
Chapter 1115 Conspiracy

Chapter 1115 Conspiracy
At dawn the next day, Cai Li was awakened by a knock on the door, and the housekeeper reported in the courtyard, "Wang Tongzhi sent someone to invite the master, saying that he has something important to discuss."

When Cai Li rushed to the barracks, he saw Wang Gui was full of anger, and his two deputy commanders, Tang Huai and Zhang Xian, were also angry and shocked.

There was another person, without armor, with disheveled hair, and looking quite embarrassed. It was Cheng Zhi, the general who was going to Fuzhou with food.

"Control, what happened?" Cai Li walked into the big tent and asked.

"Hmph! Zhang Jun is too deceitful. I kindly sent people to send him food, pigs and sheep, but he sent troops to intercept and kill them on the way. A thousand soldiers and coachmen were all killed by his troops. Only General Cheng escaped. "

Cai Li was taken aback, as expected, Zhang Jun started to persecute Wang Gui when his father said so.

"Can the control be confirmed by Zhang Jun?"

Cheng Zhi hurriedly said: "The humble officer hid in the water and heard it with his own ears, but he couldn't find my body, so he couldn't report to the Xuan Fu envoy."

"If it's the Xuan Fu envoy, it can only be Zhang Jun."

"But what is he trying to do by doing this?"

Although Wang Gui was angry, he was at a loss. He didn't understand what Zhang Jun's purpose was for doing this.
Cai Li pondered for a moment and said, "I'm afraid they want to plant blame on the Western Army to anger the governor. If the humble official guessed correctly, Zhang Jun will send someone over soon to invite the commander to lead the army south and join hands with him to deal with the Jiangling Mansion."

Tang Huai, the deputy commander next to him, said: "Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is aimed at Pei Gong. Zhang Jun led a hundred thousand troops to attack the Western Army on the surface, but the humble official suspects that his real purpose is to take the opportunity to annex us."

Cai Li nodded, "General Tang is right. Zhang Jun dared not fight against the Western Army even if he gave Zhang Jun ten guts. He led an army of [-] to come here. In fact, he pretended to be united with us, and then took a bite Annexing us, so he wants to create an opportunity, isn't it his best excuse to kill a thousand of our soldiers by the Western Army?"

Wang Gui narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "I want to see if he will send an envoy to find me!"

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers said at the door of the tent: "Reporting to the control, Zhang Xuanfu envoy sent someone to deliver the letter!"

Wang Gui was furious, "He really came!"

Cai Li quickly persuaded: "Control must be restrained. You don't know the news yet. Don't let the messenger see the clues, otherwise we will be very passive."

Wang Gui nodded, held back his anger, and said to the crowd: "You all stand down, Cai Canjun can stay."

Not long after, the soldier who delivered the letter came and knelt down on one knee to salute, "By the order of the Xuan Fu envoy, deliver the letter to Wang Tongzhi!"

"Where is the letter?"

The soldier delivering the letter took out a letter and presented it to Wang Gui, who took it over and said, "Is there any other message?"

"Xuanfu envoy said that he expects Wang Tongzhi to send troops as soon as possible?"

Wang Gui pretended to be puzzled and said, "What kind of soldiers are there?"

"Wang Tongzhi will know after reading the letter."

Immediately Wang Gui ordered his soldiers to take the letter-delivering soldiers down. He opened the letter and read it carefully. As expected, Zhang Jun told him in a sad tone in the letter that his food-delivery team was ambushed by the Western Army on the way, and the entire army was killed. overwhelmed.

Zhang Jun asked him to immediately lead an army of [-] to go south to join forces against Jiangling Mansion and solve problems for the emperor.

Wang Gui handed Zhang Jun's letter to Cai Li again, Cai Li read the letter and said, "Now the ruler believes it!"

Wang Gui sighed and said, "I said, why does he only want such a little grain and so little pigs and sheep? It turned out that this was a poisonous scheme he had planned long ago. The chains were intertwined and forced me to send troops south to join him. How could I be fooled?"

Cai Li smiled wryly and said: "Zhang Jun's next step has been written in the letter, to solve the emperor's worries and problems. If the ruler refuses to send troops, it is not to relieve the emperor's worries. I am afraid he will sue the court."

"Tell me what?"

"It must be that Tongzhi colluded with the Western Army, surrendered Chen Qing secretly, and then suggested that Tongzhi be transferred away. He used the wartime status as an excuse to directly take over Tongzhi's army. The result will definitely be like this."

