang Qi will be removed from the post of county magistrate , Appoint county captain Ma Houwen to take over as county magistrate."

Ma Houwen stepped forward and bowed in salute, "The humble job must not disappoint His Highness's cultivation!"

Chen Qing asked his soldiers to give him the seal of the magistrate, and said to him: "Now you need to do two things. First, put Tang Qi in prison. There will be troops to escort him, so take him first!"

Ma Houwen quickly arranged for the jailer of the prison camp to take Tang Qi to a prison with a few people.

Chen Qing then said: "The second thing is to trouble you to gather some people to go outside the city to collect the corpses."

Ma Houwen hastily said: "Don't bother the common people, I will arrange for the township soldiers to pick up the corpses."

"How many township soldiers are there?" Chen Qing asked.

"Reporting to Your Highness, there are a total of [-] township soldiers, led by Li Dutou."

"What's Li Dutou's background?"

"Li Dutou is Tang Qi's fellow villager. He is called Li Sheng. He was originally a pseudo-Qi commander. He was nicknamed the Golden Sword General. He wields a thirty-pound sword. He is very skilled in martial arts. I will go and find him for my humble position."

"no need!"

Chen Qing called Ma Houwen to stop him and said calmly, "The corpses you asked someone to clean up are theirs!"

Ma Houwen was stunned for a moment. He saw the golden knife on Li Du's head, which was thrown on the ground like broken copper and iron. It was stained with blood. How many people did he kill?

"Let's go to the lowly position!" Ma Houwen reacted now, and hurriedly led the yamen servants to find the civilian husband.

Chen Qing sent a soldier to go with them to guide them and instruct them how to deal with the corpses so as not to cause an epidemic.

Until dusk, more than a hundred corpse cleaning teams finally ended their nightmare and returned to the county. They will never forget that bloody scene in their entire lives. Ma Houwen suddenly remembered the nickname of His Royal Highness King Yong a long time ago, human devil.

The next step is to clean up the property of the Xu family and repatriate the servants. At this time, Yan Jun also led three thousand cavalry to Yuchi County. The commander of the army, well aware of the seriousness of this matter, this is more dangerous than any assassination.

Yan Jun swore secretly that he would never let His Highness take a few people to conduct private visits in micro-services again. He must be followed by the army. Not only that, he must report this matter to the Internal Affairs Hall.

Three days later, Chen Qing led [-] troops to leave Yuchi County, and took away dozens of large carts of wealth from the Xu family. All properties were confiscated and became government property.

The army left Yuchi County in mighty force. Before leaving, Chen Qing rewarded the owner of the inn with fifty pennies, thanking him for his help.

The owner of the store held ten taels of silver as if in a dream, and watched the army go away. He said to himself: "It turns out that it is His Royal Highness King Yong. It is amazing! I have met a nobleman."

At this time, someone patted him on the shoulder, and when the shop owner turned around, it turned out that it was the new county magistrate. Ma Houwen smiled and said, "Thank the shop owner for recommending me to King Yong."

The store owner was tongue-tied and couldn't say a word for a while.

Back in Bianliang, Chen Qing went to inspect the excavation of the canal again. This time, he did not visit in private, but took [-] cavalrymen down Caihe River.

Compared with last year, the Cai River has changed a lot. The river channel has been widened, and the river surface is very open. Six thousand-stone ships can be paralleled. In this way, a three-thousand-stone warship can also go to the Huai River through the Cai River.

Accompanying Chen Qing to patrol the river were Zhang Xiao, the appeasement envoy of Henan Road, and Zhang Yuanlang, the supervisor of water affairs of Henan Road.

There are obviously more ships on the water, one after another, and there are many fleets full of cargo, which are transported from the south to Bianliang.

This made Chen Qing very excited. In this way, Bianliang's status as a bulk cargo distribution center was slowly established. This was also his original intention of digging the canal, giving Bianliang a chance to rejuvenate.

"Is the excavation of the canal finished?" Chen Qing asked with a finger on his horsewhip.

Zhang Yuanlang said respectfully: "His Royal Highness, the first section is over, from Bianliang to Xiangcheng, the second section is also ready to start, from Xiangcheng to Huaihe, and then there is a third section, the third section is a branch line, mainly Dredging cleared the silt from Yancheng to Nandun, Chenzhou, so that Yingshui was connected to Caihe River, and basically all the state capitals on Henan Road were connected by waterways.”

Speaking of the branch line, Chen Qing thought of the branch line between Songcheng and Caihe in Guide Prefecture, and asked, "Has the branch line from Xiangyi County, Suizhou to Tongxu County, Kaifeng Prefecture been repaired?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, it has already been repaired, so that Songcheng County can go directly to Caihe through the branch line without having to make a detour to Bianliang for transit."

Chen Qing nodded, "We will strive to complete the repairs within this year. The transportation will be convenient, and a large number of goods will be transported by water. Only in this way can we maximize the commercial effect."

Speaking of this, Chen Qing turned his head and said to Zhang Xiao: "Don't forget to sow pasture seeds on both sides of the river!"

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "The plan has been completed. This year, [-]% of the rivers have been planted, and the rest will be completed next year. We will have seeds in autumn, so there is no need to be busy with Jingzhao."

Chen Qing didn't complete the tour, and after walking through Kaifeng Mansion, he returned to Bianliang.

Back in Bianliang, Chen Qing invited Zhang Xiao again. He will leave for Jingzhao tomorrow morning, and he has some important matters to explain to Zhang Xiao.

"Maybe after a while we will have an important negotiation with the imperial court, which involves the status of Bianliang. One of the main intentions of the emperor's Northern Expedition is to capture Xuzhou and other states, and then use these states Exchange Bianliang with us."

Zhang Xiao sneered and said, "His wishful thinking is very good! Cut our flesh and exchange our blood."

"That's not true! The emperor's longing for Bianliang has been turned upside down, and it has become his biggest heart disease."

"Could it be that he still wants to move the capital back to Bianliang?"

"It's definitely impossible. He just doesn't want me to move the capital to Bianliang. I have the late emperor and the prince in my hands. If the late emperor ascends the throne again in Bianliang, he will have a bad reputation. So he desperately wants to get Bianliang, just for the sake of it." Prevent the late emperor from returning to Bianliang."

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly and said, "So Your Highness has seen a business opportunity?"

Chen Qing nodded, "I can give him Bianliang, of course it's only in name, the actual control is still in our hands, at most let him appoint a governor of Kaifeng and Tokyo to stay behind, and then I promise the first emperor not to move back to Bianliang, fulfilled his dream."

"I'm afraid the emperor will have to pay a heavy price for this!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Give me the entire Jing South Road, that's my condition."

(End of this chapter)

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