
Chapter 1110 Taking office

Chapter 1110 Taking office
Zhang Shun immediately came to Chen Qing and submitted a preliminary plan for the construction of Hengyang Transit.

"How about it, do you support the plan to build Hengyang as a material transfer station?" Chen Qingxiao asked.

"Although some states objected, most states supported it, especially the southern states. They have been looking forward to the material transfer warehouse for a long time, so the response was very enthusiastic."

"Who is against it?"

"At present, Tanzhou is against it. Of course, their objection is understandable. They originally wanted to use Changsha as a transit point for goods, but they didn't expect to be snatched away by Hengyang, so they are a little dissatisfied."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "It's true, but Hengyang is a transfer place for materials, and it doesn't affect the construction of warehouses in Changsha! Don't counties in Tanzhou need freight warehouses?"

Zhang Shun said with a smile: "That's what humble jobs mean. Changsha can also build warehouses, and then subsidize them appropriately."

Chen Qing nodded, and looked at the plan again. The densely packed small characters of the plan made him feel dizzy. He put the plan aside and asked, "What is the plan for building the warehouse?"

"Considering humble positions, warehouses are divided into two types: private warehouses and official warehouses. Private warehouses are rented out to merchants for rent, and official warehouses are warehouses built by states. Hengyang provides land, and states send people and money to build their own warehouses. Of course , They don't have any money, so they still have to apply to His Highness."

Chen Qingxin nodded, "This plan is good, separate public and private! I will pay for it, together with the dredging of the river and the warehouses in Changsha County. It is best for the southern states to have their own small warehouses to facilitate the transportation of materials to the counties. It is a waste of money and food. Give me the plan, don’t build too much at the beginning, and expand slowly.”

"Humble job understands, after humble job goes back, find a special official to go to the scene to confirm."

After a pause, Zhang Shun said again: "The humble official has another matter to report to His Highness."

"Tell me! What's the matter?"

Zhang Shun hesitated and said, "It's about Wu Yongjin, the Sima of Hengzhou, someone pleads for him!"

"Who?" Chen Qing raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Tanzhou Tongju Wang Yao, they are relatives of sons and daughters."

Chen Qing recalled that Chong Huan had reported to Xiang Xiang that Wang Yao was the eldest son of the Wang family, the most wealthy family in Tanzhou.

"This Wu Yongjin is also a local snake?"

"Exactly, it is the top three giants in Hengzhou."

"Since he is a local snake, are you still afraid of Ma Wenfu, an outsider?"

"Your Highness, Ma Wenfu is Qin Hui's confidant. Zhang Jun was dispatched to live in Yongzhou and Hengzhou before. Ma Wenfu came to monitor Zhang Jun. He has financial support from the court and holds two thousand state soldiers. Although Wu Yongjin is a local snake, But I am still afraid of the army in the hands of Ma Wenfu."

"What if Wu Yongjin really has a heart for the imperial court?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Your Highness, Wang Yao is willing to guarantee Wu Yongjin. If Wu Yongjin has his heart in the court, he is willing to bear all joint and several responsibilities."

Chen Qing glanced at Zhang Shun, and he understood what Zhang Shun meant. If this favor was given to Zhang Shun, then Zhang Shun would be able to control Tanzhou and Hengzhou through this matter. That's why Zhang Shun was so active.

Chen Qing said indifferently: "According to my principle, local snakes cannot be the governor of a state. I can appoint Wu Yongjin as the general judge of Hengzhou, but he must first come to Jingzhao to report on his duties."

At the same time when Chen Qing was meeting officials from various prefectures alone on Sichuan Road, this year's new Jinshi scholars also began to work in various government offices, and the young Jinshi sent abroad also rushed to various places.

This morning, on the official road in the northeast of Yuchi County, two men riding mules and donkeys came. The young man at the head was Xinke Jinshi Yu Shou. He did not return to Lin'an, but stayed in Jingzhao for a month, quietly replacing My father bought a five-acre house in the newly developed urban area in the south, near Taixue, at a price of [-] guan per mu. It is close to the small river, and the environment is very quiet and beautiful.

Not long after buying the land, the steward sent by his father also came to Jingzhao. Yu Shou handed over the land to the steward, who was in charge of building the house, and he went to Yuchi County to take up the post.

