
Chapter 1094 Conditions

Chapter 1094 Conditions
Before dawn the next day, Chen Qing led [-] cavalry to leave Bianliang and returned to Jingzhao. This time, he was not as eager as when he came, but returned calmly.

In Lin'an, Hu Yun, the special envoy of King Yong, visited Xu Xiantu again.

But this time it was not at Xu Xiantu's house, but at Xu Xiantu's official room. This time it was on official business.

"The special envoy means that Bianliang can be handed over to us?" Xu Xiantu was a little surprised.

"Yong Wang only agreed to the political delivery. I don't know if Xu Xianggong understands what I mean. It's not a complete delivery to you, but a formal delivery, or the two sides jointly manage Bianliang."

Xu Xiantu nodded, "I understand what the special envoy means, but I want to know more, what does His Royal Highness King Yong want?"

"His Royal Highness King Yong does have a condition, that is, both parties need to sit down and talk to reach a plan acceptable to both parties."

Xu Xiantu pondered for a while and said: "Although the emperor really wants to take back Bianliang, he is not unprincipled. The envoy told me a general condition before I can return to the emperor, otherwise the emperor will also blame me for being incompetent."

Hu Yun smiled slightly and said, "I can only say that His Highness King Yong is more interested in Jinghu South Road."

"I understand, I will report to the emperor."

After Hu Yun said a few more words, he took his leave and left. Xu Xiantu thought for a while, then got up and went to the imperial study.

In the imperial study room, Qin Hui and Zhu Shengfei were also there. Although the Northern Expedition ended in vain, at least Han Shizhong, the warlord who held military power, was cut off, which made Zhao Gou happy. I am afraid that in his heart, cutting down the feudal clan is more important than occupying a few pieces of land. important.

He and Chen Qing did not fall out, and everyone still maintains a superficial harmony and harmony, like a rebellious son of a big family. No matter how hated he is, at least he still comes to worship his ancestors every year. For things that go beyond the limits, you can tolerate them as long as you can, or you can see them as pure.

The same is true for Chen Qing. He has de facto a separatist regime, even a de facto court, but as long as Chen Qing does not proclaim himself emperor, does not enthroned, accepts the canonization of the court, and recognizes himself as a Song official, then the emperor Zhao Gou will tolerate him .

But this was the previous state, and when Chen Qing captured Henan Road, Zhao Gou was full of fear for Chen Qing. He knew that as long as Chen Qing's army marched southward, it would be easy to seize the land north of the Yangtze River. This is the reason for the conflict, lest Chen Qing find an excuse to send troops.

Zhao Gou narrowed his eyes after listening to Xu Xiantu's report. Chen Qing's suggestion hit his heart completely!
Bianliang is the place where his ancestors built their capital, and all his ancestors were buried there. Zhao Gou wanted to take back Bianliang even in his dreams!
"They say they share Bianliang, but I don't understand what that means?"

"What Hu Yun meant was that Bianliang was only given to us in name, but they are still responsible for the specific governance of Bianliang."

"What about the conditions?" Zhao Gou asked again.

"The other party's condition is Jinghu South Road!"


Zhu Shengfei immediately objected: "Chen Qing really hates it. Fortunately, he figured it out and gave us a false name, but he wants practical benefits. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

Zhao Gou was silent, Qin Hui is so shrewd, he has already seen that the official has actually been tempted, and he also knows the official's desire for Bianliang, at this time he is not as stupid as Zhu Shengfei, who vetoed it outright.

Qin Hui bowed slightly and said: "Your Majesty, even if you get Bianliang in name, there are many situations. You can't generalize it. It depends on how much benefit the other party can make. This needs to be discussed. Even if we can't reach an agreement, I don't think it's a big deal. loss."

Zhao Gou felt better, and asked Xu Xiantu again, "What about Xu Aiqing's opinion?"

