
Chapter 1106 Small shop

Chapter 1106 Small shop
Lu Qingshan hurriedly said: "Currently only sixteen people have come here, mainly because of the road problem, there may be a large number of officials on the way."

Zheng Ping, who remained silent all this time, said: "We have set up a checkpoint in Xiazhou. The low-level officials have received letters from Feige. Many officials are on their way, and they will arrive one after another in two or three days."

Chen Qing nodded and said to Zhou Kuan: "For the officials who have already arrived, the Department of Officials can contact them. The Department of Officials will be responsible for receiving the officials who come later. If there are insufficient manpower, the Department of Officials will provide assistance."

Zhou Kuan hurriedly said: "Please rest assured, Your Highness, the humble job will make arrangements!"

Chen Qing stayed in the expensive hotel, he couldn't sit still, and immediately took Zhao Yingluo to the street in a carriage.

Ever since Chen Qing's private visit in Weifu was in danger in Yuchi County, the Internal Affairs Hall has made strict regulations on his travel. go out.

And the accompanying soldiers should not be less than twenty.

The place Chen Qing went to was Dawazi on Jinguan Street. This is the largest Wazi in Chengdu. It has everything you need to eat, drink, and play. There are dense shops on both sides of the entrance. If you want to visit in private, Chen Qing usually chooses Wazi, because Wazi is the closest to people's livelihood, and the living conditions of the people at the bottom can be seen in Wazi.

"pull over!"

Chen Qing shouted, and the carriage stopped slowly on the side of the road.

Not far away is a small shop in Changping, with a distinctive red roof logo, which can be seen from a long distance.

Chen Qing did not get off the car, and sat in the carriage to observe the details of the Changping House. There were two long queues outside the Changping House. There were at least two to three hundred people, most of them were old people. .

There are not so many people in Jingzhao City’s shelters, usually only three or four people. The population of Chengdu Mansion and Jingzhao Mansion are similar, and the number of shelters invested is also similar. Why is there such a big gap between the queues?
Moreover, this flat house is not in a residential area, and there are relatively high-end commercial shops nearby. Why are there so many old people queuing here?Is there a charitable institution nearby?

Chen Qing still felt that something was wrong. If it was a Tzu Chi home, it should be delivered to the door. The old people were not allowed to carry heavy rice bags back home. Moreover, the old people in the Tzu Chi home should wear the same clothes, but these old people wore different clothes. Each is completely different, and they don't speak to each other, as if they don't know each other.

These are the details. From these details, Chen Qing felt something was wrong.

Chen Qing beckoned a soldier to come up and told them a few words. The soldier went to inquire. It was very simple to ask a few old people about the situation.

After a while, the soldiers came back and reported with fists folded: "His Royal Highness, the first day of each month is the Respect for the Aged Day, and the flat house is only open to the elderly from the afternoon, and the elderly over [-] years old can receive a free fight." Noodles and half a catty of coarse salt. There are seven points in total for the elderly. I saw that each of them took a wooden card, which seemed to be an April card. After receiving it, the April card was taken away on the spot and replaced with a May card. They said it was a card issued by the government.

Chen Qing nodded happily. Chengdu Mansion has done a good job in this aspect, which is worth learning from Jingzhao Mansion, but some details still need to be improved.

The carriage started again and drove towards the big tile one mile away.

The carriage stopped at the gate of Dawazi, Chen Qing got out of the carriage first, and then slowly got off holding Zhao Yingluo's hand.

Both of them were dressed in ordinary people's clothes, but they were still too different. Chen Qing had a tall and straight figure, with a murderous look without anger, while Zhao Yingluo's face was as beautiful as a country. Although she could not see her face with a hood, she The plump yet slender tall figure attracts the attention of countless people like a swan.

Zhao Yingluo took Chen Qing's hand and walked slowly. From the moment she entered the gate, there were hundreds of steps densely packed with snack shops. It was still a while before dinner, and most of the shops had few customers. Chen Qing suddenly It was found that the people who seemed to be eating in various shops were internal guard soldiers.

"Husband, let's try this one!"

Zhao Yingluo suddenly became interested in a shop next to her. Chen Qing looked at the signboard, which said Wangji Soup and Cake Shop, a very common name. Looking at the shop, it turned out to be an old couple with gray hair.

Chen Qing immediately understood, and said with a smile, "Okay! It's his house."

