
Chapter 1100 Imperial Examination

Chapter 1100 Imperial Examination
Negotiations continued, but the next day's negotiations reached a deadlock because Qin Hui reminded the emperor that half of Jiangling's mansion was on the north bank of the Yangtze River and half on the south bank of the Yangtze River.

Emperor Zhao Gou listened to Qin Hui's suggestion and asked to change the demarcation plan. The two sides took the Yangtze River as the boundary. Jiangling Mansion on the north bank of the Yangtze River did not belong to Jinghu South Road, but to Jinghu North Road.

Of course, Hu Yun refused to agree to this demarcation plan. The Jiangling Mansion and other six state capitals were allocated to the Yongwang Mansion as early as the year before last, so they were not within the scope of this negotiation at all.

Moreover, the core of Jiangling Mansion is on the north bank, the population, the government, etc. are all on the north bank, and the command post of the Yangtze River Navy of the Western Army is also on the north bank, investing hundreds of thousands of dollars to build the docks and shipyards on the north bank.

How could it be possible to give up the north bank of Jiangling Mansion to the other party?

Qin Hui also proposed to use the north bank of Jiangling Mansion in exchange for the right to garrison Bianliang, but Hu Yun flatly vetoed it. How could Hu Yun agree to the chips created out of thin air?

Qin Hui's unreasonable conditions brought the negotiations to a deadlock.

Although the negotiations in Lin'an had reached an impasse, it did not affect Chen Qing's plan at all. In the past two days, the imperial examination began to kick off.

The imperial examinations are still held in the barracks outside Dongcheng, mainly due to the large number of people. Nearly [-] people participated in this year's imperial examinations, especially the Ming Jing Division, with [-] candidates and [-] Jinshi Division. There are [-] people applying for the engineering and computing department.

At five o'clock, Yu Shou was awakened by a burst of reciting. He didn't even need to listen to him to know that Xu Pei was reciting. Yu Shou couldn't help but secretly shook his head. The imperial examination started today, and he's just cramming now. Is it useful?

Although he could understand that an old civil servant like Xu Pei had long forgotten all the scriptures learned by Zhou Xuexue, he didn't sympathize with Xu Pei at all. He didn't hurry up at all, and went to see the female shopkeeper all day long, looking for various reasons to strike up a conversation, but she ignored him, and he didn't know what to do, so he went to eat soup cakes every day.

All the time and energy were wasted on an irrelevant woman. Others were civil servants who came to take the exam and were not familiar with the scriptures, but they didn’t leave the house. Staying up late to endorse, people can not sympathize with him.

Drowsy, Yu Shou fell asleep again. He was finally awakened by a loud noise. The shopkeeper was calling the room, "It's time to get up, wash up and go have breakfast, the carriage doesn't wait for anyone, get up!"

The scholars got up one after another, and Yu Shou put on his clothes. Seeing Xu Pei sitting on the bedside with his head downcast, he couldn't persuade him, so he said, "Brother Xu, there are so many people, I'll go wash up first."

"Go! I've washed it."

Yu Shou went out with a basin, the well was crowded with people, Yu Shou fetched a basin of water with great difficulty, washed up carelessly, and then went back, Wang Pu brought breakfast, a dozen steamed buns and three bowls of porridge, "Dining hall We can’t sit down anymore, let’s eat quickly and go to the examination room early to get used to it.”

Xu Pei was very silent. After dinner, the three of them set off. There were several carriages parked at the entrance of the inn, which were already full of scholars.

"This way! This way!"

The man greeted the three of them, "There are three people missing here, get in the car and leave!"

The three of them got into the carriage, the carriage started, and they sped away
There are already huge crowds of people in front of the exam camp. Tens of thousands of candidates are queuing to enter the city. The camp is divided into three exam rooms, A, B, and C. They are the examination room for Jinshi, Mingjing, and Engineering. Their exam papers are clearly written. The three red lanterns are the examination room for A, Jinshi, the two yellow lanterns are the examination room for B, Mingjing, and the one white lantern is the examination room for C, engineering and computing.

"Brothers, we are breaking up right here. I hope we both pass the exam!" Xu Pei, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

"Brother Xu, I wish you high school too!"

The three broke up and left. Yu Shou searched his body and entered the examination room A. A soldier led him to the big tent. Not long after, Yu Shou sat down in front of his seat. A soldier brought him a pen, ink and inkstone, and A cup of clear water was brought, and the name should be pasted at the end. This is also a summary of the previous lessons. Many scholars were impatient and paste their names before the ink was dry. As a result, the name became a ball of ink, and the opportunity was lost. It is stipulated that during the lunch break of the exam, the examiner will send the name slip and paste.

When the time was up, there was a rumbling drum outside, and the gate of the examination room was closed.

In this imperial examination, the Jinshi scientific examination took three days. The first day was posting scriptures and literature, the second day was papers, and the third day was countermeasures. Only ten questions were tested for posting scriptures. Door hidden calligraphy.

There are three subjects in the Mingjing examination, literature, essays, and pasting. Among them, posting is the most important thing. There are [-] questions in the test, and you have to write non-stop for a whole day. , Calligraphy accounts for [-]%.

The exams of engineering and computing are more interesting. They also have three subjects: literature, pasting scriptures, and miscellaneous items. , For example, you may ask, "The sound of firecrackers eliminates the year, and the spring breeze brings warmth into Tusu." What is the title of this poem and who is the author?
After the second bell rang, the test papers were handed out, and the questions were printed on the test papers. The first morning of Jinshi’s examination was to post scriptures. There were ten questions, and it took about [-] words to write silently. Time was also very tight, so Yu Shou quickly browsed Going over the questions, he knew all these questions, and he probably had confidence in his heart. He wrote down his name and test number with a pen, and wrote the roll number at the bottom. The roll number is mainly for the invigilator. Exam papers are grouped together.

It was very quiet in the big tent, only the rustling sound of the examinees could be heard, and each examinee paid full attention, trying not to write wrong words, as alterations would affect the calligraphy score.

The invigilators paced back and forth in the big tent. They did not speak, which did not affect the performance of the candidates.

At this time, after an hour, the examiner went out, and quickly brought in another person. There were two people patrolling in the big tent, one was the examiner of the account, and the other didn't know it. Everyone thought it was the inspector of the examination room.

An examiner stopped behind Yu Shou and silently watched Yu Shou posted the scriptures. Yu Shou was concentrating on silently writing the scriptures without noticing that there was a person standing behind him.

The examiner looked at it for a while, then nodded and left, and the invigilator hurriedly sent him out.

This examiner was naturally Chen Qing who came to inspect the imperial examination. This was the third tent he inspected. Standing casually behind Yu Shou, in anyone's eyes, it was just a coincidence.

Chen Qing is about to go to the fourth big tent, and every big tent will have lucky people who will be followed by him, but it doesn't make sense, after the name is blurred, no one knows who it is?
Chen Qing is actually concerned about Yu Shou, Xu Xiantu's third son. This is a political deal between him and Xu Xiantu. Currently, only he, Hu Yun, and Jiang Yanxian know that Yu Shou is Xu Xiantu's nomination certificate. With Yu Shou serving in Sichuan and Shaanxi, Even Xu Xiantu has a place in Prince Yong's Mansion.

Judging from the current situation, Yu Shou did well in the exam, and his calligraphy is also good. It can be seen that he has been taught by a famous teacher, and he can write in regular script like flowing water. As long as he can write well, he can still stand out.

(End of this chapter)

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