
Chapter 1118 Calling

Chapter 1118 Calling
In Lin'an, Zhang Jun's report on the impeachment of Wang Gui was sent to the emperor Zhao Gou's case.

In the report, Zhang Jun added another crime to Wang Gui in addition to the three crimes of counselor Wang Jingxiu, and cooperated with the Western Army to gather ships on the east bank of the Han River so that they could cross the river without boats.

The situation was a bit serious, and Zhao Gou, in a rage, immediately summoned several prime ministers to discuss countermeasures.

Qin Hui bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I agree with Zhang Jun's impeachment. In fact, the reason is very simple. So many of Yue Fei's troops surrendered to the Western Army. It is impossible for Wang Gui's army to compete with the previous army. There are countless connections. First of all, there are many family members of Yue Fei's army in Xiangyang, and Wang Gui didn't drive them away. Based on this, Wang Gui can't distinguish his relationship with the Western Army.

Your Majesty, Chen Qing has seized Jingbei Road, even if he is not in a hurry to seize Jingbei Road, then Jingbei Road must be under his control. Wang Gui may only be loyal to His Majesty in name, but in fact he has already taken refuge in Chen Qing secretly. "

Zhu Shengfei also said: "My minister finds it strange that there has been almost no salt tax income on Jingbei Road in the past two years. It is impossible for the people not to eat salt, so where does their salt come from? It turns out that the salt tax on Jingbei Road has been seized by Chen Qing Now, how could Wang Gui not know about such an important event? I specially checked it out, and the time when we lost the Jingbei Road Salt Tax coincided with the period when he became the military commander, so I can almost be sure that it was him The official salt from Sichuan and Shaanxi was introduced into Jinghu North Road."

Emperor Zhao Gou actually had a good impression of Wang Gui. He felt that he could resist Chen Qing's temptation and defend Xiangyang for himself. [-] troops guard Xiangyang. If there is no accident, by the end of the year, Zhao Gou will be promoted to be the governor of the capital.

But Zhao Gou's biggest problem is that his ears are soft, his position is easy to shake, and he is more likely to listen to slander. Zhang Jun's impeachment letter is well-founded and well-organized. With a rational analysis, Zhao Gou completely believed it.

He walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, then turned to ask Xu Xiantu, "What does Mr. Xu think?"

Xu Xiantu said indifferently: "We don't wrong any good person, and we will never let go of those who betrayed the court and His Majesty. The humble suggestion is to use the old method. Xuan Wanggui went to Beijing to report on his duties, and then temporarily put him under house arrest and sent people to investigate the situation. If it is true, then Wang Gui will be questioned, and forgive him for not being able to escape."

"Weichen also agrees with Mr. Xu's opinion!"

Qin Hui said from the side: "If Wang Gui has no regrets in his heart, he should go to Beijing calmly. If he has ghosts in his heart, then he will inevitably find various reasons to shirk. At this time, His Majesty will authorize Zhang Jun to find a way to relieve him." Wang Gui's military authority, escort him back to Lin'an for trial."

Zhu Shengfei also said: "My minister also agrees to call him to Beijing to report on his work!"

Zhao Gou made up his mind and nodded, "That's good! Pass on my will, and immediately call Wang Gui, the governor of Xiangzhou, to come to Beijing to report on his duties!"

Zhao Gou used the gold medal to deliver the gold medal quickly, traveling day and night, traveling three hundred miles a day. Five days later, the imperial decree calling Wang Gui to Beijing to report on his duties was sent to Xiangyang City.

At noon, Lieutenant General Tang Huai walked into the Tanxi Restaurant located in the west of Xiangyang City. He came to the elegant room of Haitang Room and met Xu Mu who was waiting for him. The day after Xu Mu met Cai Rang, he visited Tang Huai again. .

Tang Huai and Xu Qing had a very close personal relationship, Xu Mu handed Xu Qing's letter of persuasion to Tang Huai, and Tang Huai was moved by Xu Qing's persuasion, and Xu Mu handed Chen Qing's letter to Tang Huai in time, Tang Huai Huai finally made up his mind to join the Western Army.

Of course, Chen Qing would not hang himself from a tree. He wanted Xiangyang, not Wang Gui. If Wang Gui refused to surrender, then Tang Huai's surrender would be the same thing.

"Counselor Xu, today the imperial court sent someone to send the emperor's edict, and the emperor summoned Wang Tongzhi to return to Beijing to report on his duties."

Xu Mu quickly asked, "When did it happen?"

"Just now, half an hour ago."

Xu Mu pondered for a moment and then asked, "Then what is Wang Gui's attitude?"

"Wang Gui didn't say anything, and locked himself in the big tent."

"Then did he summon Cai Rang?" Xu Mu asked again.

