
Chapter 1126 Formation

Chapter 1126 Formation
Wei Ji left in a hurry, and not long after, Chao Qing reported outside the door, "His Royal Highness, Counselor Jiang and two officials have arrived."

"Ask them to wait in the staff room, I'll be right there."

Chen Qing tidied up the table, got up and walked to the staff room.

In the staff room, Jiang Yanxian brought Su Peng, Order of the Construction and Engineering Department, and Tian Xun, Order of the Transit Department, to stand in front of the huge sand table. The sand table is the same every time, which means the focus of His Royal Highness King Yong's consideration recently.

In front of them was the sand table of the two lakes, Jing South Road and Jing North Road. Jiang Yanxian said in a low voice: "Have you noticed that the biggest feature of Jing South Road and Jing North Road is the transportation joint, not only from Henan Road to the south, but also from Shaanxi Road and Sichuan Road to the east, or Jiangnan to the west, and Lingnan to the north, must pass through the two lakes, especially the Yangtze River water transport, and the Lianghu Road is the top priority for transit transportation.

"The counselor is absolutely right!" Chen Qing walked in with a smile.

"I invite everyone to come here today to discuss the establishment of a transit warehouse on Lianghu Road."

This time, Chen Qingnan toured for nearly two months, and finalized three large-scale transit warehouse groups and one medium-sized transit warehouse, which cost more than [-] million yuan. It really hurts Chen Qing to leave his internal treasury.

But he also knew that the money had to be spent. With a transit warehouse, resources from all over the world would flow to Jingzhao, and only then could he support his army to expand eastward step by step.

Chen Qing looked at it and said with a smile, "How many people are missing!"

"Here we come!" Zhang Miao and Zhao Kai rushed over, followed by two orderlings, one was Hong Zhuo, the order of the Second Supervision Office, and the other was Wang Yongfeng, the order of the Du Branch Office.

"Okay, everyone is here."

Chen Qing picked up the wooden pole and said to everyone: "I think everyone has heard that I plan to build three large-scale transit warehouses on Lianghu Road and Shangzhou, one in Shangluo County, one in Xiangyang, one in Hengyang, and the other in Changsha The construction of a medium-sized transfer warehouse, together with the transfer warehouse built in Jiangling before, has four large warehouses in the Lianghu area. Their significance is extraordinary. Although it costs [-] million yuan, it must be implemented. And it needs to be both fast and good, so I called everyone together to have a brief discussion and see what to do?"

Jiang Yanxian smiled and said: "Let me talk first! Seeing the four orders, I know what His Highness means. His Highness hopes to form several teams. money, and then the supervision team is responsible for clean supervision.”

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Jiang Canjun is right, that's exactly what I mean!"

Zhao Kai said slowly again: "One and a half million guan is not a small amount. Although the money is paid by the treasury, it is still public money, not private property. If there is no strict supervision, the waste and corruption will be astonishing. Fifty guan is definitely not enough, it has to be doubled, so we must save every penny, and we must earnestly learn the lesson of Cai He."

Zhao Kai has always been worried about the Caihe project. Although the expansion was successful in the end, the overspend was [-] guan. The reason is that it was two months overdue and [-] guan more. , not only will it not be delayed, but it will be completed one month ahead of schedule, without overspending at all.

Although Chen Qing did not pursue this matter, Zhao Kai still refused to admit it. Fortunately, the money from the government treasury was used. If the money from the temple treasury was used, Zhao Kai would directly deduct it from the money allocated by Henan Road.

Chen Qing nodded and said: "Our strict supervision is also for the benefit of officials, and we don't give them opportunities for squandering and corruption. I'm considering integrating the construction of the four transit warehouse groups for integrated management and integrated supervision. What do you mean? , that is, the design of the warehouse group, which is under the unified responsibility of the Transshipment Department. How many material warehouses need to be built, how many grain and grass storages need to be built, how many ice storages need to be built, what size, how much grain, etc., are determined by the Transit Department.

