
Chapter 1108 Collection

Chapter 1108 Collection
After another two or three days, officials from Jinghu South Road arrived one after another, not only the state officials, but also some county officials. This made Chen Qing a little strange. He asked the state officials to come by name. What did the county officials do?
Zhou Kuan explained: "It's Hengyang County in Hengzhou and Lingling County in Yongzhou. The reason is that the state officials from these two prefectures did not come, and the county officials below came."

Chen Qing's face sank slightly, and he asked dissatisfiedly, "Is there any reason why officials from Hengzhou and Yongzhou don't come?"

"Beizhi also asked the magistrates of Hengyang and Lingling, and they gave the same reason. The magistrates of the two prefectures fell ill, and the judges were busy with government affairs, so they couldn't leave."

Chen Qing snorted, and asked again: "Except for Hengzhou and Yongzhou, what about the other states?"

"There are also Chenzhou and Guiyang prisons that haven't arrived. They are far away, but I heard that they are already on the way. By the way, there is also the Wugang army. Their Zhijun is also on the way."

"So you know that the chief officials of Hengzhou and Yongzhou haven't arrived?"


Chen Qing thought for a while and said, "Invite the two county magistrates here this afternoon, I want to meet them."

It is not easy for these two county magistrates to fight against the chief magistrate, especially the county magistrate of the prefectural office. Information is blocked, and other counties do not understand the situation.

Chen Qing called Zhou Kuan again, "There are Zhang Shun, the governor of Jiangling, and Ge Qinghong, the governor of Ezhou. I will meet them together. Counselor Zhou, please be present!"

"Humble job understands, arrange immediately!"

In the afternoon, several officials were invited to the expensive hotel. The reason why Chen Qing invited Zhang Shun, the prefect of Jiangling, was that Zhang Shun and Chen Qing had a good relationship. Staff, when Wang Yan was the magistrate of Jiangling, Zhang Shun was recommended by Wang Yan as the Sima of Jiangling Prefecture. After Wang Yan's death, Zhang Shun was appointed as the general judge of Jiangling Prefecture because of his meritorious service in defending Jiangling. It is the magistrate of Jiangling.

On the other hand, Zhang Shun was not tolerated by the court because he assisted Chen Qing in controlling South Jing South Road. With the courier of the Internal Affairs Hall, it is impossible to deliver the letter so quickly.

Zhang Shun had a high prestige on Jinghu South Road and was very loyal to himself, so Chen Qing considered Zhang Shun as the director of Jinghu Road Shangshuxing.

The invitation of Ge Qinghong, the magistrate of Ezhou, to come here is also due to a certain intention of the imperial court. It should be said that the imperial court realized the importance of Ezhou. Ezhou is connected to Jinghu North Road in the northwest and Huainan West Road in the northeast. Bordering Jiangnan West Road, the strategic position is extremely important, especially Chen Qing plans to place the main force of the navy in Jiangxia, and the warships will attack from Jiangxia. Not only the Han River and Poyang Lake will be controlled, but the entire middle reaches of the Yangtze River will be controlled by the Jiangxia navy.

For this reason, Emperor Zhao Gou began to repent and wanted to take Ezhou back, but how could Chen Qing allow it?

Chen Qing asked everyone to sit down. The two county magistrates seemed a bit restrained. Zhang Shun smiled and introduced to Chen Qing: "This county magistrate Li is a magistrate of Hengyang, a Jinshi in the second year of Shaoxing, and a native of Changning County, Hengzhou."

The black and thin magistrate of Hengyang got up and saluted, "Li Gong, a lowly post, thank you for your highness' cultivation!"

Chen Qing smiled and waved his hand, telling him to sit down. The other one stood up and saluted, "Su Xuansheng, a low-ranking official, is from Baling County, Yuezhou. He has been the county magistrate in Lingling for three years."

Zhang Shun added: "Suzhi County is also a Jinshi in the second year of Shaoxing. In that year, the imperial court admitted more than [-] people, all over the counties in the south."

