
Chapter 1109

Chapter 1109
Thinking of this, Chen Qing said to Zhang Shun: "I have an idea, to build Hengyang into a material transfer place in the south of Jinghu South Road, which requires the construction of a large number of warehouses, and dredging of rivers and wharves. It’s hard to do, I want the envoy to take the lead and mobilize all the states along the Xiangjiang River to contribute together, if you have money, you can contribute, if you don’t have enough funds, write me another report, and I’ll make arrangements.”

Zhang Shun was overjoyed, this is what it meant to let him be in charge of South Jing South Road, he hurriedly said: "When I look back, I will call the chief officials of the states along the way to discuss this matter, and first come up with a preliminary plan for His Highness to review."

"So much the better!"

After talking for a long time, Ge Qinghong, the governor of Ezhou, was a little cold. Ge Qinghong seemed to have something on his mind and kept silent. Of course, he had some things that he couldn't say in front of the two county magistrates, so he kept silent.

With an open mind, Zhou Kuan first took away the two magistrates, leaving only Chen Qing, Zhang Shun, and Ge Qinghong in the hall.

Ge Qinghong was originally the Jiangling general judge, he was Zhao Ding's person, Zhao Ding recommended him to be the governor of Ezhou, now that Zhao Ding was demoted and Qin Hui was in power, he completely lost confidence in the imperial court, so he turned to Chen Qing in an all-round way. Officials arriving in Chengdu.

"Your Highness, just before I set off, I just received a letter from the imperial court, asking me to return to report on my duties temporarily. Of course, I will not go there. There is a problem here. I am actually a court official, a member of the Ministry of War, and I know Ezhou affairs. It’s just dispatching officials, if the lowly position refuses to obey the transfer of the court, and the court official dismisses me from the official position, the lowly position of Ezhou Governor will be a bit dishonest.”

Ge Qinghong pointed out a big problem, which is Chen Qing's right to appoint local officials, such as prefects, prefectures, and counties. They are actually court officials who are sent to the local government. They do not belong to the local official system. A kind of control over the place, Chen Qing can appoint local officials, but he can't appoint court officials from Lin'an to be local officials.

That is to say, Chen Qing can appoint actual local officials such as Tongpan, Sima, county magistrate, and county magistrate, but he cannot appoint magistrates, prefectures, and county magistrates, otherwise the name will be unfair.

This is a big problem, but also a new one. In the past, Sichuan and Shaanxi were decided by Chen Qing, and the imperial court had no control over them. However, both Hedong Road and Henan Road were taken back from Jin Guo, and the imperial court had no control over them.

But Jinghu South Road is different. It was snatched from the imperial court, so its nature is completely different.

Chen Qing didn't think about this issue clearly either, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, we are still negotiating with the imperial court, I believe the imperial court will definitely give in!"

Two days later, except for the governors of Yongzhou and Hengzhou, the chief officials of other states rushed to Chengdu, and Jiang Yanxian rushed to Chengdu Mansion with a group of officials. Chengdu was extremely lively, and the officials knew each other. They met each other, and Zhang Shun was also authorized by Chen Qing to organize a group of officials from the states along the Xiangshui River to discuss the plan to establish a material transfer warehouse in Hengyang.

Everyone could see that this was actually a loyalty rally. After this rally, Chen Qing formally took full control of Jingnan South Road, but the officials from Hengzhou and Everlasting didn't come, so they took another line.

Tanzhou Tongju Wang Yao was very worried. He and Hengzhou Sima Wu Yongjin were relatives. This time, none of the three senior officials of the Hengzhou prefectural government, Zhizhou, Tongju, and Sima, came. He didn't care about others, but Wu Yongjin was his. In-laws, he refused to come but didn't explain to himself, what is that?
In fact, Wang Yao probably knew a little about the situation. The key is that Ma Wenfu in Zhizhou is too powerful. Ma Wenfu is Qin Hui's confidant. How to do?
Wang Yao was really annoyed that his in-laws were weak and useless, even the magistrate of Hengyang dared to come to Chengdu to attend the meeting, but he, a dignified Sima, didn't dare to come, didn't he understand?If he came, he would be the magistrate of Hengzhou, and he missed this opportunity for promotion in vain.