Wang Gui gritted his teeth and said, "I also want to complain to the court and tell the court the truth."

Cai Li shook his head and smiled wryly: "If the imperial court believes in Tongzhi, then Zhang Jun is slandering Tongzhi. In fact, it is a contest between Tongzhi and Zhang Jun in the court. Tongzhi thinks that his connections can surpass Zhang Jun? Who will the court and the emperor trust? "

Wang Gui sat down dejectedly, of course he knew that both Qin Hui and Zhu Shengfei would speak for Zhang Jun, and that he was Yue Fei's subordinate, as long as Zhang Jun concocted some 'evidence', he would be overwhelmed.

"Joining the army says what should I do?"

Cai Li thought for a while and said: "First of all, the governor must refuse Zhang Jun's request to send troops. The humble officer believes that Zhang Jun has the Emperor's Shangfang Sword or the Emperor's Gold Medal in his hand. Once the commander sends troops, he will definitely use the emperor's order to threaten him. The commander has to listen. The military power was taken away by him, and he would even kill Tongzhi with an excuse, so we can use the excuse that the Dengzhou Western Army regards Xiangyang as an excuse, and we will resolutely not send troops."

Wang Gui nodded, "That's it, then what?"

"Then it depends on the attitude of the imperial court! There is no need to appeal to the imperial court for control, the more appeals the more dangerous."

Wang Gui became impatient, "Isn't that resignation to fate?"

Cai Li said indifferently: "With Zhang Jun, the control has no chance of winning. The control is now a fish on the chopping board. Unless the control is dead, Zhang Jun can only take care of it. Good luck, transfer to another state to be the magistrate, bad luck Therefore, it is more likely that he will be demoted to Lingnan, because the emperor may suffer the worst outcome if he believes Zhang Jun's false accusation."

Wang Gui also guessed the worst ending, to put himself to death, I am afraid this is Zhang Jun's purpose, to kill himself, once and for all.

Wang Gui hesitated for a moment and asked, "What do you mean by the dead fish and the broken net?"

"Either rebel, or go north."

"Surrender to King Yong?"

Cai Li nodded, "There are some things that I don't need to talk about because I'm a low-ranking official, and the ruler should understand it in his heart."

Wang Gui sighed deeply and said, "I didn't want to take this step before, if God must let me take this step, it would be God's will!"

"Yes! Many things are God's will."

Wang Gui immediately wrote a reply letter, saying that he was deeply saddened and angry, but he could not send troops. The Western Army had hoarded heavy troops in Dengzhou. I can only sit in Xiangyang, please forgive me! "

He handed the letter to Zhang Jun's messenger soldier, rewarded him ten taels of silver, and asked him to go back to deliver the letter.

Two days later, Zhang Jun received Wang Gui's reply letter, which was also expected by him. Wang Gui refused to send troops, obviously he was annexed by himself.

Although Zhang Jun was helping Chen Qing, he also had selfish intentions. Chen Qing wanted Xiangyang, and he also wanted to take the opportunity to annex Wang Gui's [-] elite soldiers. They each took what they needed and did not conflict.

Zhang Jun immediately brought Wang Jingxiu to discuss, Wang Jingxiu said with a smile: "Since he refuses to be fooled into sending troops, let the court step in and directly remove his military power. Now the Xuanfu envoy is in a wartime state, a wartime state! You can directly Take over the Xiangyang army."

"On what charge?"

"I have listened to the Xuan Fu envoy and made up my mind. There are three charges. First, colluding with Chen Qing in private. The evidence is that a large number of Chen Qing's army family members were resettled in Xiangzhou. He did not object; The sale of Xiangxiang resulted in the loss of the court's salt tax in Jingxiang."

"You mean the salt of the Huaixi Army?" Zhang Jun asked.

Wang Jingxiu smiled slightly, "The envoy Xuan Fu doesn't need to think too much, the court can't tell the difference between official salt and private salt, but as long as he can't get the salt tax, he will definitely believe the accusation of the envoy Xuan Fu."

Zhang Jun nodded, "I see, what about the third one?"

"Didn't the envoy Xuanfu have a general by Wang Gui's side? Ask him to write a letter to testify that Wang Gui secretly bought a ten-acre house in Jingzhao, and then asked King Yong to provide a copy of the evidence. The Yellow River can't wash it clean either."

(End of this chapter)

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