
Chapter 1119 Xiangyang

Chapter 1119 Xiangyang
Inside the big tent, Wang Gui said to Cai Rang: "You don't need to persuade me to join the army. I have considered it for a long time. If I can surrender to the Western Army, I surrendered last year. Don't wait until now. Zhang Jun slandered me for having an affair with the Western Army, and the imperial court summoned me for this." Going to Beijing to report on my work, if I don't go, it will be equivalent to confirming Zhang Jun's slander, so I must go to the court to report on my work, even if I lose everything, I have to prove my innocence."

There was silence in the big tent. At this point, it is really hard to persuade any more. Cai Rang said slowly: "If the control has been decided, the humble official can understand and will not persuade again. What the humble official is worried about is what will happen next. As for the matter, Zhang Jun will definitely find a way to annex our army. I suggest that the soldiers should be divided into two groups, one side guarding the Han River, imitating the Western Army to block the river, so that Zhang Jun's army cannot pass the Han River, and the other side defending Xiangyang City. Support until the imperial court investigation team arrives, once the imperial court investigation team arrives, Zhang Jun will not dare to act recklessly, and it is very likely that the general will return to Xiangyang."

Wang Gui thought for a while, and then agreed, "We can divide the troops into two groups, one for defending Xiangyang and the other for Hanshui. What do you think of the arrangement when joining the army, or follow the old rules? Tang Huai stays outside, Zhang Xian stays inside?"

Cai Rang shook his head, "In the past, it was possible to arrange it this way because Tongzhi was in the capital, but it can't be arranged like this when Tongzhi went to the capital. I think that Tang Huai is cautious, more conservative than flexible, he is more suitable for defending the city, and Zhang Xian is flexible. It's changeable, and I think it's more appropriate for him to guard Hanshui."

"This. Let them choose for themselves!"

Wang Gui immediately sent someone to find Tang Huai and Zhang Xian, and after a while, the two walked into the big tent, "Please order!"

"Since the imperial court ordered me to return to Beijing to report on my duties, I thought twice and decided to return to Beijing. I have made up my mind, and you don't need to persuade me anymore."

The two nodded silently, presumably Cai Rang had already persuaded him, but Cai Rang couldn't persuade him, let alone them.

"I am now worried about my arrangements after I leave. Cai Canjun suggested that I divide my troops into two groups, one for Xiangyang and the other for Hanshui. What do you two think?"

Tang Huai and Zhang Xian looked at each other, of course they also expected so, Tang Huai said: "Two armies guarding Xiangyang, in fact there is only one army, once Xiangyang falls, both armies will be lost, if the two armies guard separately, no matter which one If an accident occurs in the army, it can warn the other army, and I agree with the two armies to guard separately."

Wang Gui nodded and looked at Zhang Xian, Zhang Xian also bowed and said: "Xiaozhi also agrees to separate the guards. In the past, I was guarding Xiangyang. This time, I asked to be released. I am willing to guard Hanshui. This is fair to everyone. .”

Wang Gui was worried that Zhang Xian would not guard the Hanshui, which would make Tang Huai feel dissatisfied. After all, the conditions for guarding Xiangyang are good, but the conditions for guarding the Hanshui are relatively poor. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xian would take the initiative to ask to guard the Hanshui, and let Wang Gui Feeling relieved, Wang Gui said happily: "General Zhang is so considerate of the overall situation, I am more confident, good! It is so decided, General Tang guards Xiangyang City, General Zhang leads troops to guard Hanshui, with Yicheng County as the foundation."

Wang Gui never dreamed that the three of them had a tacit understanding, let alone that Zhang Xian, who he sent to guard the Han River, had taken refuge in Zhang Jun as early as the beginning of the year. Weak, too unreliable, surrounded by two predators, it will be a matter of time before it is swallowed.

Wang Gui finally made the decision to return to Beijing to report on his duties. In the afternoon, he took a dozen of his own soldiers and followed the emissary to Lin'an to report on his duties.

At the same time that Wang Gui left Xiangyang and returned to Beijing, the [-] Xiangyang army was also divided into two groups. On the one hand, Tang Huai led [-] troops to continue defending Xiangyang, and on the other hand, Zhang led [-] troops to Yicheng, which is close to the Hanshui River. County, defense Han River.

In the middle of the night, Chen Qing, who had just returned to Jiangling, was awakened by a knock on the door in his deep sleep, "What's the matter?" Chen Qing asked.

"His Royal Highness, there is urgent information from Xiangyang!"

"I see!"

Zhao Yingluo hurriedly got up and put on clothes for her husband, and she also put on her underwear herself, and washed her husband briefly.

Chen Qing walked out of the room and came to the outer hall, where he saw several soldiers waiting for a long time with a messenger.

