
Chapter 1095 Baby

Chapter 1095 Baby
Chen Qing was surprised to find that a plot of land had been flattened out under the back window of his study, about two cents of the land, covered with green seedlings, and so on!this is not.
Chen Qing suddenly recognized it. The seedlings that grew out turned out to be corn. The corn was so recognizable that he recognized it at a glance.

Chen Qing was indeed full of joy, squatting down to look at these seedlings carefully, the land was divided into two, and a lot was planted, and in autumn, the harvest would be great.

"Who planted this?" Chen Qing turned around and asked with a smile.

"It's Si Niang and Wu Niang!" Bing'er replied.

Si Niang and Wu Niang are Yu Ying and Yu Lian. When will they start farming?Chen Qing was very surprised. The two of them were from Fushi County. They left their hometown and entered the deep house compound since they were young. They never had the opportunity to farm.

"Siniang is here!"

The two little ladies ran over cheerfully, "Si Niang, we will help you water the water."

Seeing Yu Ying coming over with a bucket of water, Xueer quickly grabbed the ladle, scooped up a ladle of water and poured it on the young seedlings, while Binger jumped anxiously beside her, "It's my turn! It's my turn! I want it too!" Water."

She took the water ladle and scooped up half of it, 'Wow! ’ The ground was watered, but it didn’t reach the seedlings. She pouted and said, “This doesn’t count, you have to water it again!”

Yu Ying was a little helpless, the two little guys had to help every time, but it always ended up being a disservice.

"Aying, when did you know how to farm?" Chen Qing asked strangely.

"Ah! The officer is here, I didn't see it!"

Yu Ying was startled, Chen Qing was blocked by a plum tree, she didn't see it.

She hurried forward and said, "Actually, Mrs. Wen planted it. We are only responsible for watering it."

So that's what he said!When will Yu Ying and Yu Lian start farming.

"Is that all you planted?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"Madam said to plant a little less, too much will affect officials."

It's true, there is such a small garden in the back, and it doesn't make much sense if it is full of plants, and the two points are just right.

Just at this moment, 'Kang Dang! With a sound, Chen Qing turned his head, and it turned out that two young ladies were fighting for water, and knocked over the bucket, and the water flowed all over the floor, and their skirts were also wet.The two were stunned, neither of them said anything.

"You two, hey! You knocked over the bucket again, hurry up and change your skirt with me, your mother will see you, you will spank your ass."

Yu Ying smiled apologetically at Chen Qing, Chen Qing waved his hand with a smile, motioning for her to deal with it quickly, Yu Ying took the other with each hand, and took the two away, the two got into trouble, and forgot about her father right now up.

Chen Qing returned to the study, not long after, his wife Lu Xiu came in with a cup of tea, and said with a smile: "The two little guys are here to pester you again?"

"It's okay! They showed me the baby. I didn't know that the corn had grown."

"I knew they would definitely take you there. The two of them went to see Xiao Miao every day, thinking about taking Daddy to see the baby."

Chen Qing took out a document and asked with a smile, "What does it mean to spend [-] guan to buy a ship?"

"It was Chao Kun who came. He brought news that a sea merchant in Quanzhou was killed at sea. His son didn't want to be a sea merchant anymore, so he was going to sell his father's [-] thousand stone ships. There were many people who wanted to take them over. But the Quanzhou government used its official power to take over forcibly, and after negotiating a [-]-gun ship, the money may not be paid immediately, but we must be prepared, and Chao Kun will take it back.”

Chen Qing was overjoyed, "Has Chao Kun returned from the sea?"

"I heard that it seems that I went to sea and brought back some special products. Where is it in the husband's official room?"

"I'm going to the official room right now!" Chen Qing got up and said.

"Husband, it's almost noon, let's go in the afternoon!"

Chen Qing was very anxious, he knew that Chao Kun must have brought back what he wanted.

"I'll go and have a look first, and I'll eat when I come back."

Lu Xiu didn't persuade her anymore, she knew that her husband was not impatient, and today was abnormal, there must be some serious situation, so she quickly took the coat and put it on for her husband.

