
Chapter 1097 Scheme

Chapter 1097 Scheme
In the morning of the next day, in the meeting hall of Chen Qing's study, Chen Qing asked his subordinates to hang up the map of the Central Plains and the map of Jingnan South Road, and he immediately summoned five counselors from the internal affairs hall to discuss the matter.

The five counselors had already received the notice and came one after another, Guan Shigu asked with a smile: "What kind of melon did His Highness give Weichen last night, have you never seen it before?"

Zhou Kuan gave a thumbs up and praised: "I really haven't seen it? The taste is very good, sweet and glutinous."

Chen Qing smiled and said to everyone: "I call it a pumpkin. Chao Kun brought it back from Nanyang, but there is no such kind of melon in Nanyang. There is only one in the world far away. You all tasted it last night. I have already planted it at home, and if it is successful, I will spread it out, the yield is large, it does not take up land, it can be used as a staple food, and it can save many lives in a disaster year."

Zhang Miao said with a smile: "Your Highness, I also like to grow vegetables at home, can you give me some seeds, I will try to grow them too."

"No problem, I'll wait for the housekeeper to pack up the seeds, and I'll bring some to everyone, try it out, plant it like wax gourd."

After chatting with everyone, Chen Qing clapped his hands and laughed, "Let's start!"

After everyone quieted down, Chen Qing said slowly: "Hu Yun got the exact news from Lin'an that one of the real purposes of the Son of Heaven's Northern Expedition was Lin'an. He wanted to capture Li Qiong and use Xuzhou, Suzhou, Pizhou, Haizhou and other four The state and I exchanged Bianliang, and everyone knows another purpose, which is to cut down the vassal and completely remove Han Shizhong's military power."

Jiang Yanxian was puzzled and said: "Bianliang City is just a small piece of land in Kaifeng Mansion. Even if they get Bianliang, how will they manage it? It's unrealistic!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I guess the emperor himself didn't think about this problem, or he took it for granted, thinking that I can allow him to cross the border at any time, but if I just give him Bianliang in name, so that he can get face, then I will Use this face to exchange lining with him, and take all the remaining seven or eight states on Jinghu South Road into the bag, and our border will be pushed to Ezhou in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, encircling Jinghu North Road, and annexing Jinghu North Road for the next step The foundation was laid."

Zhao Kai said: "So His Highness wants to take advantage of the emperor's eagerness for Bianliang, and give him Bianliang in name, in exchange for the remaining seven states on Jingnan South Road?"


Chen Qing said lightly: "Bianliang is the foundation of the emperor's ancestors. If he wants to explain to his ancestors, he must recover Bianliang. I understand his mentality very well."

Zhou Kuan sighed and said: "The Son of Heaven is not stupid at all, he is smart! The Kingdom of Jin once expressed that it would return the Central Plains to the Song Dynasty, but the court unanimously opposed it and refused to accept the Central Plains. The reason was that the financial burden was too heavy. The burden, in the end, we took over, and then the emperor wanted Bianliang, and at the same time, he didn’t have to bear the heavy financial pressure of Henan Road, so he was very shrewd in his planning!”

Everyone nodded, Zhou Kuan said it was right, it was indeed the case, Chen Qing said with a smile: "But the more this is the case, the more successful the conditions I put forward for Jingnan Road, anyway, Jingnan Road has already been controlled by us He can't even get a penny of finances and taxes, so why not be a favor, and he will also get the nominal ownership of Bianliang, I believe he will settle the account."

Jiang Yanxian asked: "How do you consider the title ownership of Your Highness?"

"I will give him two positions at most, Kaifeng prefect and Tokyo left-behind. Whether he sends people to Bianliang to serve is the same thing. These two are empty positions. The actual control is the prefect of Kaifeng prefecture appointed by me. In addition, the imperial court I can't garrison in Bianliang. Of course, I can also promise not to garrison in Bianliang. I will instead garrison in Chenliu. Without a garrison, staying in Tokyo is also a vain job. As my sincerity, I can return the palace and ancestral temple to him. There are also the tombs of the emperors of the Northern Song Dynasty, and they were handed over to him, and he promised so much, which is already enough to be benevolent and righteous."

These concessions did not involve the immediate interests of the Western Army, and no one had any objections. Jiang Yanxian asked, "Who does Your Highness plan to involve in the negotiations?"

