
Chapter 1129 Real Estate Speculation

Chapter 1129 Real Estate Speculation

Early the next morning, Chen Qing came to the official room as usual, but when he walked to the door of the official room, he heard the voices of several people arguing in the pavilion next to him.

"You can't buy a house in the southwestern district. It's a poor area there. How can you get promoted? It's better to buy land outside the city. The price is similar, but the land outside the city will definitely be promoted. Old Zhang, you can't be greedy for that cheap."

"Hey! I want to take a gamble. I bet that the Internal Affairs Hall will repair Han Chang'an City, so that the poor will move there. The price per mu is only [-] guan. There really is no such cheap land in Jingzhao City."

"The God of Wealth Zhao is so stingy, he will allocate money to build the Great Wall of Han? Just dream! You buy two acres of land in the Southwest District, and you don't know how long it takes to get it back."

Chen Qing shook his head, and said that his wives and concubines were speculating in real estate, and so did his subordinates.

He went directly to his official room, sat down and flipped through yesterday's newspaper. He found that the advertisement pages inside were basically information on the transfer of houses and land. The land in Zhaocheng was worthless before, but now it is about to turn into a rich man with tens of millions of wealth.

At this time, Chao Qing came in to deliver a document, "This is a pigeon letter from Lin'an yesterday afternoon, it's not urgent, and I didn't notify His Highness overnight!"

"What content?" Chen Qing asked.

"It was the imperial court who awarded General Wu Jie posthumously as a young teacher, with the posthumous title of 'Wu'an'."

Five months ago, Wu Jie's body was transferred to Jingzhao. Chen Qing held a grand welcome ceremony. Hundreds of thousands of people came to mourn the anti-golden hero. Chen Qing sent three thousand tiger guards to guard Wu Jie's body The coffin was buried in Pingliang County, and the two sons were enlisted in the army to join the army. After the mourning period expired, Jingzhao joined the army.

"Why did the imperial court think of giving Wu Jie a posthumous gift at this time?"

"I feel that the emperor should know that we held a grand ceremony to mourn Wu Jie, and they couldn't sit still."

"Only after five months?" Chen Qing asked with a puzzled smile.

"Your Highness, this is actually the normal time for news transmission. If it is not an urgent military situation, the news feedback will be very long. It will take three months to walk on the light road, and then delay in various yamen for a while. The emperor will think about it for a month or two. It will take about half a year."

"I know, you go!"

"Retire from humble position!"

Chao Qing turned around to leave, but Chen Qing suddenly remembered something and called to stop Chao Qing.

"I have something to ask you!"

Chen Qing asked with a smile: "Do you usually buy and sell real estate at home?"

Chao Qing scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "The humble parents are buying and selling real estate, and the humble have no time. If His Highness is interested, you can ask Wei Ji, he is a local, and he is very well-informed."

"You call him in, I have something to ask him."

Chen Qing knew that the Wei family was the biggest landlord in Jingzhao City. If the land price rose, the Wei family would undoubtedly be the biggest beneficiary. Of course, Chen Qing never admitted that he was the biggest landlord in Jingzhao City. He has more land than the Wei family, and the palace where he lives alone covers an area of ​​[-] mu.

Not long after, Wei Ji hurried in following Chao Qing, bowed and said, "See Your Highness!"

"Just now I heard a few people talking about housing prices at the gate of the official room. I don't want to blame them, because it's not the time to go to court, but I want to know, is everyone in Jingzhao City talking about real estate and land now?"

"His Royal Highness, the hottest topic in Jingzhao now is real estate. It started two or three years ago. Many people made a fortune by selling their ancestral property. Many stories circulating in the neighborhood are actually true, making everyone want to To make a fortune, it has been quiet for a while at the beginning of the year, but after the news that we captured Jing South Road, the land price has risen again. The price of land has risen to [-] guan per mu, and my fourth uncle is beating his chest at home all day long!"

Chen Qing couldn't help laughing, Wei Ji's father is the patriarch Wei Ningyuan, although Wei Ji is the second son, but he is the eldest son, his elder brother Wei Chun was born of a concubine, the family status is different.

