
Chapter 1107

Chapter 1107
Chen Qing was not in a good mood and didn't want to go any further. He wanted to go back to the expensive hotel. When he reached the gate of Wazi, Wang Hou chased him out and reported to Chen Qing: "Give them the money, the old couple is very grateful, Say you met a nobleman."

"You didn't reveal my identity, did you!"

"No! The humble position says that His Highness is an important general of the Western Army."

Chen Qing nodded, "Take them to the county government office tomorrow morning, and let the county government pay the forty pensions first, and the garrison will supply them later, as well as the sign of respecting the elderly in May."

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, I will take care of it."

Only then did Chen Qing open the car door to let Zhao Yingluo get in the car. He was surprised to find that Zhao Yingluo's hair on the right side was scattered, "Yingluo, where is your hairpin?"

Zhao Yingluo panicked and said, "Maybe I forgot it at the expensive hotel and left in a bit of a hurry."

Chen Qing gave her a meaningful look, and without saying anything, directly helped her into the carriage.

Chen Qing got into the carriage, and under the guard of his own soldiers, the carriage quickly returned to the distinguished guests.

After Chen Qing left, a large number of inner guard soldiers disguised as ordinary people quickly followed, this shocked Dawazi, and the merchants talked a lot, what important person came?
A few well-informed people knew that King Yong had arrived in Chengdu in the morning, so they began to guess that there were so many guards, and even Zheng Ping, the governor, had only a few personal escorts, and the long history Lu Qingshan had no army guards, so it must be His Royal Highness Yong. Yes, although the news was speculation, it was well-founded, and soon spread throughout Wazi.

In the soup cake shop, the old lady was cleaning up the dishes and Chen Qing’s table, she sighed and said to herself: “I didn’t even eat, and I paid so much money, hey! Really... . . ”

At this time, she suddenly saw a brocade handkerchief beside the beautiful woman's table, "Oh! That little lady forgot her handkerchief."

Picking up the handkerchief, she suddenly felt that it was heavy. When she opened it, she was stunned. Inside was a shiny golden hairpin with a large ruby ​​inlaid on it, which looked very precious at first glance.

"My wife! Old woman!"

The old man ran in excitedly, "Do you know who the person who gave us the silver is? It is His Royal Highness King Yong, and it has spread outside."

"Old man, what do you think about this?"

The old woman held up Sipa, and the old man was shocked when he saw it. He quickly pulled his wife into the back room and said in a low voice, "This is a treasure. Don't let others see it. There will be people with malicious intentions. Don't reveal the wealth."

"This is probably given to us by that little lady, what do you think we should do?"

The old man shook his head and said: "We have already collected the silver, so we can no longer take other people's gold. If you are too greedy, there will be retribution. Tomorrow we will hand it over to His Highness's subordinates."


The old woman also agreed: "This hairpin is too expensive, it will be a disaster for us, we can't take it back if we give it back to him tomorrow."

When Chen Qing returned to the expensive hotel, he immediately sent someone to find the prefect Zheng Ainong, not long after, Zheng Ainong rushed over.

"See Your Highness for a humble position!"

In the lobby, Chen Qing smiled and asked him to sit down, Zheng Ainong seemed a little nervous and cramped.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry! I'm not here to trouble you. On the contrary, I really appreciate your doing a good job on Respect for the Aged Day. Is it the government's or the county's credit?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, it was arranged by the government office, and it was implemented in all counties of Chengdu Prefecture. It started in March last year, exactly a whole year."

"Is the money and food needed to promote the Respect for the Aged Day covered by the finances?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, our target is the elderly over [-] years old. In fact, there are not many people. The entire Chengdu Mansion is less than [-] people. Calculated, it is only [-] guan a month, and each person will be given two sets of clothes a year. We pay with the government’s rent income, which is enough.”

"That's right! You don't spend much money, but you are very popular. Who cares about the old man's life?"

