
Chapter 1114

Chapter 1114
Tens of thousands of black shadows rushed towards the woods from all directions. Seeing that the situation was critical, Cheng Zhi didn't have time to notify his subordinates. He ran for dozens of steps and jumped into the Han River. There happened to be a big rock on the bank, half on the bank and half in the water. Hiding under the boulder, he slowly took off his armor.

There were screams in the woods, cries, wailing, begging for mercy, and finally turned into desperate screams.

About half an hour after the massacre, and then began to clean up the battlefield, Cheng Zhi heard someone report faintly, "General, we haven't found the other party's chief general."

"Search for me thoroughly, if we can't find the chief general, how can we explain to the envoy?"

Cheng Zhi's heart skipped a beat, he couldn't believe his ears, the opponent was not the Western Army, but the Xuan Fushi, it was Zhang Jun's army.

At this time, a few spears poked over, he quickly pinched his nose and sank into the water
Not long after, the search soldiers found nothing and left the shore.

"General, it's too late, we really can't tell the faces apart, and we really don't know which corpse is their leader?"

"Forget it, burn the body and dig a deep hole!"

More than a thousand corpses were doused in kerosene, and a fire was lit. Cheng Zhi quietly dived along the river, and landed five or six miles away. He didn't dare to stop while burning the corpse, and ran away to the north.

There is a five-acre house in the northwest of Xiangyang City. It is very close to the government office, only two hundred steps away. The place where senior officials and famous families live together in Xiangyang City.

This three-acre house is the house of Cai Li, Wang Gui's confidant. The Cai family has been a famous and wealthy family in Xiangyang since the Three Kingdoms period. Li is a real son of a wealthy family. He is the second son of Cai Quan, the former magistrate of Xiangzhou. He was born in an imperial school.

In the middle of the night, two guests from afar knocked on the door of Cai Li's mansion, and the door opened with a creak. Who are you looking for?"

"We are coming from Jiangling. This is my greeting card. Please let me know if you have something important to ask him."

The housekeeper was a little worried: "It's very late at night now, my master has already rested, can't he come back tomorrow?"

The leader said coldly: "The Cai family only has this chance in a hundred years, the housekeeper had better report it, and don't completely ruin the Cai family because of your arrogance."

The housekeeper was taken aback, and quickly said: "You two wait a moment, I will report it!"

The butler left in a hurry, and after a while, he came running like a gust of wind, opened the door and slapped himself twice, "The villain has neglected the distinguished guest, please come in quickly, my master is dressing, he will come right away!"

The two of them were not angry, they followed the butler to the guest room, a maid came in and served tea, after a while, a man in his mid-thirties came in hurriedly, clasped his fists and said, "You have neglected the distinguished guest!"

The head guest is called Xu Mu, who is under Chen Qing's account and is a member of the military. In terms of his position, he is similar to Cai Li, but he is now Chen Qing's envoy, so of course it is different.

Xu Mu introduced his deputy again, and explained with a smile: "Actually, we arrived in Xiangyang City in the afternoon. During the day, there were many people, so we came to visit at night to disturb Cai Canjun's rest."

"It's okay! It's okay! Please sit down, both of you."

The two sides were divided into guests and hosts, and Xu Mu smiled and said: "Let's make a long story short! This time we came to visit Cai Canjun on the order of His Royal Highness King Yong, and hoped that Cai Canjun would do something for us. Cai Canjun served as the general judge of Xiangzhou."

Cai Li felt a fever in his heart, and hurriedly said, "I don't know what I can do for King Yong?"

Xu Mu took out a letter from his pocket and put it on the table, "This is a personal letter from His Highness to you. Everything you want to say is in the letter. The message I want to bring has already been said, so don't bother me anymore."

Xu Mu and his subordinates got up to leave, Cai Li kept sending them out of the gate, Xu Mu said with a smile: "We live in the Ping An Inn in the south of the city, Cai Canjun can find us anytime."

Cai Li was no longer sleepy, he read King Yong's handwritten letter carefully in his study, and walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, he decided to consult with his old father. "

Cai Li's elder brother died of illness the year before last, and his father Cai Quan lived with Cai Li. Cai Quan lived in a small courtyard in the back house and lived like an ascetic monk. Self-grown vegetables and self-ground tofu are his ways of keeping in good health, but he still has a hobby, that is, he is addicted to tea. Every day before dawn, he would send his servants to fetch clear springs outside the city to make tea.

Is Cai Quan already asleep, but Cai Li wakes up his father.

"Why don't you sleep so late?" Cai Quan complained a little.

"A major event has happened, which is related to the fate of our family. The child is not sure, so I come here to ask my father for advice!"

Cai Quan heard that it was related to the fate of the family, so he stood up vigorously, lit the oil lamp, and asked his son to come in and sit down, "Say it! What's the matter?"

"Just now, Chen Qing sent his men down to look for the boy."

Cai Quan was startled, "Yong Wang Chen Qing?"


"What did he send someone for you?"

"He wants to recruit Wang Gui, and let me persuade Wang Gui to surrender at the right time."

"It's that simple?"

Cai Li took out King Yong's handwritten letter and handed it to his father. Cai Quan smiled and said, "I'll just say it! Things won't be that simple."

He read the letter roughly with the help of an oil lamp, thought for a moment and said: "If my prediction is correct, he is not trying to attract Wang Gui, but he is trying to get Xiangyang. If you surrendered to him, Xiangyang will belong to him, I mean! Xiangyang's strategic position is so important, how could he only want Dengzhou last year, but not Xiangyang?"

After hesitating for a while, Cai Li said again: "Father, His Royal Highness King Yong said that after the matter is completed, the child will be appointed as the general judge of Xiangzhou."

Cai Quan pointed to the letter, "I read it carefully, you didn't write that in the letter!"

Cai Li hurriedly said: "It's a message from the sender, saying that His Royal Highness King Yong personally promised."

There was excitement in Cai Quan's eyes. He was the general judge of Xiangzhou [-] years ago. If his son can serve as the general judge of Xiangzhou again, their family will really be revitalized.

But the key is to achieve the goal for King Yong and persuade Wang Gui to surrender.

"How confident do you think you are in convincing Wang Gui?"

"Father, Wang Gui has always trusted the imperial court. When Yue Yun and Zhang Xian defected to Chen Qing, he also persuaded him. He just said that everyone has his own ambitions, so he didn't lead the army northward, and the imperial court appointed him as the envoy of the Xiangzhou system. He was even more moved and vowed to be loyal to the imperial court, so it was impossible for him to surrender to Chen Qing."

Cai Quan pondered for a moment and said: "But the letter said that Wang Gui asked you to persuade him when he was desperate. I guess His Royal Highness King Yong still has means, and something big will definitely happen in the next few days."

"Or there is only Zhang Jun. The person Wang Gui is most afraid of is Zhang Jun. It is an open secret that Zhang Jun wants to swallow his army. If King Yong wants to force Wang Gui, then Zhang Jun can only help, but they But it's a war confrontation in Jiangling Mansion!"

Cai Quan said disdainfully: "What kind of war confrontation, give Zhang Jun ten guts, he doesn't dare to provoke Chen Qing, he is just pretending to show the court that's all, if Zhang Jun agrees to help Chen Qing take Xiangyang, I am not surprised at all .”

Cai Li pondered for a moment and said: "Father, if King Yong is only for Xiangyang, will he have a second move? If Wang Gui refuses to surrender, will he bribe Wang Gui's generals to get rid of him?"

"It's entirely possible!"

Cai Quan nodded, "So you can't rush, you have to see the situation before proceeding!"

(End of this chapter)

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