
Chapter 1120 Tricky

Chapter 1120 Tricky
Chen Qing only stayed in Xiangyang for three days, then set off from Xiangyang to the north, took the Shangzhou Road back to Chang'an, and inspected the situation of the Shangzhou Road.

Chen Qing took Zhao Yingluo on a few thousand-stone passenger ships and headed north along the Han River, while cavalry guarded the shore.

But after only one day, he turned into Danshui. If he continued to walk along Hanshui, the ship could sail directly to Hanzhong and Nanzheng. This was also an important reason why Chen Qing wanted to take Xiangyang. As a transit point for goods, Hanzhong can also be transported by water. Various agricultural products and specialty products can be transported abroad, and various materials can also be transported into Hanzhong, and Hanzhong's economy can gradually develop.

The boat enters the Danshui and continues to go north. It needs animal power to pull the fiber. More than a dozen mules are pulling the fiber rope and walking slowly. Fishing nets on fishing boats.

After traveling northward for four days, the passenger ship arrived at Shangluo County, and then went northward to the rapids and rapids for twenty miles. You can take a hundred-stone boat or raft, but a thousand-stone cargo ship will stop at Shangluo County.

Chen Qing stayed in Shangluo County for a day. Accompanied by the county magistrate, he found a large open land by the river. This place is only two miles away from the county seat and close to the official road. A huge cargo transfer station will be built here.

After Chen Qing landed, under the guard of [-] cavalry, he took a horse-drawn carriage and continued northward to Guanzhong. However, many businessmen with keen senses quickly bought land in Shangluo County. They all realized that Shangluo County would soon become a prosperous business district. county seat.

Their business acumen is right. A year later, a huge warehouse cluster city and a civilian warehouse area were built accordingly, and business in Shangluo County began to flourish rapidly.

Lin'an, Changfeng Teahouse, Hu Yun called Wang Mu and Dong An, "There are two things I need to discuss with you two. The first thing is that Wu Jie's son found me this morning and asked me for help. Wu Jie last night passed away."

Wang Mu and Dong An were not surprised. Wu Jie was dismissed by the court because of his involvement in the Yue Fei incident, and was placed under house arrest in Yongzhou for two years. At the beginning of the year, he was pardoned because of his serious illness and returned to Lin'an for treatment. However, he was seriously ill and finally went there.

"Why did Wu Jie's son ask the special envoy for help?"

Hu Yun smiled wryly and said: "Wu Jie doesn't want to be buried in Lin'an, but wants to go back to his hometown and be buried beside his parents. His family plans to cremate him and take his ashes back home, but they only have twenty coins in total. I can’t even afford a coffin, let alone send it all the way back to my hometown, and I can’t even afford a cemetery when I return home, so I asked for help.”

Wang Mu was surprised: "Wu Jie is so embarrassed?"

"All his money was used to help more difficult soldiers. He had no money left, and he was dismissed by the court again, and his salary was gone. One can imagine the embarrassment of the past two years, but he was very stubborn. Apart from accepting his brother Wu Ling's help, Besides, we don’t ask anyone for help, and we don’t know about it. Only after he died of illness, his son came to us when he was really helpless. I gave him a hundred taels of silver and asked him to build a coffin and buy a coffin. , Find a monk to save you."

Dong An thought for a while and said: "Actually, there is no need for cremation. As far as I know, there is a corpse delivery shop in Lin'an, which can store the corpse in a freezer and send it to Chengdu by special boat. It will cost several hundred yuan for a trip. If it is sent to Chengdu, we can take over and continue to send his body back to his hometown. The key is to have enough ice along the way, and we have the strength to do it.”

"Where is Wu Jie's hometown?" Wang Mu asked.

Hu Yundao: "His hometown is in Deshunzhou, Xihe Road, but his parents are buried in Pingliang County, Weizhou, so he must go to Jingzhao first, and then take the Jingshui Road from Jingzhao to Pingliang County. I will take charge of this matter." Coordinating with Chengdu and Jingzhao, I will report to King Yong, and we will find a corpse shop, all expenses will be paid by us, and then Dong An will need to send a few men to follow."

