
Chapter 1105 Complaints

Chapter 1105 Complaints
In late March, Chen Qing set out to inspect Hanzhong and Sichuan Road. He went to Sichuan Road first, and then inspected Hanzhong when he came back.

Guarded by [-] cavalrymen, they marched southward from Ziwu Valley, followed by hundreds of carts, which were full of tents and food.

This time with Chen Qing on the southern tour, there is Zhou Kuan, the counselor of the Internal Affairs Hall, who is the superintendent of the Ministry of Officials, and many things require the Secretary of the Ministry of Officials to come forward. In addition, more than a dozen civil servants also went south.

There were more than a dozen carriages in the team, and the civil servants including Chen Qing sat in the carriages. Chen Qing usually took a carriage when he went out for inspections. He needed to handle official business on the road.

This time it was not Yu Lian who accompanied Chen Qing on Bashu tour, but Zhao Yingluo. Yu Lian was also unlucky. Half a month ago, she was confirmed to have a happy pulse, and she was pregnant again. Unable to run around, Lu Xiu decided to let Zhao Yingluo accompany Chen Qing on the southern tour.

The carriage was very spacious, like a small room, but the carriage was slightly bumpy. Chen Qing sat by the window to review the documents, and Zhao Yingluo sat across from him to handle the documents for him.

After giving birth to a child, Zhao Yingluo became more mature, her skin became whiter and greasy, her appearance was as beautiful as a country, and her body was slightly plump. She knelt at the small table, her tall and straight figure appeared uneven, Very tempting.

But Chen Qing is not only satisfied with her in bed, but also with her talent and learning.

Zhao Yingluo is as smart and capable as Zhao Qiaoyun. They were born in the imperial palace and received strict education since they were young. She was the first to help with the stacking of documents, extracting the key content from them.

"Husband, this document was issued by Zhe Yanzhi, the governor of Datong Prefecture. He said that there are constantly nomadic tribes in the grasslands asking to join us, and even several nomadic tribes entered Hetao without our permission. Zhe Dudu said that this is a It is an ominous omen, and I request my husband to attach great importance to it."

"Didn't he mention which tribe it was? Mughal or something else?"

"The ultimatum only says that they are sporadic small tribes."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "You write my opinion on the marked paper first, only sixteen words: 'Trade with each other, understand in depth, be highly vigilant, wait and see the changes', write it on!"

Zhao Yingluo took a pen and wrote these sixteen characters on the marked paper next to her. She couldn't directly annotate on the document, so Chen Qing asked with a smile, "Any suggestions?"

Zhao Yingluo pursed her lips and smiled, "I don't dare to talk nonsense about such a big national event!"

"It's okay to talk about it!"

Zhao Yingluo pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Since my husband said to be highly vigilant, the next step should be to be prepared. My suggestion is to increase the number of troops."

Chen Qing nodded. This was a normal suggestion. Zhao Yingluo saw that her husband did not readily agree to the increase in troops, so she asked a little strangely, "Is my suggestion inappropriate?"

"Your suggestion is correct, it's just that increasing troops is not that simple."

Chen Qing explained to her: "Currently there are [-] troops in Datong Mansion, and Orihiko is also the one with the least number of troops in all of them. The reason is that I don't trust Orihiko very much. I am worried that a new army will appear on Hebei Road." Separatist forces.

So I have been observing in secret for the past few years. Generally speaking, Orihiko has performed well and is very cautious. His defensive range has not expanded to the south, and it is still limited to Datong Prefecture and Yingzhou. Based on his performance in [-], I plan to expand his force to [-].

But just when I was about to order an increase in troops, the Intelligence Department sent me a message that Orihiko had a son last year, but he did not file a record with the Department of Military Affairs. military deployment. "

Zhao Yingluo is a woman, and it is easier for her to think about issues from the perspective of a woman and a mother. She pondered for a moment and asked, "Orihiko is sixty years old, right? I've heard of him since I was a child."

"Almost nearly sixty."

"Husband, all his nephews and nephews died in the battle, and finally got a son when he was old. One can imagine his love for his son. He may have to hide it from the military department because he didn't want his son to leave his side. I believe that the husband originally trusted him. He, let him lead the army to guard the Datong Mansion, you shouldn't have doubts about him just because of a child!"

Chen Qing nodded, "You are very reasonable. I will consider it. Maybe in the second half of the year, I will go to Datong Mansion and talk to Orihiko in person."

