
Chapter 1104

Chapter 1104
Outside the lobby, Chao Qing had been waiting for a long time, at this moment, an official from the Department of Officials came over with Yu Shou.

"Chao Canjun, he's here!"

Chao Qing nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you, you can go to work!"

The officials from the Department of Officials left, Chao Qing took a look at Yu Shou and asked, "You are Yu Shou, a Bianliang scholar!"

"It's down!"

"You come with me, His Highness wants to see you."

Yu Shou nodded silently, Chao Qing was not surprised at all, as if he had expected it, but instead he was surprised.

He didn't know who Yu Shou was, let alone why His Highness wanted to see him?

After hesitating for a moment, Chao Qing couldn't help asking him, "Why does Your Highness want to see you?"

Yu Shou just smiled, but did not answer him. Chao Qing immediately realized that there are some things that he should not ask too much.

He fell silent immediately, and brought Yu Shou to Chen Qing's official room, "Your Highness, he is here!"

"please come in!"

Yu Shou walked into the official room, bowed and said: "Student Yu Shou sees Your Highness!"

Chen Qing glanced at Chao Qing, who immediately retreated and closed the door.

"Please sit down!" Chen Qing waved his hand and smiled.

Yu Shou sat down uneasy, Chen Qingxiao asked, "Is your father in good health?"

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. My father is still in good health. He asked me to say hello to Your Highness on his behalf."

"Thank you, too, for your father's concern!"

Chen Qing asked again with a smile, "Why did you change your surname to Yu?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, the student's grandfather was originally surnamed Yu, but later followed his stepfather's surname to Xu, and the student returned to his ancestral surname."

"I see!"

Chen Qing laughed again: "Although your father and I have an agreement on this imperial examination, you should not be pressured. Your [-]st place in the exam is due to your own strength. I haven't had time to inform the examiner yet."

Yu Shou was silent for a moment and said, "But the students have done the countermeasures beforehand."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "Then you don't know, Hu Yun is asking your father for advice on how to restore Bianliang's prosperity, this is not a leak, I can only say that you are very lucky and just hit the bet.

Moreover, scholars from Jingzhao Prefecture have done this countermeasure question. More than [-] of them participated in the imperial examination, but only three of them passed the imperial examination. Do you think this has something to do with leaking the question?It still depends on your own level, you must have consulted your father, and the scholars of the government have also received advice from their professors, but the results are different.

In fact, there are not a few scholars who bet on this question. It can be said that more than half of them have won. After all, this is the most important event that happened last year. How can everyone not be prepared?But in the end you were admitted by the chief examiner, you think about the reasons. "

Yu Shou sighed, "It's the humble father who is more knowledgeable than them."

"It was you who got the advice of a famous teacher like your own father."

Yu Shou hurriedly got up and saluted, "Student understands, thank you Your Highness for your enlightenment."

Chen Qing smiled and said: "Some things happened in Yuchi County not long ago, and there was a change in personnel. The original county captain was promoted to magistrate, and the position of county captain was vacant. You can take up the post of Yuchi county captain, no problem, right?" !"

"Thank you for your cultivation, Your Highness!"

"You are new to official career and may not have enough experience. You can bring two staff members to take up the post."

"Reporting to Your Highness, the scholar who shared the guest room with the students this time is a ten-year-old clerk from Jianzhou. Can the humble official appoint him as a judge?"

"Usually as a staff member, but I can give special permission. A ten-year old civil servant is qualified enough."

Yu Shou was overjoyed, and thanked him again.

Chen Qing asked with a faint smile, "Do you know Xu Wu from Yuchi County?"

Yu Shou thought for a while and said, "The student knows this person, but he has never met him, and my father never mentioned him to me."

"It's the best way. It's good for you to draw a line with him."

Yu Shou was confused, but still bowed and said, "Student remember!"

Chen Qing pulled the rope, and soon Chao Qing walked in, "Your Highness, please give me instructions!"

Chen Qing pointed at Yu Shou, "Take this new scholar to see Counselor Jiang, and he will make arrangements!"

