
Chapter 1111 tacit understanding

Chapter 1111 tacit understanding
It was mid-March, and officials from Jingnan South Road began to return one after another. At this time, the army began to redeploy. Yang Yuanqing was named the commander of the Yangtze River Middle Road Navy, and led [-] troops and [-] warships to station in Jiangxia. [-] troops should be stationed in Jiangling, another [-] troops will be stationed in Xiazhou under the command of Shi Chen, and only [-] troops will be stationed in Chengdu on Sichuan Road.

Following the dispatch of Hengzhou governor Ma Wenfu's express letter to Lin'an, the imperial court finally learned of the major event that happened on Jingnan South Road, and the emperor Zhao Gou was furious.

This time, Chen Qing's action broke through his bottom line, and even forcibly occupied Jingnan South Road. Zhao Gou immediately summoned Qin Hui, Xu Xiantu, and Zhu Shengfei to yell at him.

"Chen Qing devoured all the flesh and belts on South Jingnan Road, but you did nothing and let him do whatever he wanted. What about the [-] troops I raised? Are they all vase decorations?"

Zhao Gou was so angry that his face turned blue and his hands were shaking, "I don't want to hear any explanation, I want you to act! Act! We must put pressure on Chen Qing to prevent him from annexing the territory of Song Dynasty unscrupulously."

"Your Majesty, please calm down. Your Majesty will lose his mind if he gets angry like this. Instead, he will make us more passive. Your Majesty must calm down first." Xu Xiantu tried hard to persuade.

Zhao Gou finally restrained his anger. He looked at Xu Xiantu coldly for a while and said, "Could it be that what I said was wrong, our army can only watch from the sidelines instead of deterring the other party?"

"Your Majesty, although there are [-] garrisons on the Jiangnan West Road, it is difficult to travel by land with high mountains and dense forests. It is obviously impossible to go by land. We can only go by water, but we don't have enough warships. Your Majesty, I have considered it. Our only The way is to put pressure on Jiangling Mansion, which is also on the north bank of the Yangtze River."

"How many troops do we have in Xiangyang?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, there are [-] troops, led by the controlling Wang Gui, it's just..."

"Just what?" Zhao Gou stared at Xu Xiantu and asked.

"Your Majesty, Chen Qing is already prepared. I have received news that he has garrisoned [-] troops in Dengzhou. Once the Xiangyang army goes south and Xiangyang is empty, the western army in Dengzhou may take the opportunity to occupy Xiangyang."

"Except for Xiangyang, where are the other armies?" Zhao Gou finally calmed down.

"The other army is Zhang Jun's [-] Huaixi Army. They can cross the Han River and push Jiangling, but this will highlight Zhang Jun's role and is not conducive to His Majesty's plan to cut down the vassal."

Zhao Gou closed his eyes, pondered for a long time, and said: "It is not a day to cut down the feudal clan, but it takes only a short time to raise troops for a thousand days, and I have passed on my will to order Zhang Jun to send [-] troops to attack Jiangling Mansion. I will take Jiangling."

"Your Majesty is courageous!" Zhu Shengfei flattered him.

Zhao Gou snorted, "If I don't use troops, he thinks I'm weak and can be bullied, and gradually erodes the land of the Song Dynasty. Today is Jingnan South Road, then tomorrow it will be Jingnan North Road, and the day after tomorrow it will be Jiangnan East Road. Realize that what he does will lead to war, fight if you want, I am not afraid of him!"

Qin Hui nodded: "If war can't be avoided, it's better to fight early than late. I support Your Majesty!"

The emperor's decree was sent to Hefei County, Luzhou in the form of a gold medal, where the Xuanfu envoy of Huaixi was located.

Four days later, Zhang Jun received the emperor's order, ordering him to immediately dispatch [-] troops to coerce Jiangling Mansion. If the opportunity is right, he can even directly take back Jiangling Mansion.

The matter was of great importance, so Zhang Jun immediately ordered someone to invite Wang Jingxiu, the chief aide, and not long after, the tall and thin Wang Jingxiu came to Zhang Jun's official room.

"Come and see this sir!"

Zhang Jun handed the emperor's decree to Wang Jingxiu. Wang Jingxiu opened it and smiled and said, "Good thing! After making this decree, it means that the imperial court will not cut down the vassal for the time being. The emperor wants to use Xuan Fu envoy to deal with Chen Qing's things." Expand it!"

Zhang Jun sighed, "How can my army be the opponent of the Western Army?"

"So the envoy Xuanfu must learn from Han Shizhong's lessons and not repeat the same mistakes. We have summed up before."

