
Chapter 1102 Deadlock

Chapter 1102 Deadlock
In Lin'an, the negotiations between the two sides have been stalled for ten days because they have reached an impasse. Neither side is willing to make concessions, so the negotiations have been shelved.

But there are always people who can't hold their breath first, and the emperor Zhao Gou is one of them. Of course he wants to get Bianliang, and he also wants to get it in his dreams. Even if it is only a nominal possession, he will be happy and encouraged.

Maybe after negotiation, he can still control power buildings such as the imperial palace, ancestral temple, altar or imperial mausoleum. In this way, he still actually controls the part of Bianliang as the capital.

Of course Zhao Gou is not stupid, he is smart enough, as long as the imperial power of Bianliang is controlled, the other part is a bigger county, and he is not interested at all.

But Qin Hui is also right. Chen Qing expanded the scope of Jinghu South Road. The strict Jinghu South Road is limited to Tan, Heng, Dao, Yong, Shao, Chen, Quanzhou and other seven states, as well as Wugang Army and Guiyang Supervisor. .

However, Chen Qing included Jianglingfu, Yuezhou, Ezhou, Dingzhou, Yuanzhou, Jingzhou, and Lizhou, which originally belonged to Jingbei North Road. Formed a siege, a great threat.

Not only Qin Hui could not tolerate it as a prime minister, but Zhao Gou, as the emperor, also found it difficult for him to accept it.

But the fish wants what I want, and the bear's paw also wants what I want. Zhao Gou didn't want to make too many concessions on Jingnan South Road, but also wanted to have substantial gains in Bianliang, so he could only put pressure on his subordinates.

Xu Xiantu bowed and said: "Your Majesty, Jinghu South Road is too far away from us, and it is too close to Sichuan and Shaanxi. Chen Qing has actually controlled Jinghu South Road by suppressing bandits and salt dealers. Now he is negotiating with us and only wants to It's just a name."


Zhao Gou was dissatisfied and said, "All the officials on Jingnan South Road were appointed by me. Could it be that they all betrayed me?"

Qin Hui also said beside him: "Xu Xianggong is a bit exaggerated. How can Jinghu South Road be so easy to control? If the name is not right and the words are not right, it is meaningless to just take it by force. People yearn for the court. It was fully reflected in the chaos with Liu Guangshi, Your Majesty, the reason is very simple, if it is forcibly occupied, why should Chen Qing negotiate with us? It was he who first proposed the negotiation!"

Qin Hui's words were very pleasing to the ear, and they were completely in Zhao Gou's heart. He nodded happily and said, "Mr.

Xu Xiantu said helplessly: "We think so, but the other party doesn't think so. They have stopped negotiating. Hu Yun simply can't find anyone, and the minister can't do anything."

Qin Hui sneered, "This is just the negotiating skills of the other party. It is they who want to negotiate, not us who want to negotiate. It is their purpose, not ours. They want the title of Jinghu South Road, but they only give us one." Bianliang is empty, and even the appointed officials can only stay in Lin'an. They are too bullying the court. If they don't want to talk, they will freeze. If they have the ability, they will send troops to directly occupy Suzhou and Pizhou. Since he calls himself Song Chen, I want to see if he dares to use force against the imperial court against the disgrace of the world?"

"Then, may I ask Mr. Qin, what should we do if the other party ignores us?" Xu Xiantu was really dissatisfied.

Qin Hui shook his head, "Can't Xu Xiangguo figure it out? Our reaction has completely exceeded Hu Yun's authority and Chen Qing's plan in advance. Of course Hu Yun has to report to Chen Qing, but such a complicated situation is not Ge Xin can make it clear that he will definitely send someone back to Jingzhao to report. This has been going on for at least a month and a half, and Hu Yun doesn't know what to do now? He can only hide from us. Once Chen Qing's reply comes , he will definitely take the initiative to come to us, the negotiation is like this, you have to wait patiently, you have to deal with it calmly, you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry.”

Xu Xiantu sighed, "Since Xianggong Qin said so, there is nothing I can do."

Xu Xiantu bowed to Zhao Gou again, "Your Majesty, I am not capable enough to solve your majesty's worries and problems. I request to withdraw from the negotiation!"

Zhao Gou looked at Xu Xiantu for a while, then nodded, "Xu Aiqing went to Huaixi for me, and went to reward Zhang Jun's army for me, so I can learn more about the situation, do you understand what I mean?"

"Wei Chen understands!"

Of course Xu Xiantu understood that the officials had asked him to take over Zhang Jun who cut down the vassal. If nothing else happened, it should be Qin Hui who took over and presided over the negotiations.

Xu Xiantu resigned, and Zhao Gou immediately said to Qin Hui: "Qin Xiangguo and Zhao Yan have a good talk, understand the current situation of the negotiation, and then formulate our corresponding countermeasures. I can't always make concessions and let the other party make progress. Sometimes, a little Toughness can actually soften the opponent."

"Your Majesty's words of gold and jade, I will remember!"

In Xinfeng Teahouse, Hu Yun was drinking afternoon tea with Wang Mu. Speaking of negotiation, Hu Yun sneered and said, "Zhao Yan came to me this morning and said that the leader of the negotiation has been replaced by Qin Hui. Is there any possibility of bridging interests?"

"Did Brother Xian agree?"

"How do I agree? I asked him if there was any change in the plan they proposed before? He said there was no change. Since there is no change, what is there to talk about?"

Wang Mu took a sip of his tea and asked with a smile, "I don't quite understand what their demands are? So that the negotiation cannot proceed?"

"They didn't have any demands at all, and they completely followed our thinking. Their little demands were nothing more than to actually control the palace, ancestral temple, and altars in Bianliang. It could be over, but Qin Hui came in to disrupt the situation. He first proposed to use the Yangtze River as the boundary and take away most of Jiangling Mansion, and then proposed that Ezhou was not included in the negotiation. I was dumbfounded at the time, Jiangling Mansion and Ezhou were not there As part of the negotiations, when King Yong visited Lin'an the year before last, he had allocated the five prefectures on South Jingnan Road and Quanzhou on Fujian Road to us, and the late emperor wrote the abdication edict. Now they are going to tear up the agreement and refuse to accept it? How can you talk about it?"

Hu Yun became more and more annoyed as he spoke, Wang Mu quickly smiled and waved his hands to calm him down, "The initiative is in your hands, if you think it's unreasonable, just leave them alone."

Hu Yun nodded, "I have already reported to King Yong, and I am still waiting for King Yong's reply. Brother Shaofu, how do you think King Yong will respond?"

Wang Mu pondered for a while and said, "I guess King Yong will forcibly annex South Jing South Road, and then put pressure on Jiang Jing North Road, forcing the court to return to the negotiating table and accept his previous plan."

Hu Yun sighed, "It's entirely possible what you said, hey! Your Highness still values ​​fame!"

Wang Mu smiled slightly: "Of course fame is very important. After all, the Song Dynasty is still orthodox, and the rule of the Song Dynasty is far from the point of resentment. We are not aliens, and we cannot use the Jurchens to seize the country. , the best way is to follow the example of the Song Dynasty and replace the Hou Zhou, and use the method of abdication, and everyone will accept it."

"That's right! You must be patient and eat away step by step. In the end, only the Lin'an domain is left in the court. Who will recognize it?"

"That's why it's very important to be right and sound. After all, the Jinghu South Road was not taken from the Jurchen, so the court voluntarily agreed to confer it under the jurisdiction of Prince Yong's Mansion."

Hu Yun pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "I know, just two words, patience!"

(End of this chapter)

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