Regarding Yu Shou's identity, Chen Qing had already told Jiang Yanxian before, and also told him clearly that Yu Shou was the county captain of Yuchi.

Chen Qing gave Yu Shou another note, and said with a smile, "You have to report to Kaifeng Mansion first, and take this note to Kaifeng prefect Wu Fu, and he will arrange a post for your roommate."

Yu Shou was moved in his heart, and saluted again: "Student, thank Your Highness for your kindness!"

Chao Qing next to him was really surprised that His Highness actually wanted to arrange an escort, which had never happened before!This scholar has too much face.

Of course Chao Qing didn't know, it wasn't Yu Shou's big face, but his father's big face.

In the afternoon, Yu Shou returned to the inn, and smiled at Xu Pei who was waiting anxiously: "It's settled, go to Yuchi County, Kaifeng Prefecture, and serve as Yuchi County Captain."

"Then can I go together?" Xu Pei asked nervously.


Yu Shou said with a smile: "I asked the Secretary of the Ministry of Officials specifically about your situation. As long as you are an old civil servant with more than five years, you can go to Yuchi County with me as an aide, and I can recommend you to be the secretary. Brother Xu, don't worry, I will There are favors in the Kaifeng Mansion, as long as it is a matter of compliance, it is easy to do, a small escort is not a big deal."

Of course, Yu Shou would not tell Xu Pei his secret. Counselor Jiang said that only five people knew this secret, and the sixth person could not know it. Otherwise, if it got out, it would seriously affect his father.

Xu Pei finally let go of his heart. He didn't expect that he had no hope of promotion in the county, so he got promoted through his roommate. He smiled bitterly and said, "Although the department is small, it is a big deal to me!"

"Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to belittle Brother Xu."

At this time, the door opened, Wang Pu walked in from the outside, and fell headlong on the bed, "I'm exhausted!"

"Let's go have dinner! It's still Sanxian Restaurant, and I'm still treating you!"

"Today is my treat."

Wang Pu sat up and said with a smile, "Let's go quickly, I'm starving."

The three of them came to the restaurant. It was a little earlier, and it was not time for formal dinner, but they could order food. There were not many people in the restaurant, so they sat down at a table by the window on the second floor.

After Wang Pu ordered the food and drink, he hurriedly asked Yu Shou, "Is it settled? Which office do you want to go to?"

"I'm a foreigner, and I'm the county captain in Yuchi County, Kaifeng Prefecture."

Wang Pu exclaimed: "Not bad! Kaifeng Mansion, Jingzhao Mansion and Chengdu Mansion are all first-class mansions, and the county captains of the following counties are of the ninth rank!"

Yu Shou nodded, "It's the ninth rank, and you can bring Brother Xu there, Brother Xu will be the escort."

Wang Pu clasped his fists and said with a smile, "Congratulations to Brother Xu for being promoted."

Xu Pei sighed and said, "You are all officials, but I am still an official!"

Yu Shou said indifferently: "You should work hard! Try to be admitted to the Mingjing Department. After you have completed one term as an undersecretary, you will be eligible to be promoted to the master."

Xu Pei nodded. He only had this chance to become an official, and he must be admitted to Mingjing next year.

"Wang Pu, how are you?" Yu Shou asked Wang Pu again.

Wang Pu smiled and said, "Totally unexpected."

"Why is it unexpected, tell me?"

"There are three major surprises. First, Xin Taixue is too big. I walked around twice today, which almost exhausted me. Besides, I have a single dormitory by myself. If I am married with a wife and children, I will be assigned to a single courtyard. .

Second, and the most exciting thing, we will all be appointed as alternate officials of the ninth rank, and then we will be converted to full-time officials four years later, and directly promoted to the ninth rank. "

"What about the third?" Xu Pei asked enviously.

"The third is treatment. There is no tuition fee, free board and lodging, monthly salary according to the treatment of a ninth-rank official, and various subsidies and benefits. It is enough to support a family."

Xu Pei felt extremely remorseful, and slapped his forehead and lamented, "I'm so fucking stupid! Why didn't I apply for the subject of engineering and computing? With my knowledge, I will definitely pass the exam."

(End of this chapter)

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