Chen Qing said slowly: "I have already written a very detailed letter to Hu Yun, telling him what I want to achieve, as well as my bottom line concessions. He can negotiate with the imperial court on my behalf. It can be placed in Lin'an."

Zhang Miao, who has not made a statement, reminded: "Your Highness still needs to consider some details. For example, since the other party owns Bianliang in name, they will definitely restrict our presence in Bianliang. Some they may allow, such as the county government. I guess they will only allow the county government to exist, which is also understandable, since it belongs to them in name, but in name we can’t exist too much in Bianliang, just like Xuan Fushi’s government office, magistrate’s government office, and transfer envoy’s office , Defense Envoy, etc., has your Highness considered how to deal with it?"

"Does Counselor Zhang have any good suggestions?" Chen Qingxiao asked.

Zhang Miao bowed slightly and said: "The humble official has considered three plans. The first plan is a tough one. Maintain the status quo. At most, the commander's office will be moved to Chenliu to ensure that there will be no soldiers stationed in Bianliang, while the Xuanfu envoy and the magistrate's office will still be released. In Bianliang, they just don't interfere with Bianliang affairs.

The second plan is called a compromise plan, which is to limit the other party's reputation ownership to within the Bianliang city wall during the negotiation, but we can arrange the relevant government office outside the city, so that it has nothing to do with the other party.

The third plan is a compromise plan. The magistrate and command envoy move to Chenliu County, and the appeasement envoy moves to Luoyang. Your Highness can consider these three plans. "

Chen Qing nodded, "The first plan is too strong, the third compromise plan is too weak, they are all different, but the second compromise plan is very clever, changing the soup without changing the medicine, and restricting the other party's nominal ownership within the county seat , This idea is very good, do you have any comments?"

Guan Shigu said with a smile: "Your Highness, the county government must have soldiers from the countryside. It is necessary to maintain law and order! You don't need too many people. It is enough to select [-] elites from the scout battalion. Appoint a commander as a county lieutenant to directly command the [-] villages. Soldiers."

Chen Qing said happily: "It's a very good plan, and I support it very much!"

The final plan was finalized after everyone said something to each other. Chen Qing immediately ordered a team of cavalry to ride three horses and send the finalized plan to Lin'an in an expedited way of [-] li.

After the discussion was over, everyone went back separately, Chen Qing stopped Jiang Yanxian, he still had something to discuss with Jiang Yanxian.

In the official room, Chen Qing asked Jiang Yan to sit down first, and asked with a smile: "The imperial examination will be held in ten days, is the examiner confirmed?"

Jiang Yanxian replied: "The princess recommended Lu Cunyi, a doctor of Taixue, as the examiner, and the internal affairs hall voted unanimously. At present, Lu Cunyi and many examiners are isolated in the examination institute. The examination questions are the ones determined by His Highness last time."

Chen Qing nodded, took out a note and handed it to Jiang Yanxian, Jiang Yanxian opened the note, on it was written the words 'Bianliang Yushou', he couldn't help but startled, "Your Highness, what is the meaning of this?"

"This person is Xu Xiantu's third son. According to the political conditions I have reached with Xu Xiantu, we will admit his third son as a Jinshi. The ranking can be a little lower, but he must be admitted, no matter how he is in the exam, and then he will be sent to the public. Yuchi County in Kaifeng Prefecture is the county captain, and this is also the condition for me to agree to Xu Xiantu."

"I understand, I will definitely arrange it properly!" Jiang Yan bowed first and left.

While Chen Qing was meditating, someone came to report, "Your Highness, Chao Kun is begging to see you!"

"Let him in!"

Not long after, Chao Kun walked in quickly, bowed and saluted, "See Your Highness for the humble position!"

"When are you going back to Quanzhou?"

"Beizhi is leaving tomorrow morning. Zhang Dujian said that I will issue an [-]-guan counter ticket for [-] guan from Chengdu Baoji Counter, and then Baoji Counter will be responsible for cashing in Quanzhou. All cash will be paid within two months." complete."

"Very well, this is safer than carrying [-] copper coins on the road."

After a pause, Chen Qing said: "There are a few things I want to tell you. You must go to Nanyang again this summer to implement some of my ideas."

As he said that, Chen Qing handed him a letter, and told him: "The letter is confidential, keep it!"

Chao Kun took over the channel: "You must be cautious in humble positions!"

(End of this chapter)

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