
Chapter 1103

Chapter 1103
The time to publish the list finally came. At noon, the gate of the inn was crowded with scholars anxiously waiting for the newspaper.

Since the last imperial examination, the "Beijing News" has also participated in publishing the rankings, and it is the first to publish the rankings, and then it will publish the rankings in the square outside the examination house in the afternoon, so as to avoid large-scale crowding and prevent stampede accidents.

The three of Yu Shou were also standing at the door. Like everyone else, they stretched their necks, looking at the end of the road, there would be children selling newspapers running towards them.


The sound of firecrackers sounded in the distance, which meant that someone had read the newspaper and started to celebrate.

The crowd became more eager and commotioned uneasily, and suddenly someone shouted: "Come! Come!"

I saw two children running over from the street, holding newspapers in their hands, and faintly heard them yelling: "The imperial examination results are released! The latest news!"

Two passers-by stopped the children from buying newspapers, and the scholars immediately panicked and rushed forward, surrounding the two newsboys. In a short while, all the newspapers in their hands were sold out.

Wang Pu was lucky, he bought a newspaper, and Yu Shou and Xu Pei rushed to read it together.

Except for the first page, today's newspapers are used to publish the admission list. The second page is Jinshi, the third page is Ming Jingshi, and the third page is Taixue admission.

Yu Shou was extremely nervous, trembling slightly while holding the newspaper in his hand. The Jinshi Division only admitted [-] people, and his name was not seen in front of him. Suddenly, he saw it, the [-]st Yu Shou from Bianliang County, he Trembling with excitement, tears flowed down involuntarily.

"I passed the exam!" Wang Pu shouted suddenly, jumping up excitedly.

"Forty-eighth place! I got the forty-eighth place!"

The engineering and computing subjects were not easy to take. More than [-] people applied for the exam, but only [-] people were admitted, and an average of [-] in [-] people was admitted.

Wang Pu grabbed Yu Shou's arm and asked excitedly, "How are you, did you pass the exam?"

Yu Shou nodded lightly, "No. [-]!"

Wang Pu gave a thumbs up, "You are too good, much better than me, Jinshi Division!"

Yu Shou gave him a wink and pouted to the side. Wang Pu noticed Xu Pei. He was squatting on the ground looking at the list, looking very lonely. He had searched for three times, but he still couldn't find his name. Needless to say , he lost his name to Sun Shan.

Yu Shou knelt down and persuaded him, "Only [-] of [-] applicants will be accepted. It's too difficult. It's even harder than Jinshi. It's normal not to pass the exam. Brother Xu, don't be sad."

Wang Pu also persuaded: "Brother Xu, don't be sad. It seems that no one in the entire inn passed the exam. Everyone is very silent."

Xu Pei smiled wryly and said: "It's normal for me to fail the exam, but it's not normal for me to pass the exam. I lost the scriptures for ten years and only picked them up again half a year ago. I spent three days fishing and two days drying the net. In fact, I didn't give them to you." To be honest, I only did half of the [-] questions, and the other half was empty. I hoped that others would do worse in the exam. Now that I think about it, it’s really naive.”

"It's good to see it!"

"I can see it! At worst, I will take the exam next year."

Xu Pei stood up and sighed: "It's just a pity that I didn't seize the opportunity of this year's prison officer. This is fate!"

Xu Pei patted Wang Pu's shoulder again and said with a smile, "Congratulations, brother, for passing the exam. Go to Sanxian Restaurant for a drink. You want to treat me!"

Wang Pu scratched his head in embarrassment, "I'm not the one who should treat you?"

Xu Pei was taken aback, and stared at Yu Shou with wide eyes, "Has Yu Shou passed the Jinshi exam?"

Yu Shou smiled and said, "It's not bad luck, the seventy-first place."

Xu Pei opened his mouth wide in shock, "My brother is amazing! He actually passed the Jinshi exam and is about to become an official. You have to support me!"

Yu Shou smiled slightly and said, "Maybe I really have this chance."

At this time, the shopkeeper asked loudly: "Is there anyone who passed the exam? Did they pass the exam?"

Xu Pei immediately raised his hand and said, "Yes! Yes! Some of us have passed the exam, and my brother has passed the Jinshi exam."

There was an uproar in front of the inn, and countless pairs of envious eyes came to see that someone actually passed the Jinshi exam, which is amazing.

The shopkeeper ran over and asked, "Who is the Jinshi?"

Xu Pei pointed at Yu Shou, "My brother passed the Jinshi examination."