After Han Shizhong was demoted, Zhang Jun and Wang Jingxiu summed up the reasons why Han Shizhong was demoted. It was right for Han Shizhong to send troops. In a state of war, it was not easy for the court and the emperor to demolish the feudal domain. But Han Shizhong took a wrong step. He and Xi The army really took action, leading to a complete defeat, and the court found an excuse to seize the military power.

If Han Shizhong didn't say anything, and never fought with the Western Army, he must still be in military power now, and the imperial court would not be able to cut down the vassal.

Han Shizhong's lesson told Zhang Jun that it is the most beneficial plan for him to stay in a state of war with the Western Army, but never really fight.

The key is to have a tacit understanding with Chen Qing, so that there will be no misjudgment between the two parties.

"Sir, what do you mean, I want to send someone to notify Chen Qing?"

Wang Jingxiu stroked his beard and nodded, "Of course, otherwise a serious misjudgment occurs, and the Xuanfu envoy will really repeat the mistakes of Han Shizhong."

Zhang Jun knew what to do, so he immediately asked his soldiers to find the eldest son and handed him a letter, "Chen Qing should be in Jiangling now, you should rush to Jiangling mansion immediately, and hand this letter to him, and you must hand it over to him." Handed over to him, it cannot be obtained by others, understand?"

"My child obeys the order!"

Zhang Ziqi hurried away with the letter.

Zhang Jun immediately raised an army of [-]. He personally led the army from Luzhou and marched towards Jiangling in a mighty manner. The team was very powerful, but they walked very slowly. go to.

In Hengzhou, [-] thousand stone ships loaded with [-] troops went down the Xiangjiang River and arrived in Hengyang County. Hengzhou has one thing that is different from other state capitals, that is, it has an army, [-] regular troops. Zhizhou Ma Wenfu personally led.

This is because both Tanzhou and Yongzhou were places where important court officials were exiled. For example, Zhang Jun was exiled to live in Yongzhou and Hengzhou successively.

Now that Zhang Jun is serving as the pacification ambassador of Fuzhou, it’s not too bad. Li Gang, Wu Jie and Zhe Yanzhi have also been designated to live in Hengzhou. In fact, they are under house arrest, so Hengzhou needs an army. To monitor these deposed ministers.

However, last year when the amnesty was granted, Hengzhou no longer has any ministers, but the [-] troops are still there. Ma Wenfu also relied on the confidence of the [-] troops. He did not go to Chengdu to meet King Yong, and other state officials in Hengzhou were not allowed to go, otherwise he would not be able to go. Ensure the safety of their families.

Fifty Wanshi large ships stopped on the river ten miles away from Hengyang County, and small boats full of soldiers sailed to the shore.

The Wanshi ship can sail in Hengyang, but it cannot dock. The river is too shallow, so it is necessary to dredge the river and rebuild the wharf.

Eight thousand troops quickly assembled on the shore and rushed to Hengyang County.

Hengyang is a large county, but the city walls are not high and some are dilapidated.

It was noon at this time, the soldiers were eating in the barracks, and there were only a hundred people guarding the North City Gate. Hengzhou Sima Wu Yongjin rushed to the North City Gate with more than a hundred servants.

Wu Yongjin has received a letter from his in-law Wang Yao. King Yong will give him a chance. If he can make meritorious service, not only will he not be punished, but he will be promoted to another level.

Wu Yongjin was grateful, but also went all out.

At this time, more than a hundred servants brought by Wu Yongjin were the scouts of the Western Army in disguise. According to the agreed time, they rushed to the North City Gate.

More than a hundred Western Army scouts were hiding in the alley, and Wu Yongjin brought a few ox carts full of alleys.

"Why is Wu Sima here?"

Of course the general on duty at the city gate knew Wu Sima. Wu Yongjin pointed to the box behind him and said, "You guys will escort the box to the dock by the river, and then help me carry it to the boat. Each of you will reward you with a tael of silver. Those who go will have a share."

There is also such a good thing, you can earn a tael of silver by moving a box. The soldiers were very enthusiastic. The general on duty left a few people to guard the gate, and he personally took more than a hundred other soldiers to guard a few ox carts to the riverside.

"Won't Sima Wu go?" The leading general asked strangely when he found that Wu Yongjin hadn't moved.

Wu Yongjin laughed and said, "You guys go! My butler is waiting by the river, I still have something to do."

The general on duty had no doubts, and led the soldiers away. They had just been transferred from the mountain, and more than a hundred scouts from the Western Army immediately took over the North City Gate.

[Two updates today, Lao Gao wants to take a break on weekends]

(End of this chapter)

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