
Chapter 1128 Real Estate Speculation

Chapter 1128 Real Estate Speculation

In the blink of an eye, it was September. During this time, Chen Qing turned into a farmland, plowing his part of the corn field in the backyard every day. The corn had already set ears, and two corns grew on each stalk, dragging golden corn silks.

Fertilizing, watering, and removing insects, he carefully took care of hundreds of tall corns, and these corns did not live up to his expectations and grew vigorously.

Of course, it was not only the corn that made him worry, but also the pumpkins. The two vines bore more than a dozen big pumpkins, all of which were bigger than watermelons, with golden yellow in the green, and several of them even grew on his roof.

In the afternoon, the whole family went to Chen Qing's courtyard to admire his crops.

"Husband, why is it called corn?" Lu Xiu held her daughter A Bing by the hand.

"Mom, I know! I know!"

Bing'er excitedly said: "Peel off the clothes layer by layer, and inside are small jade-like fruits. Daddy said that the rice is made of jade, so it is called corn."

"Have you seen Bing'er?"

"I've seen it!"

Bing'er ran forward, stretched her neck to search for a moment, then suddenly pointed to one of them and said: "That's it, the clothes are all peeled off."

Everyone gathered around and took a closer look. Chen Qing smiled and separated the peeled coating, revealing the crystal clear and plump corn meat inside. Everyone exclaimed, "It really looks like jade."

Zhao Qiaoyun asked: "Officer, when can we harvest?"

"It will be ready in a few days. I plan to use all of this batch to make seeds and plant them outside the city next year. The poles can be used as green fodder, or they can be used as fertilizer after rotting. The corn cobs inside can be dried and burned, or Make fodder."

Chen Qing pointed to the corn silk again and said: "Don't underestimate this beard. It is a kind of medicine. You can use it to boil water and drink it, which can cure body swelling. It can be said that it is a treasure all over the body, and it is useful."

At this moment, Yu Ying asked puzzledly, "What's the use of the officials planting this kind of corn?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "It has only one function, and that is to increase the population."

Everyone was stunned, but the eldest son, Chen Ji, reacted quickly. He asked, "Dad, did you mean that it is an agricultural product with a high yield?"

Chen Qing nodded with a smile, "That's right, I have planted almost [-] corns per plot here, and the harvested corn kernels are estimated to be about [-] catties, and one mu can produce at least [-] to [-] catties of corn, while wheat At most, it can only produce [-] catties per mu, and the yield of corn is only more than [-] catties per mu. If you think about how big the gap is, with corn as food, many poor families can have enough to eat and raise a few more children, and the population will slow down. Slow down."

"Father, pumpkins are the same!"

"That's right. A mature old pumpkin can be used as food in a famine. Its biggest advantage is that it does not take up much space. It can be fully utilized in the field, in front of the house and behind the house. A big pumpkin can be placed in a dry and ventilated place. place, it can be stored for a year."

"Father's going to go all out on corn and squash?"

Chen Qing nodded, "I want to promote it comprehensively. I plan to use it to replace corn and annual wheat, but I have to do it step by step. There are not enough seeds now. After five years, I guess I will be able to plant it on a large scale."

"Father still wants to grow cotton!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Cotton will not be planted on a large scale. There is cotton and wool. If the cotton production is sufficient, then I will use the hemp land to grow corn. Food is still the most important thing."

"Father, Master said that if we all rely on the cotton from Ryukyu Island, I'm afraid we can't support so many people's clothing."

"Then does your master have any good suggestions?" Chen Qingxiao asked.

"Master suggested that my father take Zhanzhou and Leizhou, which are also big islands, and plant cotton on a large scale there, and the problem of clothing can be solved."

Zhanzhou and Leizhou are Hainan Island and Leizhou Peninsula. This suggestion is not bad, but cotton is also commonly planted in mountainous areas on Fujian Road, and wood cotton is also produced in Luzon Island. The production of cotton is enough, and there will be a surplus if there are more varieties. Zhanzhou Over there, sugar cane gardens can be developed, sugar mills can be built to squeeze sugar, and the production of sugar will increase, and many industries will gradually prosper.

The same is true in Luzon, where sugar cane can be grown in large quantities.