"Is your husband coming back for lunch?"

"Eat by yourself, don't wait for me."

After Chen Qing put on his coat, he hurried to his official room. He originally wanted to take a day off today, but due to special circumstances, he gave up.

Chen Qing soon came to the official residence, and everyone got up to salute him one after another. Chen Qing waved to Chao Qing, entered the official room, and Chao Qing followed.

"Your Highness, please give me instructions!"

"Has your brother Chao Kun come to Jingzhao?"

Chao Qing nodded, "He arrived at Jingzhao ten days ago, but today he heard that His Highness is resting, so he didn't come."

"What about the things he brought me? I mean Nanyang specialties."

Chao Qing hurriedly shouted at the door: "Yang Dazhi, you guys bring the three big boxes from the East Wing."

Everyone worked together and brought over several large boxes.

Everyone moved the big box, and the lid of the box was opened. Chen Qing saw a dozen big durians at a glance, which seemed to be ripe. Chen Qing smiled and said to Wei Ji: "This thing smells bad, but it tastes sweet. Take it Share a few for everyone to taste, put them in small plates, and tell them to hold their noses to eat."

Wei Ji picked up three of them and went out. Next to them were jackfruits, all of which were tropical fruits. Chen Qing opened another box, and inside was a box of small red fruits. He was suddenly surprised and delighted, this one was oil palm fruit!The king of oil, not only can be used, but also can be used to make soap, scented soap, and even candles, but he doesn't know how to do it, so the craftsmen can study it.

Chen Qing opened other boxes, which were basically all kinds of tropical fruits, such as bananas, mangoes, coconuts, dragon fruits, etc. They were probably bought when they were young, and they are a bit ripe now.

There was one last box left, Chen Qing opened the lid and was stunned for a moment, what did he see, a big yellow pumpkin, this really made him overjoyed!
At this time, Chao Qing reported at the door: "Your Highness, Chao Kun is here!"

"Hurry up and let him in!"

Chen Qing picked up the big pumpkin and put it on the desk. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. The key is that the variety of pumpkin is very good, huge in size, golden in color, and it is an old pumpkin. It can be planted in front of the house and behind the house, and the yield is also large. Find a dry pumpkin It can be stored in a suitable place for at least one year. In a disaster year, this is life-saving food!
With corn and now with pumpkins, even if there are no sweet potatoes for the time being, he is not worried.

At this time, Chao Kun walked in quickly, bowed and said, "See Your Highness!"

Chen Qing nodded and smiled, "Going to Nanyang has been hard work!"

"Ashamed of my humble position, I found too few things?"

"Already good!"

Chen Qing pointed to the pumpkin and asked, "Where did you find this pumpkin?"

"I don't know if this is called a pumpkin!"

"This is the name I gave it. The melons that grow in the south are called pumpkins."

Chao Kun quickly said: "The humble job is bought from the natives of Nanyang. They live on very distant islands. Pumpkins are their food. It is said that they are obtained from farther places, and they can't tell!"

Chen Qing nodded. Some of the natives of the island must have been to America and brought back pumpkins native to America. I don't know what else they brought back?
Chen Qing said to Chao Kun: "This pumpkin is very important, and it is of great significance to solve the famine. Next time you go to Nanyang, follow the clues of this pumpkin to see if you can find other crops?"

"Humble job understands!"

"What else did you find?"

"Beizhi also found some rice seeds that can be grown three times a year, but they need to be planted in the tropics. Beizhi didn't bring them, but planted them in Quanzhou. Let's see how they work."

"Not bad!"

Chen Qing praised: "What else?"

"There are still a few buckets of milk-like juice flowing out of the tree. I wanted to bring it, but it solidified into a hard block halfway. It's a pity."

Chen Qing immediately understood that it was rubber juice, which solidified after a long time at sea, and should be taken out and steamed, like steamed buns, it would turn into latex, which is the best material for making pillows and mattresses .

Chen Qing nodded, "About the agricultural products, I will explain to you in detail later. Tell me first, what happened to the twenty old sea-going ships?"

(End of this chapter)

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