The shopkeeper clasped his fists and said with a smile on his face: "Just now there is a notice that tomorrow morning at the exact hour, all the scholars who have passed the exam will gather at the entrance of the examination institute. In addition, I kindly ask Jin Shilang to write a letter for the shop. According to the rules of the shop, your residence Store money is free."

"Thank you, shopkeeper, for telling me, let's go to lunch first, and then write to the shopkeeper when we come back."

"Ok, Ok!"

The three of them walked towards the Sanxian Restaurant diagonally opposite.

Yu Shou ordered three pots of sake, and ordered a dozen dishes. The three of them toasted and drank it all in one gulp. At this moment, Xu Pei had something on his mind.

After drinking another five or six glasses of wine and eating two braised pig's trotters, Xu Pei asked through the alcohol, "Is my brother planning to stay in Jingzhao, or do you want to be sent abroad?"

Yu Shou said with a smile: "To tell you the truth, my family has some favors in Jingzhao Mansion. If I pass the exam, there will be a high probability that my relationship will be released."

Xu Pei nodded, "As far as I know, it's more difficult to stay in Jingzhao, so you don't need to ask for connections when you release it outside."

"The main reason is that I want to go back to my hometown. Although I don't necessarily want to go back to Bianliang, it's good to go back to Kaifeng Mansion. I still need to find connections."

Xu Pei pretended to be casual and asked with a smile: "If my brother is short of men, do you want to take me there too?"

Wang Pu laughed jokingly and said: "This is a good way. When the old and new officials take office, they must need capable confidantes, otherwise they will be squeezed out. Brother Xu has been a civil servant for ten years and has rich experience. "

Yu Shou smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem, it depends on whether Brother Xu is willing to move to Kaifeng Mansion?"

"What's wrong, my son is only five years old, and my daughter is even younger, so I went with my wife and children."

After a pause, Xu Pei hesitated, "How can I find my younger brother then?"

"Brother Xu, in two days, I guess I will have definite news the day after tomorrow."

Xu Pei was overjoyed, raised his glass and said, "Come on! I toast you both, and wish you a bright future!"

The next day is the busiest day for those who passed the exam. A total of [-] Jinshi, Mingjing scholars, and Taixue scholars went to the Confucian Temple to pay homage to Confucius, and then rode horses in red. .

Immediately afterwards, a banquet was held in the newly completed Taixue, and Chen Qing personally hosted a banquet for more than [-] new subject candidates. At this time, Jinshi, Mingjing scholars and Taixue scholars are all equal.

On the third day, the fate of the candidates on the three subjects began to diverge. Jinshi went to the Ministry of Officials, and Mingjing scholars could go home with a letter of recommendation from civil servants. They would report to their respective state capitals, and then Arranged by the state government to serve in various counties, usually as Liucao, if you have more than five years of seniority as a civil servant, you can be appointed as a secretary.

The state government must report the arrangement of Mingjing scholars to the Department of Officials for review, and the Department of Officials will conduct spot checks.

As for Tai Xueshi, they will go to Taixue Journal for four years of professional study. After their studies are completed and they pass the assessment, the Department of Officials will arrange them to be professional officials.

The seventy jinshi were the meat and potatoes of the divisions. According to the rules, the two sides selected each other. The [-] new jinshi sat in the lobby. The official deployment department ordered Zhang Yanming to send them each a list. The list is the number of places for important people in each government office, and the Jinshi are allowed to choose first. If there are several people competing for a place, then the government office will interview and select the best.

The most popular one is of course King Yong's Secretary's Office, which is the office that serves Chen Qing. Generally, after the four-year term ends, he can go to a local county to serve as a county magistrate. He has connections in the court and senior officials in the local area, and the future is indeed bright.

However, the Secretariat only selects two people from the top ten, and if the top ten want to go, they must go for an interview. The next most popular is Zhou Kuan's Department of Officials, followed by Jiang Yanxian's Department of Political Affairs.

Of the [-] people, [-] will stay in Jingzhao, and then [-] will be sent out. The main reason is that they are inexperienced, nerds, and unable to take on the important task of governing the region.

Everyone was concentrating on their choices. At this moment, an official from the Ministry of Civil Affairs walked up to Yu Shou and asked in a low voice, "Are you Yu Shou?"

Yu Shou nodded, "Exactly!"

"Come with me!"

Yu Shou quickly got up and followed the officials out of the lobby.

(End of this chapter)

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