
Chapter 1130 Deal

Chapter 1130 Deal
After returning to the mansion in the afternoon, he went to fiddle with his crops as usual, and then came to the study. As soon as he sat down, his wife Lu Xiu came in with tea.

"Does your lady know what I want to ask?"

"Of course I know, Steward Tian told me."

Lu Xiu couldn't restrain the joy in her heart, sat on her husband's lap, put her arms around his neck, and said with a coquettish smile, "Husband, guess how much it sold for?"

"It must be more than [-] per mu."

"Of course, let me tell you, the price per mu is [-] guan, and the total price of three mu of land is [-] guan."

Chen Qing was also a little shocked at this price, [-] guan!Only the dignitaries and wealthy businessmen of the Northern Song Dynasty could afford this price. I am afraid that no one in Jingzhaocheng could afford one hundred thousand guan except himself.

"Who bought it?"

"It's Taibai Restaurant. They have wanted to buy our teahouse for a long time. They begged me several times, but I didn't agree. This time I let go, and they didn't hesitate to increase the price to [-] guan, and then to [-] guan. , do not give the two competitors a chance at all.”

It turned out to be Taibai Restaurant, the largest restaurant in Chang'an, with extremely strong financial resources. Chen Qing knew that the proprietor's surname was Liu, and he was one of the four major grain merchants in Bianliang. Wealth for more than ten years.

Although the Jin soldiers suffered heavy losses after they broke Bianliang, they have a solid background and a great foresight. Not long after they seized Jingzhao, the family invested in the largest Taibai restaurant, and now they have won the most expensive piece of land for shops. , which means that this mysterious family has bet on themselves.


Chen Qing suddenly felt something unusual, and he asked again: "How much are the other two bids?"

"I heard from Steward Tian that one family is only willing to pay [-] guan at most, and the other family is [-] more, with a cap of [-] guan, that is to say, no more than [-] guan."

That's the problem, the opponent can win it with [-] guan, why do they need [-] more guan?

"Does the other party know that the lady is the owner of Yi'an Teahouse?"

"You should know! It's no secret that the Yaren from Zhuangzhai came to our house to look for Mr. Tian."

Lu Xiu hesitated for a moment and asked: "My husband, you mean that the other party spent [-] yuan to buy my shop for a purpose?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "I don't know if the other party has a purpose, but I think that a restaurant has spent [-] yuan, and I don't know when it will pay back?"

"It is said that they plan to build another Taibai restaurant, and then build a bridge in the air to connect the two Taibai restaurants together."

"It's possible, maybe they can make money, but they are businessmen, no matter how rich a businessman is, they won't overpay [-] yuan for no reason. I will investigate this matter secretly. The transaction is legal and normal. You Don't worry too much, just accept your rich income."

Princess Lu Xiu left, and Chen Qing was still thinking about this question, why did the proprietor of Taibai Restaurant spend an extra [-] guan to buy Yi'an Restaurant, causing the land price of Zhuangyuan Bridge to soar to [-] guan per mu.

Are they for the purpose of bribing the princess, or are they trying to hype the land?

Also, this Liu family is also very mysterious, and they have never seen them come forward. This time, it was also a senior manager who came to trade, and the owner did not show up.

Chen Qing is also full of interest in this mysterious Liu family.
Half an hour later, Chen Qing met Wang Hao in the outer mansion.

"See Your Highness for a humble position!"

Chen Qing hadn't interviewed Wang Hao for a few months. Ever since the spies sent by Wan Yanchang were taken away, the Kingdom of Jin had calmed down, and there was no sign of sending spies again.

Of course, there are still spies. Maybe their focus has become intelligence gathering, and if they don't involve dangerous matters, they won't be easy to be discovered.

We all know that there are intelligence points where the imperial court placed Jingzhao, but it is not easy to find them.

In the past few months, Neiwei has focused on cracking down on coin counterfeiting, escorting the issuance of large-amount real-name clubs by Yongwangfu.

"How's it going, did you find a fake club?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"Reporting to Your Highness, there is no one at present. The issuance of the club is still relatively strict and impeccable, so it has been four months since the issuance, and no counterfeiting has been found, but it is a bit more troublesome. trouble."

Chen Qing smiled and said: "You can use counter tickets across the state, but it's actually the same thing. The purpose of the meeting is for convenience. At the beginning, it will be stricter. After a long time, it will gradually relax. Problems must be allowed. Once found, it will be severely punished, and a noose will be used to deter counterfeiters."

"Your Highness is right, convenience will inevitably have risks, but you can't refuse to eat because of choking."

Chen Qing nodded and said, "I'm looking for you today because I have something to entrust to you, and it's not a big deal."

Seeing Wang Hao listening intently, Chen Qing continued: "You know the Yi'an Teahouse on East Street, right? The one next to Zhuangyuan Bridge."

"Humble job knows, I used to go there often."

"That's Wang Hao's property. Wang Hao sold it tonight. The price per mu is [-] guan, which is beyond my expectation. The buyer is the owner of Taibai Restaurant. I want you to investigate. First, obviously It can be won at [-] Guan per mu, why did the other party offer [-] Guan? What is the intention of the other party? Second, who is the owner of Taibai Restaurant? Where do they live now? point, check it out."

Wang Hao bowed and said, "I understand, and I will start deploying tomorrow morning."

"Another point!"

Chen Qing stopped him again, and said with a smile: "When you go back, turn to the newspaper office of "Beijing News" by the way, and say that it is my order. Today's Yi'an Teahouse transactions are not allowed to be published in the newspaper!"

"Humble job understands! Humble job goes right away."

Wang Hao fully understands that the "Beijing News" will definitely publish this kind of explosive news worth [-] yuan per mu as the headline on the front page, but this matter involves the princess, how can it be published in the newspaper?
Early the next morning, Wang Hao called for Zhong Huan and entrusted him with the mission of King Yong.

Chong Huan said with a smile: "Go to the county government to check, or ask the big shopkeeper, don't you know?"

Wang Hao shook his head, "If things were that simple, His Highness would not feel suspicious. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Don't be careless, kid. Find out what His Highness wants to know as soon as possible."

"Understand it, let's start the investigation."

"Where are you going to start?" Wang Hao asked.

Chong Huan thought for a while and said: "The humble official decided to start with the county government. Don't disturb the other side, check from the outside, and if there is no gain, then close the net."

Wang Hao nodded happily, "Yes! Just check like this."

Zhong Huan bowed and saluted, and left in a hurry.

When the "Beijing News" came out at noon, Chen Qing didn't have time to eat, so he opened the newspaper and looked for it. Sure enough, he searched in every corner. There was no news about the transaction price of [-] yuan per mu yesterday, which made Chen Qing heave a sigh of relief.

He looked at the front page headline again, and it turned out to be the news that Wu Jie was posthumously awarded as a young master by the imperial court. This news was at most the following newsletter, which couldn't bear the weight of the front page headline. The report of the transaction, that is the headlines.

At this moment, Zhou Kuan walked in like a gust of wind, and asked loudly as soon as he entered the room: "Your Highness, I heard that Yi'an Teahouse sold [-] cups?"

(End of this chapter)

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