
Chapter 1113 Cut the River

Chapter 1113 Cut the River
In Jiangxia, Yang Yuanqing, the governor of the Yangtze River Middle Road Navy, received an urgent order from Chen Qing. The content was very simple, ordering him to immediately lead the army to block the Han River and intercept Zhang Jun's army to the east of the Han River.

Yang Yuanqing immediately led [-] warships with a total of [-] soldiers to attack. The fleet passed through Sanjiangkou and sailed towards Hanshui. Monitor the opponent's crossing point within hundreds of miles from the shore.

This morning, a [-] army arrived in Fuzhou. The army stopped in the south of Jingling County. Jingling County is close to the Han River, and Jiangling Mansion is on the opposite bank.

Zhang Jun stared at the surface of the Hanshui River. The river was very quiet and there were no boats in sight. In fact, this was a signal that there must be military ships upstream or downstream, which prevented merchant ships or fishing boats from sailing.

General Wang Zheng stepped forward and said: "The situation is a bit abnormal. It will not be easy to cross the river the next day. I suggest you choose another place to cross the river!"

Zhang Jun glared at him, "If there are enemy ships, it will not be safe to cross the river anywhere!"

He ordered: "Build a pontoon bridge!"

They collected more than [-] small boats from various small rivers, and the construction soldiers began to quickly use the small boats to build a pontoon bridge. First, they pulled two long ropes to fix the boats in the middle of the ropes. It is the best floating bridge across the river.

Halfway through the shop, someone suddenly pointed at the river and shouted: "Enemy ship!"

Looking around, Zhang Jun saw dozens of large ships several miles to the south, all of which were thousands of stone vehicles, and they were speeding towards this side.

Sure enough, it has come. In fact, this is what Zhang Jun expected. He must have a reason to confront Chen Qing's army. Not being able to cross the Han River and the Yangtze River is the best reason. The court has nothing to say. Who made the court delay Refuse to build ships?

"All retreat! Ming Jin retreats!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The rapid bell rang, and hundreds of fortification soldiers on the pontoon turned around and rushed to the shore to evacuate. After a while, dozens of warships approached the pontoon bridge. boom! 'The fire was burning on the pontoon bridge, black smoke billowed, and soon the pontoon bridge was engulfed.

Within two days, Zhang Jun's army built pontoon bridges to cross the river three times, but they were destroyed by the warships of the Western Army three times. At this time, the logistics of Zhang Jun's army arrived in Jingling County. Zhouzhou was going to fight a protracted war. At the same time, Zhang Jun wrote a military newspaper and ordered people to send it to Lin'an.

At night, Zhang Ziqi was taken to his father's big tent by his own soldiers. He walked back from Yingzhou, but passed by the army. When he found something was wrong, he turned around and came back. He walked for five or six days longer.

This is not to blame for Zhang Ziqi. Zhang Jun's army planned to go to Yingzhou and cross the river from Renshou County, but later found that Yingzhou could not bring a boat, so the army changed to the south where the river network is densely covered.

Zhang Ziqi didn't dare to complain, he reported to his father the process of meeting King Yong, and finally said: "His Royal Highness said that he wanted to make a deal with his father, but he didn't tell the details of the deal, he said it in the letter."

Zhang Jun took the letter and asked a few more questions before letting his son go down to rest. He opened the letter and read it carefully. Invite staff member Wang Jingxiu.

Not long after, Wang Jingxiu walked into the big tent and asked with a smile, "The eldest son is back?"

Zhang Jun nodded and handed the letter to him, "Sir, take a look at this letter, a letter written by King Yong."

Wang Jingxiu opened the letter and read it carefully, and said with a smile, "Prince Yong wants Xiangyang, so please ask Xuanfu envoy to force Wang Gui to fight against him. That's a good idea!"

"Sir, do you think this transaction is inappropriate?"

Wang Jingxiu shook his head, "There is no problem with the transaction itself, but the effect will not be very good. After all, Chen Qing can't control the court. It is Qin Hui and the Queen Mother who can really keep the military power of the Xuanfu envoy."

After a pause, Wang Jingxiu smiled again: "But even if Qin Hui and the Queen Mother are trying to protect them, they still need an excuse, and Chen Qing is just the best excuse, so this deal can be done."

"Then what should I do, I mean Wang Gui, how can I force him to surrender to Chen Qing?" Zhang Jun asked.

"It's easy to say, but it has to be done step by step. Xuanfu envoy might as well ask Wang Gui to send a batch of food, and that's it!"

Wang Jingxiu said a few words in a low voice, Zhang Jun nodded again and again, this move is really vicious!
Wang Gui is the second person in the Yue Family Army. When the Yue Family Army was disbanded, he did not choose to surrender to Chen Qing, but directly surrendered to the court. It was also his luck. In order to appease Han Shizhong and Zhang Jun, Zhao Gou, It was necessary to set an example after cutting down the vassal, and this pie fell on Wang Gui. Wang Gui was appointed as the envoy of the Xiangzhou system and commanded [-] troops to guard Xiangzhou, mainly to defend the western army from going south from Dengzhou.

In the past two years, Wang Gui has been cautious, for fear of offending Zhang Jun. He knows that Zhang Jun has always wanted to annex his army, but was stopped by the court, but as long as there is a chance, Zhang Jun will open his bloody mouth and swallow his army. , without the army, my fate might not be as good as that of a small soldier.

This time Zhang Jun led an army of [-] to the west, and Wang Gui was very nervous. On the one hand, he was worried that the western army would annex Xiangyang directly under the pretext of going to war, and on the other hand, he was worried that Zhang Jun would ask for a joint attack on Jiangling, taking the opportunity to annex his own army.

He is like a small fish in a giant crocodile, just wanting to hide in the cracks to survive.

That afternoon, Wang Gui received news that Zhang Jun's [-] troops could not cross the Han River, and the Western Army's warships blocked the river, and they had set up camp in Jingling County, Fuzhou.

This made Wang Gui heave a sigh of relief. Jingling County is about [-] miles away from them, which is still relatively far away. I don't know if Zhang Jun's hands are so long?

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, Wang Gui received a message sent by Zhang Jun, asking him to provide [-] shi of grain and [-] pigs and sheep immediately.

Wang Gui couldn't help being extremely annoyed, how could Zhang Jun's rations be provided by himself, he had the whole of Huaixi to provide them with military rations, no matter how bad it was, Fuzhou, Yingzhou, Mianzhou and Hanyang Mansions would provide them with rations and grasses, so he couldn't turn himself in.

But the other party's request was not too much, he could still afford [-] shi of grain and [-] pigs and sheep, Wang Gui held back his displeasure, and sent his confidant general Cheng Zhi to escort the cart with [-] soldiers, and headed overland to Jingling County.
Three days later, the grain transport convoy entered Fuzhou, more than [-] miles away from Jingling County. It was already dark, and the convoy and escort soldiers rested in the woods by the river.

Cheng Zhi was a little worried. After passing Renshou County, he found someone following his team. Tonight might be the last night, and if something happened tonight, a feeling of uneasiness flooded his heart. It feels very strong.

He simply carried the knife and walked out of the woods. The woods where they camped was close to the Hanshui River, and this was also a camp specially selected by Cheng Zhi. If there was a situation, they could escape from the water.

But as soon as he walked out of the woods, he was taken aback. All around were dense black shadows, which had already surrounded them.

"Go in, shoot and kill!" A fierce voice came.

(End of this chapter)

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