The messenger was Xu Mu's subordinate, he walked quickly to the hall and bowed: "His Royal Highness, Wang Gui has rushed to Lin'an to report on his duties, Zhang Xianjun went to defend the Han River, currently Xiangyang Mansion is guarded by General Tang Huai's [-] people.

Chen Qing was overjoyed. He immediately issued a military order, ordering Liu Qiong, who was in Dengzhou, to lead [-] troops to Xiangyang City. Chen Qing immediately packed up and led [-] cavalry to go north from Jiangling.

Two days later, the army passed by Wang Yan's tomb. Chen Qing worshiped Wang Yan's tomb and left five hundred coins, ordering the local gentry to take good care of the tomb and not destroy it.

The army continued to go northward, and it was still fifty miles away from Xiangyang. At this time, Chen Qing got the news that Zhang Xian led an army of [-] troops across the Han River, and went south to join Zhang Jun's army.

At the same time, Chen Qing also got news from Xiangyang that Liu Qiong's [-] troops had already entered Xiangyang, and the overall situation was settled. Chen Qing immediately led the army to continue to Xiangyang.

Outside the city of Xiangyang, Liu Qiong led the crowd out of the city to welcome His Royal Highness King Yong. Chen Qing appeased everyone one by one. He then promoted Xiangzhou to Xiangyang Prefecture, appointed Xu Mu as the prefect of Xiangyang, appointed Cai Rang as the general judge of Xiangyang, and appointed Tang In order to control, Huai also announced that the military positions of the remaining surrendered generals would not change, but they would be promoted to one level in the military rank, and everyone was happy for a while.

Rested overnight in Xiangyang City, and early the next morning, Chen Qing, accompanied by everyone, went to Hanshui Wharf outside the city to inspect.

Chen Qing smiled and asked Liu Qiong, "You are familiar with Shangzhou. I want to know how to get from Xiangyang to Shangzhou by water?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, you can go to Longju Village in Shangluo County by taking a thousand-stone cargo ship."

"Can't we go further north?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Walking is possible. There is a long section of rocky and dangerous shoal, about [-] miles away. Ships blocked from going north can only walk on rafts. If the [-] miles of river is dredged and the river channel is dug a little deeper, then The Qianshi cargo ship can continue to go north for about [-] miles and arrive at Shangluo County."

Chen Qing also has some experience now. It takes about [-] people to dredge a [-]-mile river for five months, and the wages are about [-]. Including other material expenditures and warehouse construction, it will take about [-] in Shangzhou. At around [-] guan, the warehouse must be built, but in order to dredge the short [-]-mile river, it will cost [-] to [-] guan, and Chen Qing is not that rich.

Chen Qing asked Cai Li again, "May I ask Cai Tongpan, can Xiangyang berth the Wanshi cargo ship?"

Cai Li had just been promoted to the general judge of a government. He had been excited all night, and now he looked a little tired. At this time, when Chen Qing asked him, he froze for a moment, and it took him a long time to react. However, there are only five thousand stone cargo ships at most."

Chen Qing nodded. According to his experience, if he can berth a cargo ship of [-] shi, then there is basically no problem in berthing a cargo ship of [-] shi. A large amount of cargo was transported to Xiangyang by a huge ship of thousands of stones, and then transferred to Shangluo County of Shangzhou by a thousand-stone cargo ship, and then transported to Guanzhong by camels and carts, what good ideas do you have?"

Tang Huai, who had been silent all this time, raised his hand and said, "Your Highness, I have an idea!"

Chen Qing had a good impression of Tang Huai, so he smiled and said, "Say, what do you think?"

Tang Huai pointed to Jiangxin Island and said, "The Yuliang Island in the Hanshui River of Xiangyang occupies a large area. I suggest that a group of warehouses can be built on Yuliang Island. The north side of the waterway is wide enough to park thousands of stone ships, and the south side of the waterway is slightly narrower. For the Qianshi cargo ship, unloading and loading are separated, and the original Xiangyang wharf can continue to be used for civilian use.”

This plan is very good, Chen Qing nodded approvingly, and then asked: "Is there anyone living on Jiangxin Island?"

Tang Huai shook his head, "It used to be, but during the Wanyanchang Southern Expedition, Jiangxin Prefecture was requisitioned to store supplies, and it is now a barren place."

Chen Qing said happily: "After I returned to Jingzhao, I immediately sent people over to explore and draw up plans. There are only two things that your government has to do now. One is to recruit civilians to log a lot, and the other is to level the land on the island. Fish ponds and the like are filled in and compacted to prepare for the large-scale construction of warehouses and docks in the future, and the money and food needed by the peasants will be requisitioned, and I will let Shangshuxingtai on Jingnan South Road transport them to you."

(End of this chapter)

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