The team marched all the way to the south, heading towards and staying at night. Five days later, the team passed Jianmen Pass, entered Sichuan Road, and arrived at Jianzhou first, but the team did not stop. After walking for two more days, the team finally arrived at Chengdu Mansion.

Lu Xingtai Minister Shi Lv Qingshan, Military and Horse Envoy Zheng Ping, Prefect Zheng Ainong and other senior military and political officials came out of the city to welcome Chen Qing.

Chen Qing exchanged pleasantries with everyone, then entered the city and stayed at the expensive hotel. Chen Qing first met Lu Qingshan. Lu Qingshan had the title of Counselor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. a bridge between.

Lv Qingshan is worthy of being a prime minister of the imperial court. In the past few years, the Sichuan Road has been managed in an orderly manner, and the counselors of the Internal Affairs Hall all praised him highly.

"The biggest problem with Sichuan Road now is that the taxes are a bit too heavy, and the people are quite resentful. Especially the news that Henan Road has been tax-free for ten years has caused many officials to have opinions."

"Has Chang Shi explained to them? Why tax exemption for ten years."

Chen Qing said lightly: "I believe Chang Shi should be very clear about the situation on Henan Road."

Lu Qingshan hurriedly said: "Of course I told them that the people on Henan Road have been devastated, and the hinterland of the former imperial capital has become riddled with holes. The ten-year tax exemption is for self-cultivation."

Chen Qing shook his head, "The actual situation is ten times worse than what you said. Three years ago, there was a severe drought in the east of Henan Road, and there was also a plague of locusts. The autumn grains in the five states were not harvested, but the taxes were not less. Selling children and daughters is still a trivial matter. , the world's most tragic Yi Zi Er Shi has appeared, and the puppet Qi collapsed because of this disaster."

"Beizhi understands what His Highness means, and I don't want to compare with Henan Road, but compared with other places, the taxes on Sichuan Road are indeed slightly higher. What Beizhi said is the truth."

Chen Qing understood that Lu Qingshan just wanted to take the opportunity of his inspection to reduce taxes on Sichuan Road.

At this time, Zhou Kuan smiled and said, "I was stationed on Sichuan Road for a long time to purchase grain, and later I was in charge of finance and taxation for several years. Let me say a few words!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Speak, Counselor Zhou!"

Zhou Kuan said unhurriedly: "The tax on Sichuan Road is mainly four yuan, salt and wine tax, land tax, household tax and commercial tax, and there is nothing else. The land tax is mainly for grain, and the twenty tax is one, which is collected every year. The tax and food we received can support our [-] troops. The household tax is [-] cash per household per year, which is equivalent to [-] cash per month. The tax is [-]%, followed by the commercial tax, then the household tax, and finally the land tax. If you want to reduce the household tax and land tax, it is not impossible, as long as you make a slight adjustment in the salt tax and wine tax, for example, the price of salt per catty will increase by [-] cents. , the total tax is still inconvenient, but the people feel that the tax has been reduced.”

Chen Qing smiled at Lu Qingshan: "Lv Changshi will make a plan according to Counselor Zhou's opinion! As long as the Zhengshitang can pass it, I have no objection."

At this time, Zhou Kuan said again: "Your Highness, there is actually another feasible plan!"

"What plan?"

Zhou Kuan smiled slightly and said: "It is to encourage pigs to be raised in various places in Bashu, and then the army will increase purchases, farmers will be able to increase their income through sideline businesses, and the pressure on land taxes will be reduced, but land taxes do not need to be reduced, and the effect of reducing household taxes is just as good. "

Lu Qingshan quickly explained: "It is a good way to raise pigs, but there is not so much food to feed pigs."

"I can think of a way!"

Chen Qing smiled and said, "For example, what kind of oil are you growing now?"

"Mainly grow sesame seeds!"

"You can grow soybeans instead. The soybean meal left after soybean oil extraction is the best feed for pigs. It can be mixed with rice bran and wheat bran as feed. You can also grow corn, which is also good for raising pigs. There are even a large number of beef tongues planted on both sides of the valley. Vegetables are not only liked by pigs, but also by chickens, ducks and geese. Alfalfa and wild peas are grown in the north, and ox tongue vegetables are grown in Sichuan Road, which are all over the mountains and plains. The problem of raising pig feed is not enough.”

Lu Qingshan nodded, "His Highness's suggestion is very inspiring, I must brainstorm and find an effective way to promote it."

Chen Qing waved his hand, "Let's not talk about the tax issue now, I want to know, how many officials from Jinghu South Road have come here?"

(End of this chapter)

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