But no matter what, his daughter is married to the Wu family. If something happens to Wu Yongjin, his son-in-law will be affected, and his daughter will also be affected.

Wang Yao was extremely anxious, he had to think of a way to intercede with his in-laws, after thinking twice, he thought of Zhang Shun, it seemed that Zhang Shun was highly valued by King Yong, if nothing unexpected happened, Zhang Shun would be the head of the Shangshu Office on South Jingnan Road Shi, become their boss.

Zhang Shun did not expect that Wang Yao would come to beg him. The Wang family is one of the largest families in Tanzhou. They are very powerful. Capable, now the magistrate of Xiangtan County.

Of course, Zhang Shun hoped that someone he likes would come to beg him, especially if someone from the local snake sect came to beg him, then he would have favor, which would be of great benefit to the implementation of his government orders in the future.

"Sit down, judge!"

Zhang Shun smiled and asked Wang Yao to sit down. He just had a quarrel with Feng Jisi, the governor of Tanzhou, this morning. Feng Jisi disagreed with putting the material transfer location in Hengyang, but asked to put it in Changsha, but the material transfer warehouse group is located in Hengyang. According to Wang, Zhang Shun also believed that putting it in Hengyang would be more beneficial to the southern states, so Feng Jisi's objection was invalid.

Feng Jisi immediately stated that Tanzhou would neither contribute nor contribute money, which made Zhang Shun very annoyed. If the other southern states were not very active, the discussion in the morning might not be over.

Now that Wang Yao is begging himself, this is a good thing!I was also worried that Tanzhou would resist the construction of Hengyang. Wang Yao came at this critical moment, which shows that it is God's will.

"This morning, your Zhizhou's attitude is very unfriendly! I don't understand the overall situation, and I'm worried that I won't be able to explain to King Yong!"

Wang Yao hurriedly said: "Feng Zhizhou has always wanted to build a warehouse group in Changsha to transfer materials, but was snatched away by Hengyang. He was unbalanced and persuaded him after his humble job. In fact, even if Changsha County can't make materials for Jingnan South Road Transshipment can also be used to transfer materials from various parts of Tanzhou! Tanzhou is so big, and the materials from all counties have to be transported from Changsha, and warehouses are also needed!"

"It's right to think about it this way. His Royal Highness King Yong will allocate twenty thousand stone ships to Jinghu South Road. I can also give Tanzhou a few ships. It's the same thing! If you don't cooperate with me now, how can I cooperate with you in the future? ?”

"Your Shijun is right, the humble officer is responsible for persuading Feng Zhizhou."

"Then please pass the sentence."

Wang Yao hesitated for a moment and said, "Today I actually have a private matter to ask the envoy for help."

Zhang Shun smiled faintly: "But for your in-laws?"

"Exactly, hey! He really worries me!"

"I said Wu Sima is also a township party! I really don't understand what he is trying to do? Ma Wenfu belongs to Qin Hui. It is only good for him to be tough now. Ma Wenfu slapped his ass and left. What should he do with Wu Yongjin? Can you move your family to Lin'an?"

Wang Yao hurriedly said: "I know my in-laws very well. When the banditry was serious, their family's manor in the countryside was looted many times, and the losses were serious. Thanks to Commander Yang who led the army to wipe out the bandits, he supported His Royal Highness Yong from the bottom of his heart. This time he will definitely I want to go to Chengdu, and it’s really hard for him not to come.”

"Even Li Gong, the county magistrate of Hengyang, has come, why can't he come?"

"It's different from the situation in Li Zhi County in Hengyang. Li Zhi County's family members are in Changning County, which is far away from Hengyang! Of course he is not afraid, but Wu Sima's family members are in Hengyang County. If he comes to Chengdu, what will his family do? Ma Wenfu He must have threatened his subordinates with the safety of his family members, so Wu Sima dared not come."

"You're so sure you're telling the truth?"

"The humble staff is willing to guarantee Wu Sima. If Wu Sima is not loyal to His Highness King Yong, I am willing to bear joint and several responsibilities."

Zhang Shun nodded, "Okay! I will tell King Yong for you. Wang Tongdan, this time you owe a big favor."

Wang Yao hurriedly stood up and bowed deeply, "I will remember your kindness and humility in my heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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