Yu Shou was riding a big mule with green leather, and behind him was Xu Pei, who had been appointed by Kaifeng Mansion as a security officer, in charge of the Qian Valley in Yuchi County, and he was riding a big donkey.

There are generally three to five judges in a county, depending on the size of the county. Yuchi County is a large county, so there are five judges, one is in charge of the law, mainly involved in assisting the county magistrate in solving cases, and the second is in charge of civil affairs and assisting the magistrate. To govern the county seat, the third person is in charge of finance and taxation, the fourth person is in charge of money and granaries, and the fifth person is in charge of public security, which is Dutou.

Yu Shou was appointed as the county magistrate, in charge of the public security prisons in the county. His subordinates were mainly Dutou. As the secretary, it means that the financial rights have been taken by Yu Shou.

This is also the effect of Chen Qing's note, and the Kaifeng government gave Yu Shou the real power to be in charge of money, grain and finance.

"County officer, you have to remember that in a county, the county magistrate is the boss, and he has the right to recommend. After your term expires, whether you can be promoted to county magistrate depends on how the magistrate evaluates you, so no matter what, you have to agree with him. Make good relations with the county magistrate."

Xu Pei explained various official rules to Yu Shou along the way, including explicit rules and unspoken rules. He has been a civil servant for ten years and has rich experience.

"For example, if you are a county lieutenant, you are in charge of law and order. There are two groups of people in charge of law and order. One group is the archers of the county government. There are twenty or thirty people, led by a chief, who are responsible for arresting robbers, thieves, etc., or the county government. Some people fight, some women are molested, and the leaders will lead others to interfere; there is also a group of village soldiers, more than a hundred people, guarding the city gates, patrolling the city at night, dealing with bandits and so on.

You have to figure it out, the county magistrate is in charge of the capital and archers, and the township soldiers are commanded by the county lieutenant, but in fact!Most of the county's archers and town soldiers are under the control of the magistrate, and the county lieutenant can only do miscellaneous work. Depending on the magistrate's mood, I will arrange some jobs for you, so I have repeatedly said that we must establish a good relationship with the magistrate. "

"In many counties, the county magistrate and the county magistrate are enemies, so the county magistrate's team is very important. Some county magistrates teamed up with the county magistrate to empty the magistrate, and some county magistrates teamed up with the county magistrate to force the county magistrate to go home to take care of the children, but never There is no reason for the county magistrate to join forces with the county magistrate to deal with the county magistrate, so the county magistrate will be wooed, let alone stand in line at this time, and make a decision after fully understanding the situation."

"Young master, don't think about making money when you first take office. Many times you don't understand the situation, and others will set you up. If you are greedy, you will either be caught by others, or you will be dismissed from office."

Xu Pei talked endlessly along the way, and Yu Shou sometimes listened very attentively, but sometimes he thought he was long-winded, so he simply went in one ear and out the other.

At this moment, Yu Shou felt a little bored of him, said the same thing countless times, and then took out fried leftovers, he whipped his whip, and the mule ran to the county town several miles away.

"County lieutenant, wait for me!"

Not long after entering the city, he inquired all the way to the county yamen. There were two yamen servants standing at the gate of the county yamen. Yu Shou turned over and got off his mule.

"Wait! Wait!"

The two yamen servants heard that the new county lieutenant had arrived.Like a gust of wind, he ran in to report.

Not long after, Ma Houwen, the county magistrate, led a group of civil servants out to welcome Yu Shou.

Ma Houwen laughed loudly and said, "You are Yu County Captain, right? Next is Ma Houwen, the county magistrate, ha ha! Yu County Captain is so young, he is a formidable young man!"

Ma Houwen was very polite. When someone from Kaifeng Mansion delivered the letter of appointment, he reminded him that although the new county lieutenant was a Jinshi of the new department, he had a note personally approved by King Yong, and appointed him an escort, explaining that he The background is very hard.

Ma Houwen has been in the officialdom for more than ten years, and he immediately knew the importance of it, so he was extra attentive and polite to Yu Shou's arrival.

"Refer to Mazhi County for a humble job!" Yu Shou hurriedly saluted.

"My dear brother, you're welcome. This... is Xu Yasi, who is in charge of Qiangu in our county!" Ma Houwen turned his gaze to Xu Pei who was behind him again.

(End of this chapter)

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