
Chapter 1127

Chapter 1127
At noon, Chen Qing invited Zhang Miao and Jiang Yan to drink tea in the teahouse first. Zhao Kai had something to do at home and went home.

The three of them sat down in the elegant room, Zhang Miao asked a little strangely, "Isn't this the Yi'an Tea House before? Why did it become the Qing'an Tea House?"

Jiang Yanxian said with a smile: "The teahouse was sold last year. Mr. Yi An is now in the real estate business. In just two years, she has owned ten pieces of land, four of which are shops in prime locations. That's amazing!"

Zhang Miao doesn't care how much land Li Qingzhao owns, he only cares whether the teahouse can still drink the old Fengcha, "Is there any Fengcha?"

"Of course, don't you look at who the current proprietor is?"

Thinking of the current name of the teahouse, Zhang Miao suddenly came to her senses and said with a smile, "Your Highness bought the teahouse?"

Chen Qing smiled, "My wife bought the teahouse, it has nothing to do with me!"

Chen Qing then ordered three simple meals and a pot of Fengcha.

Of course, the teahouse also provides lunch, but it is not as varied as the restaurant, and there is no wine, a bowl of rice, a main dish, two or three dishes of side dishes, and a bowl of soup. It is relatively simple, so it is called simple food.

Its characteristic is that it is fast, serving food quickly, and eating quickly. It takes at least half an hour to have lunch in a restaurant, and it can be solved in a quarter of an hour here, and then drink tea and chat. This is very suitable for officials and civil servants working in government offices. , Business is booming.

Soon, several similar teahouses opened around them, and gradually began to be stratified. The guests who came to Qing'an Teahouse were basically high-ranking officials. The pot needs a hundred guan, which is really not something ordinary people can afford.

The three of them drank tea, and Chen Qing said slowly: "First, let me tell you a piece of news. The war on the grasslands is over. The Mughal tribe was defeated and accepted the canonization of the Kingdom of Jin. This means that the main force of the Kingdom of Jin can return to the Central Plains. The country's military resources will also expand accordingly. In addition, the grassland nomadic tribes will also cooperate with the Jin country to fight, going south from the direction of Datong Mansion, and even attacking Lingxia Road, so I am also planning to start expanding the army by [-], at least three million a year It’s too late to cast money for the usual military salary, so I plan to issue clubs.”

"But Your Highness."

Jiang Yanxian worried: "The meeting will cause prices to skyrocket, and it will be copied by the court to plunder our wealth."

"I'm not worried about the sharp rise in prices. What I'm worried about is the imitation of the imperial court. So I consider issuing more than [-] guanzi, real-name huizi, restricted area use, and trading in counters. This will prevent the imperial court from imitating and reduce The circulation of large quantities of copper coins has made the copper coins in the hands of the people abundant, but to prevent price rises, the key is to have sufficient goods and stable rice prices, so it is very important to strengthen the transportation and circulation of goods.”

Chen Qing went around in circles, and Jiang Yanxian and Zhang Miao realized that Chen Qing was urgent to several large transit warehouse groups, and wanted to transport the abundant materials from various places to Guanzhong, and even a large amount of overseas materials.

Zhang Miao nodded, "Understood, I have finished handling the matter in hand this afternoon, and will start to set up a temporary government office tomorrow, and will rush to Shangluo and Xiangyang in three days. In addition, I will send a monitoring team to Hengyang first. "

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "When Counselor Zhang returns triumphantly, I will treat Counselor Zhang to eat the freshest pumpkin and drink the corn and pumpkin porridge I cooked myself."

In Lin'an, the negotiation between Hu Yun and Zhao Yan, the minister of rites, went on for two more rounds. This time, Zhao Gou learned his lesson and stopped making unrealistic demands, and the two sides negotiated more smoothly.

In the Imperial Study Room, Emperor Zhao Gou listened to the reports from Xu Xiantu and Zhao Yan while looking at the map on the table.

Most of the consensus between the two parties has been reached. The imperial court recognizes that Jinghu South Road has been merged into the jurisdiction of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuanfu Envoy, and also recognizes that the agreement signed the year before last to exchange the six states for the late emperor's statement is valid. In return, the Western Army agrees that Bianliang belongs to the imperial court in name. , hand over the palaces, ancestral temples, altars and imperial tombs to the Lin'an court for actual control, and the court can send people to manage them.