"However, there must be many deficiencies. I implore Your Highness to correct me."

"I really want to raise three opinions. The first opinion is that there are too few Changping stores open, and there are only seven stores. The queue is too long, so we simply open all of them. The afternoon of the first day of each month is specially open for the elderly. Most people can't buy it for half a day. Things don’t really matter, it’s only half a day a month, so it won’t delay things.”

Zheng Ainong bowed and said: "I understand, I must do it!"

"The second suggestion, let me ask first, how many state soldiers do you have in total?"

"Around a thousand people!"

"That's simple. In the afternoon of the first day of each month, all the state soldiers are dispatched. There are more than a dozen people standing in front of each Changping store, helping the elderly to carry things. Everyone is trembling. A bucket of flour is twelve catties! How do you let them take it?" ? Since it’s Respect for the Aged Day, let’s do good deeds to the end and help them deliver them to their homes.”

Zheng Ainong said in embarrassment: "At this time, I was negligent. Your Highness criticized me well. I will definitely correct it next month."

"The third suggestion is more important. Don't implement it according to household registration. I met a couple of elderly people today. Their son was killed in the anti-golden battle at Dasanguan. The two were old and homeless because they were from Guozhou and could not enjoy the treatment of Respect for the Aged Day. I believe you have encountered this problem a long time ago, why can't you treat it uniformly?"

Zheng Ainong said for a while: "We are worried that after the news spreads, all the old people in Sichuan Road will come to Chengdu, and we cannot afford it financially."

Chen Qing nodded, "You should negotiate with Lu Changshi on how to solve this problem, instead of avoiding it and pretending that you haven't seen the old people from other states. So on this point, I want to criticize you for being negative and only considering local interests. Regardless of the overall situation."

Zheng Ainong said in shame: "Your Highness is right to criticize!"

Chen Qing was dissatisfied again: "I will criticize Lu Changshi tomorrow. He is in Chengdu, but he turned a blind eye to this matter. I don't believe that he didn't think of this issue. He is also responsible."

"The humble staff will go to Lu Changshi tomorrow to discuss a solution, and they will be treated equally from the first day of May."

Chen Qing said to him again: "You go to the county government later and tell the county magistrate that my soldiers will accompany the two old men tomorrow morning, and the county government will pay them [-] yuan as an additional pension for his son. Later, I asked Zheng Ping to send the money to the county government, and then gave them two May cards, and they will also receive food and salt starting in May, just these two things.”

"Your Highness, don't worry, the humble job will be done!"

At noon the next day, Chen Qing returned a gold hairpin inlaid with gemstones together with a silk handkerchief to Zhao Yingluo. Seeing that her face changed slightly, she explained with a smile: "I didn't send anyone to come back. Yes, and this kind of precious jewelry will be watched by bad guys, which is a threat to them."

Zhao Yingluo blushed pretty and said, "It's because I didn't think carefully, Meng Lang."

"You don't have to worry about it. I asked the county government to find them two bungalows with a small yard. They don't charge them rent and let them live forever. The shop they opened is also free of rent. Both of them are over [-] years old. , the body is quite healthy, already much better than most old people, this is also their blessing."

"That way I'm relieved!"

Chen Qing sat down, hugged her into his arms and asked with a smile, "Can I go today?"

Thinking of last night's madness, Zhao Yingluo blushed even more. She poked her husband's forehead with her slender fingers, pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I've only heard of exhausted cows, but never of plowed fields. Husband You should worry about your body!"

"Oh! Where did you hear that?" Chen Qingxiao asked, but his hands began to be dishonest.

"In the newspaper!"

Zhao Yingluo pressed his hand and begged, "It's daytime now, let's do it again at night!"

"I don't know which one is that?"

Chen Qing picked her up and said with a smile: "It's noon now, it's lunch break time, let's take a nap together and see how good my ox is at plowing the fields?"

(End of this chapter)

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