At this time, the housekeeper came to urge dinner, and everyone went to the dining hall.
After dinner, Chen Qing went back to his study. Although he cared about his crops, in fact, Aunt Wen did most of the work. She knew how to grow vegetables and melons, which was exactly what Chen Qing needed most.

At this time, his wife Lu Xiu opened the door and came in and brought him a cup of tea. It was late autumn and September, and the night was a little cold, so Lu Xiu brought him a cup of hot tea.

"My lady, I have something to ask you!" Chen Qing smiled and called to his wife who was about to leave.

"What else is there, husband?"

"Your master should have bought a lot of land and houses! Last time I heard that she has more than [-] pieces of land?"

Lu Xiu shook her head, "Master, how can there be so many? She sold a lot of land before, and then concentrated her financial resources to buy houses. She now has three five-acre houses in the city, and a shop along the street next to Nandawazi, which also covers an area of ​​five acres. She plans to build a big Yi'an restaurant on a huge land of [-] acres, but there is not enough money, so I invested [-]% and Qiao Yun also invested [-]%."

"I actually heard what the magistrate of Chang'an said. Could the magistrate still make mistakes?"

Lu Xiu pursed her lips and said with a smile: "The magistrate may have counted all the real estate we invested in to Master. Adding up ours, there are more than twenty pieces of land and houses."

Chen Qing said helplessly: "I have [-] mu of land in Xinnan City, which is enough. You still need to buy real estate yourself. Hey! I don't even know what to say?"

Lu Xiu hesitated and said: "Husband, is there any gossip, or is there something wrong?"

"That's not true. The main reason is that I think you are too fascinated. You are also discussing the rise and fall of the land while eating. I have never seen that Alian and Qiaoyun have a common language. The two of them talked very happily, which really made me laugh." surprise."

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "I didn't expect this, the relationship between the two of them has not been harmonious since the beginning, but the two are also the most enthusiastic about buying land, discussing together all day long, and then analyzing the news in the newspaper. With all kinds of news, the relationship has become very harmonious, which is unexpected."

A few days ago, Chen Qing found that after dinner, several wives and concubines were discussing housing prices and land prices, which made him a little displeased, but he didn't expect that land speculation could actually promote family harmony. The earth actually has this effect?
Since there was a good side, Chen Qing didn't want to worry about it anymore, so he let them go and found something for them to do.

"What's the market price in Jingzhao now?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"It was stable for a while before, but since my husband took over Jinghu South Road, housing prices and land prices have risen again. The price of shops facing the street on South Street has risen from [-] per mu to [-]. Wanguan has risen to [-] guan, and it is not easy to buy, but the most expensive land in Jingzhao City is Dongda Street, and the teahouse sold by Master at [-] guan per mu has risen to [-] guan per mu. Fortunately, it was sold to me. Otherwise, Master will go home with regrets."

"So, your master already has a family property of more than [-] yuan in just a few years?"

"Actually, everyone is pretty much the same!"

Lu Xiu was a little embarrassed, but she still couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Could my husband provide some more inside information! Let's prepare in advance so that Binger and the others can earn more property."

When Lu Xiu puts on a big hat, he is earning property for your children, so you can figure it out yourself!

Chen Qing had no choice but to think for a while and asked, "What is the current land price on North Street?"

"North Street is not good. It is too close to warehouses and military barracks. It is relatively remote. It is far inferior to East Street. The highest land price is about [-] yuan per mu!"

Lu Xiu reacted very quickly, and her eyes lit up, "Could it be that the North Street will go up?"

Chen Qing nodded, "The warehouses and barracks over there are temporary, and palaces and palaces will be built in the future. Private houses are not allowed to be built on the north side of Beidajie. They will be official residences in the future, but private development will be allowed on the south side of Beidajie. In the future, the commercial prosperity will be no less than that of East Street, and it will become the best location in the city. You can collect some land first, but don’t spread the news.”

Lu Xiu was overjoyed, got up and said: "I see, I will discuss with them!"

Chen Qing suddenly discovered that his concubine was also addicted to real estate speculation, no less than Yu Lian and Zhao Qiaoyun.

(End of this chapter)

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