Wang Mu suddenly slapped his forehead and laughed, "You don't need to find a corpse shop for this matter, but Zheng Tongquan. I remember that he has an ice boat, which specializes in long-distance transportation of frozen mutton. We don't need to go to Bashu, but directly to Shangzhou. If Shangzhou transfers to Jingzhao, you can use a cart to pull the ice coffin, otherwise, if you take the Shu road, the ice coffin cannot be transported, and it will be disrespectful to the dead."

Hu Yun nodded, "This is the best way. I'll go find Lao Zheng, but Dong An still needs to find some people to follow."

Dong An patted his chest and said: "No problem, I have more than a hundred people under my command, and I have enough manpower."

Hu Yun glanced at him, and said calmly: "If I talk about the second thing, you will complain that there are not enough people."

"what's up?"

Hu Yun sighed and said, "His Royal Highness entrusted us with a very difficult task. He asked us to prevent the imperial court from obtaining large ships."

Wang Mu and Dong An looked at each other, 'prevent the imperial court from obtaining sea ships', what kind of mission is this?
"Does Your Highness mean that the imperial court is not allowed to set up a navy?" Dong An couldn't help asking.

"It should mean that, but it just makes me a little bit at a loss!"

Hu Yun sighed, looked at Wang Mu again, and said with a smile, "You are a military adviser, so tell me!"


Wang Mu smiled wryly, "I don't know anything, what should I say?"

"Then you come to ask questions. Maybe we can think of countermeasures in the questions."

"All right!"

Wang Mu is also a master at asking questions, and he can ask key points on many things.

Wang Mu thought for a while and asked, "Which step has the court already taken?"

Hu Yun hesitated, "You mean to requisition ships?"

Wang Mu was a little dissatisfied and said, "Of course, what should I ask?"

Hu Yun shook his head: "The imperial court has not requisitioned ships, not even a plan."

"Wait! Wait a minute!"

Wang Mu quickly interrupted him, and said with a smile: "I've been talking for a long time, is it just a pre-judgment by His Royal Highness Yong? The court hasn't thought about the issue of the navy yet?"

"Maybe it has been thought of, but no consensus has been reached, or the discussion has not yet started, but sooner or later, once the emperor realizes the seriousness and urgency of the problem, they will speed up the progress, and even the emperor will use the power of the emperor, The decree is directly enforced, so we cannot relax because of it.”

Wang Mu pondered for a while and said: "Since the imperial court has not implemented it, things will be easy to handle. We can send people to various ports to publicize and plan ahead. In this way, ship owners in various ports will find ways to hide their ships or sail them to Quanzhou to hide."

Dong An shook his head, "I don't think the effect will be very good!"

"Why do you say that?" Hu Yun asked.

Dong An said indifferently: "Businessmen value profits, but if we shout that the imperial court will take over the ship, I guess many people will not believe it, because once they believe it, they will stop doing business and hide the ship, and they will lose money , so they will weigh the pros and cons, and they must wait until the court really takes action before they will really hide the ship, this is only the first reason."

Hu Yun frowned, and asked again: "What about the second reason?"

"The second reason is that the monk can't run away from the temple if he can run away. You hide the boat, no problem, arrest you and your children and grandchildren, 'click!' Cutting off a head, is the life or the boat important? In the end, it will be determined. Will obediently hand over the ship."

Wang Mu nodded, "Boss Dong is right, my consideration is too simple, unless the sea merchants flee to Quanzhou with their family and boats, they will definitely be caught, but we still have to publicize and tell them a way, Flee to Quanzhou with your family and big boat, and you will be able to escape disaster."

"I agree with this!"

Hu Yun nodded, "It's better to say than to say nothing, tell them a way, if they bribe the local government, maybe they can really escape to Quanzhou."

Wang Mu continued: "This is just a preventive link. After the imperial court collects a certain number of sea-going ships, how do we destroy them? This is the most important thing we need to do. At this stage, we alone can't , Dangtu's Wang Qing must also lead his army to join."

(End of this chapter)

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