Tang Huai shook his head, "He didn't summon anyone."

After a pause, Tang Huai asked in surprise, "Could it be that Cai Rang also pledged his allegiance to King Yong?"

Xu Mu smiled slightly and said, "The Cai family is the head snake in Xiangyang. Do you think they will be loyal to the imperial court or King Yong?"

Tang Huai said lightly: "Lin'an is too far away, King Yong's power is just a few feet away from Xiangyang, the Cai family may not be as good as an ant in the eyes of the emperor, but in the eyes of King Yong, at least they are still reliable local snakes, of course the Cai family will choose King Yong!"

"That's right, King Yong promised the Cai family that if things come to pass, Cai Rang will be appointed as the general judge of Xiangzhou. Similarly, regardless of whether Wang Gui surrenders to King Yong, King Yong will appoint General Tang as the commander, and Xu Qing, Yue Yun and Zhang Xian are at the same level."

Tang Huai was touched and said: "The Son of Heaven regards us as rebels, only King Yong valued us so much, King Yong's kindness. Hey! I only regret that I didn't decisively defect to His Highness King Yong last year."

Xu Mu comforted him with a smile and said, "It's God's will. God wanted King Yong to get Xiangyang, so he kept you here. So many things are not about leaving early, but about leaving wisely."

Tang Huai nodded, he remembered something again, and said in a low voice: "The humble official suspects that Zhang Xian has already been wooed by Zhang Jun."

"How does General Tang know?"

"Zhang Xian has a nephew named Zhang Daqiang, who came to join Zhang Xian at the beginning of the year. When one of his subordinates drank with him, he drank a few more glasses and bragged about his visit to a brothel in Shouchun, talking about what happened last year. , indicating that he came from Shouchun, not Bianliang as mentioned in his resume.

And as far as I know, Zhang Xian doesn't have any nephews, only one nephew, who died a long time ago, I don't know where this nephew came from?It took me two days to realize that he was most likely an undercover agent sent by Zhang Jun. He served as Zhang Xian's banner officer and happened to be in charge of the connection between Zhang Xian and Zhang Jun. "

Xu Mu pondered for a moment and asked, "Will Wang Gui come to Beijing?"

"The humble official thought that he would go to Lin'an and tell the emperor about his grievances. The emperor promised to promote him to be the governor of the capital at the end of the year. He has always been loyal to the emperor."

At this time, Shen Changxin, Xu Mu's subordinate, ran over and said, "Qi reported to join the army, Cai Rang has something urgent to look for, and the humble officer brought him here, and he is outside."

Tang Huai was startled, got up and wanted to leave through the back door, Xu Mu grabbed him, "It's better for you to meet each other, you know each other well, and we will all be colleagues in the future."

"Okay!" Tang Huai sat down again.

Xu Mu gave Shen Changxin a wink, and Shen Changxin went out. Not long after, he led Cai Rang into the room.

"Xu Canjun, the situation is a little bit."

Cai Rang suddenly saw Tang Huai, and was stunned. Xu Mu smiled and said, "They are all from our own family. Sit down and have a glass of wine, and talk slowly!"

Cai Rang and Tang Huai smiled knowingly, and the embarrassment just now disappeared in this smile.

Cai Rang sat down and said, "General Tang must have told Xu Canjun about the emperor's edict."

Xu Mu nodded, "I see, General Tang said, Wang Gui wants to join the debriefing?"


Cai Rang sighed and said, "I just met Wang Gui. He has already made a decision. He would rather die than be wronged. He wants to go to Beijing to report on his duties and explain the situation clearly. He has made up his mind and I can't persuade him."

Xu Mu asked with a smile: "Does Cai Canjun know that Zhang Xian is probably Zhang Jun's person?"

"I don't know, but I'm not surprised at all. Zhang Jun is staring at our [-] troops. How could he be uneasy about inserting his people?"

Cai Rang was very anxious, and he hurriedly said, "Xu Canjun, the situation is urgent, what should I do now?"

Xu Mu pondered for a moment and said, "Cai Canjun wants to persuade Wang Gui to let Tang Huai sit in Xiangyang and transfer Zhang Xian away from Xiangyang City."

"I can persuade Wang Gui, but I'm afraid that Zhang Xian will also defend Xiangyang. In the past, he was responsible for defending Xiangyang. Wang Gui and General Tang led the army northward to defend."

Xu Mu smiled slightly, "Don't worry! King Yong and Zhang Jun have an agreement that Zhang Jun will not fight for Xiangyang, so Zhang Xian will never propose to guard Xiangyang."

Cai Rang and Tang Huai looked at each other, both of them had a look of surprise in their eyes, it turned out that King Yong had already arranged everything step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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