Then the construction work will be arranged by the Construction and Engineering Department. For example, if Hengyang is dredging this month, then Xiangyang will build a warehouse first this month. When Hengyang starts building warehouses, Xiangyang will start dredging the river. This is very important, and many materials and tools can be used in turn. , not every family has a set, that would be too wasteful. "

Chen Qing glanced at everyone, and continued: "Duzhi is responsible for appropriating funds according to the progress, and monitors them at all times. Once an overspending is discovered, the appropriation will be stopped immediately, and the reason for the overspending will be found out.

Then the Supervision Office is the most important thing, it must do things in detail, let me give two examples, one is Caihe’s overspending, because the last benefit was taken by the people, and the people in Henan Road are too poor, so I didn’t pursue it, but I didn’t pursue it. It doesn't mean that I will always tolerate this kind of thing. It takes a day and a half to finish a day's work.

Another example would be merchants who provide raw items, what is their background?Does it have anything to do with the officials? Is the price of the materials they provide much higher than the market price?In this regard, the Ombudsman should also investigate carefully.

In a word, we need to do things in a detailed and down-to-earth way, so we need to set up a temporary joint government office. On the one hand, we need to manage it in an integrated manner, and on the other hand, we need to send four teams to the four transit warehouse groups for on-site supervision. "

At the end, Chen Qing's eyes fell on Zhang Miao, "Zhang Canjun, you will lead this temporary joint government office!"

Zhang Miao nodded, "Humble job will start tomorrow!"

Chen Qing smiled again: "Let's talk about it, everyone! I want to hear everyone's thoughts."

The Construction and Engineering Department made Su Peng hesitate and said, "Should we also join in the establishment of a joint government agency?"

Chen Qing waved his hands and smiled: "You are the chief officials, Jingzhao still needs you, you don't need to join, but each department must send a deputy to participate, and maybe other departments will be involved, everything will be decided by Counselor Zhang."

At this time, Chen Qing saw that Tian Xun, the order of the Transit Department, was a little hesitant, so he asked: "What does the order of the Tian Department want to say, but it's okay to say it!"

Tian Xun bowed and said: "What I said may be out of date, please forgive me, Your Highness!"

Chen Qing nodded, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Tian Xun pondered for a while and said: "Your Highness, during the Kaiyuan period, the Central Plains Canal was also dredged, and the Tianbao Canal was dug, so that the materials from the south of the Yangtze River could be transported to Guanzhong. The prosperity of Kaiyuan was born from this. Why didn't the goods from Quanzhou, Your Highness, go through the canal? The New Yellow River, and then from the Yellow River to Tianbaoqu, and even enter Guanzhong, why bother to transit in Shangzhou and Xiangyang?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "That's a very good question, since there is a waterway directly into the customs, why should I spend [-] million yuan to build four transit warehouses?
In fact, this involves a question of why I want to build a transit warehouse, such as the Hengyang warehouse, did I build it for Hengzhou?Of course, it is, but it is not. There are also Daozhou, Chenzhou, Yongzhou, Quanzhou, Guiyangjian, etc. They also have rivers and can sail small boats, but it is undoubtedly too uneconomical to transport a boat of special products to Xiangyang. Yes, but if it is only transported to Hengyang, it will be very convenient, and the accumulation will add up, and then several Wanshi cargo ships will be transported away. How much practical benefit will this bring to the people in the southern states?
The same is true for the Changsha transit warehouse. Do you think I only consider the convenience of transportation in Tanzhou?Of course not. In fact, Jiangling Mansion has nothing to do with South Jing South Road. The real first state of Jing South Road is Tanzhou. The rich and powerful families who have a deep influence on Jing South Road basically live in Changsha. I have to consider them. out of political considerations, I decided to build a transit warehouse group in Changsha.

The same is true for Xiangyang. Once the construction of the Xiangyang Transit Warehouse Group is completed, it will affect the entire North Jingbei Road. The interests of all local rich and powerful families will be closely related to the Xiangyang Transit Warehouse Group. I actually controlled Jinghu North Road through its influence.

This is where the hearts of the people stand. The gentry and people on Jinghu North Road and Jinghu South Road yearn for Jingzhao, not Lin'an. The Land Department orders understand! "

Tian Xun bowed and saluted, "The lowly position is short-sighted, and I don't understand His Highness's foresight, I am really ashamed!"

(End of this chapter)

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