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile: "You two are good. You take care of the overall situation, understand the current affairs, and are brave to forge ahead. People say that the county magistrate where the state government is located is the most difficult to be. At the top, you have to look up at the state capital, and at the bottom, you have to appease the squire, just like a woman wrapped I am afraid of saying the wrong thing or going the wrong way. I also know that the boss will definitely not tolerate you when you come here, but you can rest assured that since you dare to come out, I, Chen Qing, will definitely replace you. Escort and let those who don't want to cooperate with me go where they should go."

Chen Qing's words were very domineering, and he said without hesitation that he was going to clean up the officials of Hengzhou and Yongzhou.

The two magistrates looked at each other, and they both breathed a sigh of relief. Both of them took great risks in coming to Chengdu this time, and it can be said that they both bet on their official careers. If the magistrate does not leave, then only they will leave. , has been difficult to work together under the same roof.

Chen Qing changed the subject, then softened his tone, and asked with a smile: "I remember that banditry was serious in Hengyang and Lingling before, and then there was a flood of illegal salt. I wonder how the situation is now?"

Li Gong, the magistrate of Hengyang County, leaned forward and said: "As long as the previous banditry was caused by Liu Guangshi's rout, all banditry has been wiped out now, not only in Hengyang County, but also in Hengzhou. After Zhang Tai was completely wiped out, the two small salt lords in the south seemed to be overwhelmed, they have withdrawn from Hengzhou, and now they are all selling official salt from Sichuan and Shaanxi."

Chen Qing nodded, and then asked Su Xuansheng, "Where is Lingling County?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, Lingling County is exactly the same as Hengyang County."

Zhang Shun beside him sighed secretly, what a rare opportunity to talk with His Royal Highness King Yong, but this Su Xuansheng did not seize this opportunity to express himself a lot, how could it be said that Lingling County is exactly the same as Hengyang County, does Lingling County not have its own characteristics?
"Talk about the difficulties!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "What difficulties do Lingling County have at present, and then Hengyang County will also talk about it."

This time, it was obvious that Lingling County was the first to speak and gave Su Xuansheng the opportunity.

Su Xuansheng hurriedly said: "The biggest problem in Lingling County is the inconvenient transportation. It is very closed. Although there are abundant products, they can't be shipped out. So many mountain products are rotting for nothing, which is really heartbreaking."

"Doesn't the Xiangjiang River pass through Lingling County? Can't it be transported out through the Xiangjiang River?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, Lingling County is located in the upper reaches of the Xiangjiang River. There are many beaches and rapids. There are many strange rocks in the river. Bamboo rafts are fine, but cargo ships are easy to run aground or crash."

"What if we pull out the strange rock in the river?"

"That's much better. At least a five hundred shi cargo ship can navigate."

Chen Qing nodded, "I will remember this matter, and I will arrange the army to try to remove the boulder later."

"On behalf of the [-] elders in Lingling County, I would like to thank His Highness for your concern."

Chen Qing smiled, and said to Li Gong: "What about Hengyang County?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, Hengyang County is actually a traffic problem. Hengyang County also relies on the Xiangshui River for transportation, but the water condition in Hengyang is relatively good, and the water flow is relatively smooth and stable. The problem in Hengyang is mainly due to too few ships. During the Xuanhe period, the entire Hengyang There are more than [-] ships in the state, and now there are only more than [-] ships left, which has dropped by a full ten times."

"Are you short of capacity?" Chen Qing asked.


Chen Qing asked Zhang Shun again, "Can the Xiangjiang River take a thousand-stone ship?"

Zhang Shun bowed his body and said, "Reporting to Your Highness, the ship with ten thousand stones has not passed by, but the ship with five thousand stones will definitely pass, and it has arrived in Hengyang during the Xuanhe period."

Chen Qing borrowed [-] thousand-stone ships from Zheng Tongquan, and bought [-] thousand-stone ships in Quanzhou. He has [-] thousand-stone ships in his hand, and can divide [-] large ships to go to Xiangjiang River. By turning Hengyang into a transit city, materials from the entire south can be concentrated in Hengyang, and then transported from Hengyang to Jiangling by Wanshi cargo ship, and the entire Jinghu South Road will be revitalized through Xiangshui.

(End of this chapter)

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