The fourth uncle Wei Ji mentioned was called Wei Ningshan. A few years ago, he sold the teahouse on a three-acre land next to the Zhuangyuan Bridge on Dongda Street to Li Qingzhao for three thousand guan. The average price per mu was only [-] guan. Later, when Li Qingzhao wanted to sell the teahouse, Lu Xiu took over the teahouse at a price of [-] guan, and the average price per mu was [-] guan, a threefold increase.

Li Qingzhao started her real estate speculation career with this ten thousand yuan as capital. Now she owns three five-acre houses and one three-acre street-facing shop. The low-key rich man has assets of hundreds of thousands.

And two years after Lu Xiu took over the teahouse, the land price of Zhuangyuan Bridge shops on Dongda Street has become the highest in the city, and the price per mu is [-] yuan, which has increased tenfold. The real estate he sold has increased thirty-fold, and his intestines are full of regret.

"What does your grandfather think?" Chen Qing asked again.

Wei Ji said again: "My grandfather said that the soaring land prices in Jingzhao and Lin'an followed the path of Bianliang in Tokyo. It took a hundred years for Bianliang's land prices to rise to the sky. Everyone has learned from Bianliang's experience, so they are short-lived. As time went up, my grandfather also said that the people in Jingzhao alone could not push such a high land price. The key is that rich people flocked to these two cities from all over the world to buy land and build houses. However, the land price for shops at [-] per mu has reached its peak.”

Wei Ji's great-great-grandfather, Wei Zhan, used to be the Minister of Criminal Affairs in the Northern Song Dynasty. Chen Qing wanted to invite him to be a counselor, but Wei Zhan refused because of his age. Chen Qing quite agreed with Wei Zhan's thinking.

He stood up and smiled: "

"Let's go! Let's go to Zhuangyuan Bridge."

Dozens of cavalry guarded Chen Qing's carriage and drove towards the Zhuangyuan Bridge. Chao Qing and Wei Ji each rode a horse and followed on both sides of the carriage.

East Street and West Street are divided into two by Yongwang Mansion. Zhuangyuan Bridge is located in the middle of East Street, about two miles away from Yongwang Mansion. Chang'an Avenue passes by Zhuangyuan Bridge, making Zhuangyuan Bridge the intersection of two streets. On the other side is the Caohe River, which makes this area the most prosperous commercial area in the city. To the west of the bridge is Taibai Restaurant, and to the east of the bridge is Yi'an Teahouse.

There were a lot of people on the street, shoulder to shoulder, and the carriage walked slowly. After a while, they came to the Zhuangyuan Bridge, but saw a group of people standing in front of Yi'an Teahouse, and heard the big shopkeeper shouting from a distance: "Old customers, you are right! Can’t stay here! This store is about to be transferred, everyone can go to the Qing’an Tea House in the east, it’s the same family, and the tribute Fengcha is also available there, and it’s also official kiln porcelain, please bear with me!”

Chen Qing was taken aback, is Yi'an Teahouse going to be sold?The wife didn't tell herself!

But Yi'an Teahouse is the property of Princess Luxiu, she never asks about these things, and it's normal for her not to tell herself.

At this time, Chen Qing saw Butler Tian, ​​and quickly asked Chao Qing to go to Butler Tian to find him.

Butler Tian didn't expect to meet his master, he hurried forward to salute, "See you, master!"

Chen Qing asked with a smile: "Madam asked you to come?"

"Exactly! The man from Zhuangzhai came to say that someone wanted to buy a tea house, and my wife asked me to talk about it."

"When will Madam sell the teahouse?"

"Just this morning."

Chen Qing immediately understood that it must have something to do with what she said last night. She said that North Street would rise, so she immediately decided to sell the teahouse.

Although the decision to sell was quick, Chen Qing was even more surprised by the speed of the buyers.

"It was just posted in the morning. Is anyone here to buy it now? It's only been an hour!"

"My lord, the man from the Zhuangzhai said that someone wanted to buy it a long time ago, so the wife agreed to resell it, and they immediately notified the other party. There were more than one person, and there were three merchants who wanted to buy this piece of land. The lady said that the one with the highest price will get .”

Chen Qing couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect that his wife, who had always been carefree, knew that the highest price would win, and if three people competed, they could sell at a high price.

At this moment, the Yaren from the Zhuangzhai hurried over and said to Steward Tian, ​​"Old man, everyone is here."

"Then I'll go first."

Chen Qing nodded, "Go! But remember, the brand of Yi'an Tea House is not for sale."

(End of this chapter)

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