This made Zhao Gou quite satisfied, but the other party's conditions were rather harsh. They were not allowed to garrison troops, and they were only allowed to hire local martial arts gyms as guards. This put an end to Zhao Gou's previous idea of ​​using soldiers to pretend to be warriors.

Xu Xiantu suggested: "Your Majesty, in fact, we can also open a martial arts gym in Bianliang, and then arrange soldiers to be students. This is also a workaround."

Zhao Gou shook his head, "This kind of trick can't be put on the table. Since the palaces and mausoleums are actually controlled by me, of course I have to send troops to protect them. Only when my troops are stationed can they be called actual control. The number of people can be smaller, but it must be controlled." There must be an army."

Zhao Yan sighed and said, "It's not impossible for His Majesty to garrison troops, but he has made concessions in other aspects, such as Xiangzhou. The other party insists on actually controlling Xiangzhou."

Zhao Gou pondered for a moment, then asked Xu Xiantu, "What does Mr. Xu think?"

"Weichen thinks that Xiangyang has actually been annexed by Chen Qing, and he has good reasons. It's not that he sent troops to occupy, but the garrison surrendered. Weichen thinks that if we continue to entangle Xiangzhou, it will be the same as Jiangling Prefecture and Ezhou. It's going on, not only can't get back to Xiangzhou, but also can't get Bianliang, your majesty might as well let go of Xiangzhou, fight for the right to garrison Bianliang, and at the same time fight for some rights in other areas, such as Fangzhou, Jingmen Army, and Guanghua Army land."

Fangzhou, Jingmen Army, and Guanghua Army are currently in a gray area. What is a gray area? That is, they have actually been controlled by the Western Army, but the officials have not changed. They are still officials appointed by the imperial court. Then they belong to the Western Army , It still belongs to the imperial court, it is hard to say, so it is called a gray area.

For example, the Guanghua Army is located between Dengzhou and Xiangyang. Needless to say, it must be under the actual control of the Western Army. There is also Fangzhou, which is separated by Xiangzhou. The Jingmen Army is located between Jiangling Mansion and Xiangzhou, and is also under the actual control of the Western Army. It is impossible for the imperial army in these three places to pass, but the imperial court can still intervene in the three states, such as appointing and dismissing officials.

"Your Majesty, if we let go of Xiangyang, at least Fangzhou, Jingmen Army and Guanghua Army can gain certain control rights, and there will be more opportunities in Bianliang."

Zhao Gou pondered for a long time. In fact, what Xu Xiantu said was right. If he continued to struggle, he would repeat the same mistakes again.

Zhao Gou was really helpless, so he had no choice but to nod, "Yes, I can give up Xiangzhou, but I must win the greatest rights and interests for me."

After the emperor agreed to give up Xiangzhou, the subsequent negotiations will be much easier. Hu Yun immediately agreed to the other party to garrison troops in the palace, altar, ancestral temple and imperial mausoleum, but the total number of troops should not exceed [-]. In addition, these garrison soldiers must Obey the laws of Bianliang, and there is no right to immunity from crimes. Once a crime is committed, it must be handed over to the government for strict trial.

In addition, regarding Fangzhou, Guanghua Army, and Jingmen Army, Hu Yun did not make too many concessions. After all, these three places are already under the actual control of the Western Army, and they are completely within the territory of the Western Army. In the end, the two sides negotiated. In the model of Sichuan Road back then, these three prefectures belonged to the imperial court in name, and the imperial court could appoint and remove state officials, while county officials were appointed and dismissed by Jingzhao.

In Suizhou, Yingzhou, Fuzhou, and Hanyang, the two sides also reached an agreement that these four state capitals belong to the imperial court, and the appointment and removal of officials and tax revenue belong to the imperial court. Yun also promised that the Western Army would not enter these four state capitals.

In addition, the imperial court withdrew its troops from Suzhou and Pizhou and restored the borders before the imperial court's northern conquest. This, the emperor Zhao Gou, readily agreed. financial burden.

After nearly half a year of repeated see-saw, the two parties finally reached an agreement. The imperial court regained Tokyo Bianliang in name, renamed it Beidu, and appointed Li Hui, the privy secretary, as the left-behind of Beidu.

[I'm sorting out my thoughts today, there are only two updates, sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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