Chen Qing took Zhao Yingluo's hand into the small shop and sat down. The benevolent old lady brought water to them and praised: "What a couple like gods! What do you young couple want to eat?"

Zhao Yingluo's heart was full of joy when she said the phrase "a couple like gods", she smiled sweetly and said, "Use the soup cakes you are good at!"

"Okay! Old man, here are two bowls of red oil shredded pork soup cakes."

At this time, more than [-] strong men walked in from the outside, filling up the small shop, all of them were Chen Qing's personal soldiers, they were like taking over the shop.

The two old men were stunned, a little at a loss, Chen Qing said with a smile: "Shopkeeper, I will pay their bills, do you have steamed buns here?"

"No, but there is one next door. I'll buy it. How much do you want?"

"There are twenty people here. You can buy sixty big steamed buns and serve each of them a bowl of hot noodle soup."

"I see, I'll go buy it."

Chen Qing stopped him, "Old man, continue to cook two bowls of soup cakes for us, Wang Hou and Zhang Tuan, you two go buy them."

Wang Hou and Zhang Tuan went down with a few men. The two old people were a little disappointed. So many customers came into the store, but they only drank noodle soup. How could they charge money!
But they still cooked soup and cakes for Chen Qing and Zhao Yingluo, and after a while, the old man brought them to them himself.

Chen Qingxiao asked: "Just now when I passed by Changping House, I saw many old people queuing up to get food and coarse salt. Why didn't you go to get them? You should be over sixty years old!"

The old man smiled wryly and said, "We are all over [-], but we are not registered locally. We came from Guozhou to accompany our son."

"Where is your son?"

The old man pointed to the ground and said sadly: "He was buried in Chengdu and died in battle with the Jin soldiers in the second year of Shaoxing."

Chen Qing choked sharply, and asked for a while, "Didn't his body or ashes be sent back to his hometown?"

"He fought at Dasan Pass, and he died too many to be distinguished, so he was burned together and transported back to Chengdu to be buried together."

Chen Qing asked again: "You should have pensions! Is there only one son?"

"Twenty pennies were given for the pension, and it was used up for the medical treatment of the elder son. The elder son died of illness the year before last. We sold the ancestral land and buried him. Then we came to Chengdu to make a living and accompany the younger son by the way."

"How much is the monthly rent for this small shop? Is the money enough to live on?"

"The rent is three pennies, and there is less than two pennies left. It is enough for us two old people to live. Our health is getting worse and worse. I don't think we can do it for a long time. Hey! Let's live every day!"

Chen Qing couldn't take it anymore, he said for a long time: "The pension is less, the Western Army stipulates that the pension is [-] guan, and for the Jin soldiers who died in battle, the pension is double, and you can still receive another [-] guan."

The two old people were overjoyed, "Really? No one told us!"

"The Western Army later reissued it. The county government has a list and can be found. Then, on the Respect for the Aged Day on the first day of each month, elderly people from other places can also receive it. This is also a new rule. Tomorrow I will ask my subordinates to take you to the county government to go through the formalities. .”

"Great! Is the young master also an official?"

Chen Qing shook his head and said with a smile: "I am a general of the Western Army, I know these rules, and I can help you too!"

The two old men knelt down to Chen Qing, and Chen Qing was startled, "What are you doing? Get up quickly."

The two old men said with tears in their eyes: "Thank you General for your great help. With these forty pennies, we can survive."

Chen Qing sighed, "Maybe your son is still my subordinate, so it is right to help you, okay! Tomorrow morning, my subordinates will take you to the county government office, Wang Hou!"

"I am humble!"

"Tomorrow morning, you take the two old people to the county government office to go through the formalities."

"Follow the order!"

Chen Qing glanced at Zhao Yingluo, and saw that her eyes were red, obviously she had also shed tears just now.

"Let's go!"

Zhao Yingluo nodded and stood up. Chen Qing took an ingot of ten taels of silver and put it on the table with a smile, "You don't need to look for it. I'll rent the rest for you!"

The old man was a bit knowledgeable, and recognized the silver on the table, so he waved his hand in fright, "How can this work, two bowls of noodles only cost twenty Wen, how can we charge you silver."

"Wang Hou, you handle it here, let's go!"

Chen Qing and Zhao Yingluo left the small shop under the escort of a large group of guards.

(End of this chapter)

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