
Chapter 1101 Confidence

Chapter 1101 Confidence
Time passed quickly, in the afternoon, the first day of the exam was over, the first day was the basic skills, everyone thought it was good, especially the posting of Ming Jing and the miscellaneous of engineering and computing were taken on the last day. It's their big head.

Today's literature questions are the same, take "Rain" as the topic, and make a poem or a poem. The poem requires four sentences and seven character poems, and the poem requires the "Butterfly Love Flower" lyrics.

The three of them gathered at the meeting point. Yu Shou saw that Xu Pei was in high spirits, and he completely lost the depression in the morning, so he smiled and said, "It seems that brother Xu did well in the exam!"

Xu Pei lowered his voice and laughed: "To tell you the truth, I won this literary question. I wrote several "Butterfly Love Flowers" with the theme of rain, and I handed them over to Jianzhou Daru for comment. He chose the best one. One of his poems says that although it is about rain, it is actually about people's moods in different rainy days."

Yu Shou nodded, he was a little level, that's what he really meant. When writing about rain, it's not the rain, but the people.

"Where's Wang Pu?" Yu Shou looked around and asked.

"Here!" Wang Pu rushed over excitedly, and it seemed that he did well in the exam.

"I'm hungry, where should we go for dinner?"

"Of course, go to Jiang Laosan's Soup and Cake Shop!" Xu Pei didn't hide his thoughts.

The three looked at each other and laughed together.

But today the proprietress of the soup and cake shop is absent, so her mother-in-law will serve the dinner instead.

In the afternoon, Chao Qing presented Chen Qing with a copy of the pigeon letter, which was sent by Hu Yun from Lin'an. Chen Qing looked at the pigeon letter and ordered, "Go and invite Counselor Jiang!"

Chao Qing hurried away, and not long after, Jiang Yan walked into Chen Qing's official room, "See Your Highness!"

"Counselor Jiang, please sit down!"

Jiang Yanxian didn't know what King Yong wanted from him, so he sat down on the chair next to him, and Chen Qing handed him the pigeon letter, "I just received it!"

Jiang Yan first took a look at the copy, frowned and said, "What does Qin Hui mean? Dividing Jiangling Mansion into two, what's the point of such a negotiation?"

Chen Qing said coldly: "I think I am too kind to them, but I am shameless for giving them face. I have to slap them a few times before they wake up."

"What is your Highness going to do?"

"I would like to ask Counselor Jiang to issue an ultimatum to the state capitals on South Jingnan Road in the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Even if I will visit Sichuan Road at the end of this month and early next month, I can meet them. If I have time, I can go to Chengdu to meet them."

Jiang Yanxian immediately understood that King Yong was planning to forcibly seize South Jingnan Road, and the state officials who came to Chengdu were willing to pledge their allegiance, and those who refused to come had their heart towards the imperial court, and they would be expelled without hesitation.

Jiang Yanxian nodded, "I understand, I will issue an urgent letter tomorrow!"

Chen Qing pondered for a moment, then ordered Yang Zaixing to deploy [-] soldiers in Dengzhou, and at the same time ordered Liu Qiong to lead an army of [-] troops to go south to Chengdu. Two military orders were issued, and Chen Qing began to deploy.

In the blink of an eye, the imperial examination is on the third day, which is the last day. Today is also the most important exam. The Jinshi department will test countermeasures, the Mingjing department will test posting scriptures, and the engineering and computing department will test miscellaneous items.

Today's three exams each account for [-]% of the marks. Whether you can pass the imperial examination depends on your performance today.

Everyone was very nervous, Xu Pei's eyes were red because he stayed up all night last night, desperately reciting books and betting questions, which affected Yu Shou and Wang Pu's sleep. Although they were both very dissatisfied, they couldn't say anything.

Fortunately, most of the scholars were very nervous last night, and it was difficult to fall asleep. Everyone did not sleep well, so that everyone was listless and took a nap in the carriage.

Xu Pei was in high spirits, his hair was disheveled, and he sat in the carriage with his mouth pursed and said nothing, his expression highly nervous.

"Today must be a success!"

Jumping off the carriage, Xu Pei suddenly waved his arms and roared, waking up the sleepy scholars, and everyone quickly cheered up.

"You two brothers, see you in the afternoon!"