Xu Xiantu pondered for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, Bianliang has no distinction between name and reality for us. They are all the same thing. Even if he really gave us Bianliang, we can't manage it. They just find an excuse to kill us." Seal Bianliang City, unless they are willing to give us Kaifeng Mansion, Chenzhou and Yingzhou, but this is impossible, so I think it’s okay to talk about it.”

Only then did Zhu Shengfei realize that the officials wanted to talk, and he regretted it in his heart, and quickly said, "Your Majesty, I don't object to talking, but I suggest talking in Lin'an, and we will be passive in Jingzhaotan."

This suggestion is good, Zhao Gou nodded, "We can talk about it, but don't expect me to make much concessions? It must be reasonable, and both parties can benefit. Xu Aiqing, go tell Hu Yun that we can talk. First, in the Talk to Bianliang; second, if he can make the decision, then you can talk to him, if he can't make the decision, then invite someone who can make the decision to come and talk to him."

"Weichen told him, then who will take the stage in our negotiations?" Xu Xiantu asked.

Zhao Gou pondered for a moment and said, "I will make a final decision on this matter, and Xu Aiqing will report to me at any time, and then Zhao Yan, the Minister of Rites, will be in charge of the specific negotiations, and Xu Aiqing will guide him behind the scenes."

"The minister obeys the order!"

Zhao Gou said to Qin Hui again: "Qin Xiangguo will focus on Zhang Jun next, and I hope he will take the initiative to hand over his military power."

Qin Hui bowed and said, "I will find a chance to talk to him."

As for Zhu Shengfei, just now he was on the wrong team and categorically rejected the possibility of negotiation, which made Zhao Gou quite unhappy, so he stepped aside in this opportunity to solve the emperor's worries and problems.

After ten days of marching, Chen Qing's army finally returned to Jingzhao. This time it took a whole month to deal with the Song Army's Northern Expedition crisis. It started in early spring in February and returned in March.

The air is full of warmth, the sun is shining, flowers are blooming everywhere, colorful, everything becomes so beautiful.

But Chen Qing was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful spring scenery. He was really tired. After returning to Jingzhao, he slept for two days before slowly recovering.

In the morning, Chen Qing opened this month's letter in his study. All of these had been dealt with. His wife Lu Xiu specially left a record to let him know what important things happened in the past month.

Basically, there are no important things. The most important thing this month is the imperial examination. The biggest expenditure is to buy a boat, which costs [-] guan from the internal treasury. This expenditure makes Chen Qing a little strange. In a circle, he rented a hundred large ships from Zheng Quantong, and there was no shortage of ships for the time being. What kind of ship did he buy for the [-] yuan?

At this time, there was a rush of running footsteps outside, Chen Qing smiled knowingly, and saw two little ladies rushing in, they were his two precious daughters, five-year-old Binger With four-year-old Cher, the two little guys are inseparable all day long.

"Daddy, you're back!"

Chen Qing joyfully hugged the two precious daughters, and kissed each of the two little cheeks.

"Daddy's not here, are you good?"

The two little ladies nodded like chickens pecking rice, Bing'er hurriedly said: "Shall we take Daddy to see a treasure?"

The two struggled to get off the ground, took their father's hand and walked out, "What baby? Is it a little squirrel?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"It's not a little squirrel, it's something Daddy likes."

The two little guys couldn't tell each other apart, each of them grabbed his father's hand and walked out while pulling him.

Chen Qing had no choice but to follow the two out of the study.

The place to go is not far away, just behind the study, here is a small garden, with a wide view and good light, the warm sunlight sprinkles on several plum trees and peach trees, Chen Qing likes the snow-white plum blossoms and the delicate peach blossoms very much , so I specially planted a few peaches and plums, which can be seen when the window is opened.

"it's here!"

The two little guys pointed to the open space in front of them, and said happily, "Mother said, this is Daddy's treasure!"

[I accidentally pulled out the fire thorn on the middle finger of my right hand, and I got paronychia. It happened to be the most important finger of my typing. It was very painful to type the keyboard. It took me a day to write two chapters. ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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