
Chapter 1096 Pumpkin

Chapter 1096 Pumpkin
"Reporting to Your Highness, the sea merchant named Lin was one of the three sea merchants in Quanzhou. When he came back from Nanyang last year, he died in a shipwreck near Luzon.

The three sons quarreled over the property, and the lawsuit lasted for more than half a year. The three sons were unwilling to inherit their father's business, so they wanted to sell their father's boat shop, which mainly consisted of more than a dozen shops, five large warehouses and two Ten thousand stone ships.

Several sea merchants are interested in taking over, even the sea merchants from Guangzhou have come here. At present, more than a dozen shops have changed hands, and five large warehouses have also changed hands. Because the government has a lot of land to build warehouses, they did not buy warehouses.

However, I have seen the [-] Wanshi sea ships with my own eyes, and they are all [-]% to [-]% new good ships. I negotiated with the three brothers of the Lin family in the name of the Shipbuilding Department, and they are not allowed to sell their sea-going ships to others. Their asking price is There was a [-]-gun ship, and the humble job had already reduced to a [-]-gun boat, and the three of them had no choice but to agree, so the humble job came back and asked for money to be shipped over. "

"What is the market price of this sea-going ship?" Chen Qing asked.

"Reporting to Your Highness, there is a saying that this kind of lucky ship of ten thousand stones is always one stone. It takes five to eight years to build a new ship, and it takes ten thousand dollars for all kinds of labor, materials and profits for the ship merchant. Like The market price of their second-hand lucky boats is [-] guan. A Guangzhou sea merchant offered [-] guan for one. The problem now is that they have no choice but to sell it to the government, otherwise they will be confiscated. Therefore, the low-level counter-offer is [-] guan. One, they have to accept."

Chen Qing nodded. Although the government was more domineering in this matter, he still supported it. The Wanshifu ship is a strategic material. How can strategic materials be sold to businessmen?
At this time, seeing Jiang Yanxian and Zhou Kuan appearing at the door, Chen Qing nodded and smiled at Chao Kun: "I'm here for a while today, you go to have lunch first, and the [-] guan money will be awarded to you, and the twenty large ships Must take it!"

"Retire from humble position!"

Chao Kun saluted and stepped back.

Chen Qing waved to Jiang Yanxian and Zhou Kuan and said with a smile: "Take some of these Nanyang fruits back, and give them to your family members to taste!"

Jiang Yan smiled and shook his head, "Thank you, but I'm not very interested."

Zhou Kuan has a straight temper and a loud voice, "You, this fruit is so smelly, all your subordinates are disgusted by the smell, and they all ran away. There are several plates of fruit that no one touches, and you actually want to give it to us. I won't be fooled." !"

Chen Qing was stunned. He hurried to the door and looked into the lobby. Sure enough, there was no one there. The lobby was filled with a strong smell of durian. A plate of fruit pulp was placed on the table, but no one touched it.

Chen Qing smiled wryly and shook his head, he underestimated the lethality of durian, Song people are not used to it yet!
"What's the matter with you?" Chen Qing looked back.

"Your Highness hasn't eaten lunch yet! Let's have a drink together."

Chen Qing said happily: "Go to Taibai Restaurant, I'll treat you!"

The three of them took a carriage to Taibai Restaurant, which is the largest restaurant in Jingzhao, and the proprietor behind it is Jingzhaowei's family.

The three of them asked for an elegant room and ordered Taibaiqing, which is unique to the restaurant. It is a well-known sake in Jingzhao. It is known as the first wine in Jingzhao. Chen Qing and his family also like it. drink this wine.

Jiang Yan first poured wine for Chen Qing and Zhou Kuan, and said with a smile, "I heard that Your Highness experienced an interesting incident in Yuchi County."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Qing waved his hand, "This matter is over, don't mention it again!"

Jiang Yanxian and Zhou Kuan looked at each other and laughed, "Okay! Don't mention it, let's talk about other things. Your Highness feels that Henan Road has been captured for half a year. How has it changed there?"

"It will take five or six years to see what kind of changes will be compared with the Xuanhe years, but compared with half a year ago, the changes have been great, and a positive cycle has begun."