Xu Pei waved his hand vigorously, turned around and left with a rather tragic expression
Yu Shou and Wang Pu looked at each other and shook their heads secretly, they really didn't like Xu Pei.

"It might be difficult for him to go home!" Wang Pu asked in a low voice.


"He cried for a long time in the middle of the night last night, and slapped himself, saying that he was ashamed to go home to see his wife, and he failed her expectations."

Yu Shou sighed and said, "Actually, I don't blame him. He has been a civil servant for ten years, and he has forgotten all about it. If he is tested in the county government, he must have no problem."

Speaking of this, Yu Shou's heart suddenly moved. Xu Pei is actually a very good helper.

"It's almost time, let's go!"

Yu Shou didn't have time to think about it, so he broke up with Wang Pu and followed the crowd into the examination room
Today's Jinshi subject is about strategy theory, and when the test papers were handed out, Yu Shou glanced at the topic nervously, and couldn't help being startled, this topic.
"Strategies for Revitalizing Bianliang", his father told him about this topic!He also specially taught him how to write this article, analyzed it from all aspects, and talked about it all night. He was always confused. Why did his father teach him this?

Only now did Yu Shou realize that his father knew about the imperial examination questions a long time ago, so he specially taught him how to write this countermeasure.

Yu Shou's heart thumped, the deal between his father and King Yong was true, he was guaranteed a Jinshi, and he was appointed as an official in his hometown Yuchi County.

He restrained his mind and wrote with a pen: "The rise and fall of Bianliang is a general trend, and it cannot be changed by manpower."

Other examinees are racking their brains to figure out how to develop Bianliang's advantages, such as opening canals, promoting trade, etc., but Yu Shou sees it more clearly. Kaiming Zongyi wrote that Bianliang cannot prosper again. It is prospered because of the establishment of the capital, and at the same time it will also decline due to the abolition of the capital. This is the general trend. It is impossible to have the prosperity of the Xuanhe period. The decline of Bianliang is inevitable.

Of course, decline is also relative. Compared with the rule of the Jin Dynasty, as long as it is cultivated, it will gradually improve, and the lives of the people will also improve, but this is not revitalization, but recovery after extreme weakness.

When it returns to the normal Kaifeng government level, its recovery will slowly stagnate. If Henan Road Shangshuxingtai is placed in Bianliang instead of Luoyang, then the recovery of Bianliang will rise until it reaches the level of prosperity Match its political status, and its recovery stops.

The country has the great prosperity of the capital, the prosperity of all the roads, and the vitality of the government. If we spare no effort to allocate resources just for its revitalization, it will eventually lead to a lot of waste of resources. Therefore, the revitalization of Bianliang must have a sober First, a clear plan, then appropriate support, and finally let it make blood by itself, and let it recover step by step by its own ability.

Yu Shou wrote [-] words in one breath, basically following his father's rhetoric.

For the first time, he had confidence in passing the imperial examination.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" The bell finally rang for the end of the exam. As batches of candidates appeared on the stage, there were some who were happy, but most of them were frustrated and sad.

The Jinshi department still can't see it. After all, everyone can write countermeasures, it's just a matter of level. Besides, everyone thinks that they write well, so most of the candidates for the Jinshi department look relaxed, talking and laughing.

However, Ming Jing and Engineering Computing are full of joys and sorrows. There is no level of level in their exams, only right and wrong.

When Yu Shou saw Xu Pei, he was like a defeated rooster, with a dull expression and lost his mind.

"Brother Xu!"

Yu Shou stepped forward and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!"

Xu Pei smiled wryly and said, "Basically, I have memorized the topics and finished writing them all, but I don't know if they are right."

"That should be good! Go back and look through the book to know if you are right."

Xu Pei shook his head, "The problem is, I have forgotten what I wrote silently. There are too many questions. I have taken fifty questions in the exam. I don't have time to think about it, and I don't have time to check it. I can only resign myself to fate."

Wang Pu who just ran over said with a smile: "Brother Xu, your luck has always been good!"

Xu Pei grinned, "Trust the two brothers for auspicious words, I believe I must have good luck, let's go! Go eat soup cakes, I'll treat you."

Yu Shou and Wang Pu looked at each other, and said in unison: "Let's switch!"

(End of this chapter)

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