Zhou Kuan was puzzled and asked: "What is positive circulation? Can Your Highness explain it?"

"Positive circulation means to develop in a good direction. For example, businesses have opened up and started to hire a large number of assistants. With income, employees can buy daily necessities such as grain and oil. If they pay a little more, they can also have a drink. Yes. The demand for wine has increased. I have a deep experience in Yuchi County. The sales of wine are booming. With the purchasing power of the people, all kinds of goods will flow. Especially after I widen the Cai River, the river is very busy. There was a thriving scene.”

"So that's the case, that's a good thing! As long as the measures are effective, it will only take a few years to fully recover."

Chen Qing smiled and said: "It will take at least one generation to fully recover, and it needs population breeding. I just hope that after five or six years of development, the people on Henan Road will have food and clothing, and they will no longer be displaced. "

Jiang Yan raised his wine glass and asked, "I heard that His Highness is going to negotiate with the imperial court?"

Chen Qing understood, probably this is what they wanted to know, Chen Qing nodded, "I just expressed an intention to the court, the emperor wants to return to Bianliang, and I want to legally occupy the entire Jing South Road, both sides We all have needs, so we can sit down and talk, tomorrow! I will hold a meeting in the internal affairs hall to discuss this matter.

Since the matter will be discussed tomorrow, the two will not ask any more questions.

"Come on! I'll make a toast for us to win Jing South Road as soon as possible."

In the afternoon, Chen Qing brought the pumpkin home. He cut the pumpkin open and took out the pumpkin seeds inside. This is a treasure. He washed the pumpkin seeds carefully.

Aunt Wen, the housekeeper at the side, asked in surprise, "Master, what is this?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "This is called a pumpkin. It was brought from Nanyang. It is the only one in the world. It can be used as food in a disaster year. I plan to use melon seeds to grow it. The front and back of the house can be full."

"Is it the same as winter melon?"

Chen Qingxiao asked, "Has Madam ever planted wax gourds?"

Mrs. Wen nodded, "My old man knows how to plant. The wax gourd he planted when he was young was famous for hundreds of miles. Of course I will plant it too. Now that the weather is warm, it is just the time for planting, but the seeds need to be dried first, and then planted in the sun. Let it germinate in the warm house, and then plant it.”

Hearing that what she said was absolutely correct, Chen Qing couldn't help being overjoyed and said: "Pumpkins are planted the same way as winter melons, and they are planted behind my study. Just plant a few plants first, and let the melon vines climb the wall."

"The master will leave it to me, and I promise to handle it properly. In addition, there is one more thing that I would like to ask the master to agree to."

"It's behind the study room. It's very easy for Wangpan to dig a canal. Let the female guards dig it by hand, and then install a water truck by the lake. In this way, it will be much more convenient to plant corn and water it."

Chen Qing smiled and shook his head, "I only plant corn and pumpkins for this season in the back garden. If I succeed, I will promote the planting in a large number in the official fields outside the city. I will still plant flowers in the back garden, or plant something else. Water is inconvenient, so we can put two large water tanks under the wall and find two rough maids to fill them up at one time, so that’s all right? There’s no need to dig a special canal.”

Aunt Wen was stunned for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "I'm really confused, just put a few big water tanks, why dig ditches! I'll go and ask them to buy some."

"Ma'am, pack up the pumpkin seeds! I remember that there are more than a dozen water tanks in the treasury warehouse. They are all water tanks from the former Bianliang Palace. They are of high quality. I arranged for my soldiers to move them here."

"Okay, I'll pack the pumpkin seeds right now."

Mrs. Wen took away all the pumpkin seeds with a dustpan, and Chen Qing asked the maid to send the pumpkin to the kitchen, and asked the cook to cut it into pieces, steam it and send it with dinner.

For dinner that day, Chen Qing's family ate the first pumpkin in history, the steamed old pumpkin, which was extraordinarily sweet, and everyone was full of praise.

Chen Qing also sent his own soldiers to pack five servings in food boxes and send them to the residences of the five counselors, so that everyone can taste it together. In autumn, there will be a harvest.

(End of this chapter)

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