
Chapter 1131 Investigation

Chapter 1131 Investigation
Chen Qing frowned, "Old Zhou, please keep your voice down, everyone in the world knows your voice!"

Zhou Kuan chuckled, "I have a sense of proportion! Everyone went out to eat, and there was no one there."

"Let's go! Let's go to the teahouse for dinner too, we'll talk about it after dinner."

The two came to the teahouse. Chen Qing ordered two Tongzhou roasted lamb rice and a pot of Fengcha. The Tongzhou roasted lamb here is real bitter spring lamb. The price is also very high, two meals cost [-] guan, plus a pot of Fengcha [-] guan, this lunch will cost [-] guan.

Zhou Kuan muttered softly: "It's too extravagant, it's enough for ordinary people to earn for two years."

Chen Qing glared at him, "Why don't you treat me this time?"

Zhou Kuan slapped haha, "I'm short-tongued, I talk too much nonsense."

"As long as you know!"

Not long after, two young maids brought two large plates of meals. The mutton had just been roasted and was still sizzling. Normally, the maids would help to cut it. But why did Chen Qing's soldiers allow a strange woman to approach King Yong with a knife? The famous maid didn't even have a chance to enter the house.

The soldiers tried the poison and brought up the plate, Zhou Kuan couldn't help sighing again: "Of the twenty-five guan, at least ten are maids."

"Hurry up! How can you be so wordy? Do you really think I will spend twenty-five pennies?" Chen Qing interrupted him impatiently.

Zhou Kuan suddenly realized that Chen Qing was the proprietor, and of course the proprietor didn't need to spend money to eat.

After the two of them finished their meal, Chen Qing poured two cups of tea into the official kiln teacup, and said calmly, "Tell me! How do you know about the princess selling the teahouse?"

Zhou Kuan took a sip of tea, rubbed the Jianzhan official kiln fondly, and said with a smile to Chen Qing: "I heard what Jiang Yanxian said, and Jiang Yanxian either heard what Wei Qing, the magistrate, said, or Gao Kun, the order of the land and housing department. Yes, probably in Weizhi County, to exchange land deeds, you have to go through the county and pay taxes, of course the county will know, this is the highest per mu price so far, and the price is comparable to Fengle Building in Lin'an."

"Fengle Building is also priced at [-] guan per mu?"

Zhou Kuan nodded, "Fengle Building, including the construction of the building, cost a total of [-] guan. Of course, they earned it back in a few years. It is said that it costs [-] guan a night. Jingzhao will spend so extravagantly." ? Your one hundred and fifty pennies may not even be enough for a cup of tea in Fengle Building."

Chen Qing shook his head and said decisively: "I will never allow a Fengle Building to appear in Jingzhao, it will only make the generals of the Western Army corrupt and depraved, and make all the civil servants look at the money. Now everyone is keen to steal houses and land. It's making me dizzy, if the extravagance of Lin'an spreads to Jingzhao again, within three years, the golden soldier's wolf head flag will be planted on Jingzhao's city again."

Zhou Kuan's face became serious, and he asked, "Does Your Highness want to curb this trend of house speculation?"

Chen Qing said without hesitation: "Of course! Although my family is also keen on buying houses and land, it doesn't mean I can tolerate it."

"Your Highness needs to understand why the price of Jingzhao's land has skyrocketed. In fact, the main reason is that the rich and powerful families in the world are optimistic about Jingzhao. They are not short of money. The wealth of millions of guan was related to them because of the sharp increase in land prices in Lin'an. Zhang Tai spent [-] guan to buy land in Lin'an, and Zheng Tongquan invested more than [-] guan in Lin'an.

Now that the Western Army is getting stronger and stronger, and is advancing eastward step by step, how can these rich people in the world not see it?Of course they also want to buy a house for their family in Jingzhao, so why the price of a ten-acre mansion can rise to one hundred thousand is the reason. Nowadays, the house with more than five mu is the most precious, and it will be snatched up when it comes out.

Those wealthy families who have accumulated wealth for decades, those giant merchants, no one knows how many of them are there, so I advise His Highness not to use the method of blocking, but to sparse, and build as many yards under one mu as possible. , in Han Chang'an City, outside the city, use enough quantity to suppress the price of small houses to ensure that ordinary people can afford houses. As for houses with more than three acres, it is not something ordinary people can consider. Just let it go up!Anyway, most of the houses are in the hands of the Land and Housing Department. Why not use the big houses to harvest the wealth of the richest people in the world? "

Zhou Kuan had already expressed his point of view clearly, as to whether Chen Qing could listen to it or not, that was none of his business.

Chong Huan waited for a quarter of an hour in the back hall of the county government office. Wei Qing, the magistrate, came to the back hall with a clerk holding a thick file bag in his hand.

"The information that General Zhong wants is available here, and General Zhong can look it up!"

Wei Qing gave the official a wink, and the official retreated.

Zhong Huan slowly opened the file bag. He is the commander of the inner guard. According to the regulations, the commander and above of the inner guard can look up any information of the government as long as they hold the executive silver medal.

Zhong Huan took out a stack of documents, the first one was the latest contract, the contract for the purchase of Yi'an Teahouse by Taibai Restaurant, and the land and house deeds left in the county government.

Zhong Huan took a closer look. One party to the contract was Tian Wenzhi, the butler of Tian. The princess authorized him to sign the contract on his behalf.

"Is this Liu Gui the proprietor of Taibai Restaurant?" Zhong Huan asked.

Wei Qing shook his head, "I don't know, you will see later that the signatory for the Taibai Restaurant purchase is also Liu Gui, and"

"And what?" Zhong Huan asked.

"And the boss of Taibai Restaurant is also surnamed Liu. I seem to have heard someone say that he is also called Liu Gui. There is something strange here, maybe he has the same name and surname!"

"Isn't it a person? I mean, the signatory is the big treasurer."

Wei Qing still shook his head, "I know Mr. Liu, the shopkeeper of Taibai Restaurant, and this is the first time I've seen Liu Gui who signed for the land purchase."

"Does that mean that this contract is invalid? It's not your real name."

"It doesn't matter, as long as they pay the taxes in full and pay the rent to the other party in time, it doesn't matter whether this person is named Liu Gui, but there is one thing. In the future, if the land of the teahouse is sold or the title of the land is changed, it must be done by this Liu Gui himself. Come here, because you need to check your fingerprints."

"What if Liu Gui dies?"

"Death is another matter. There must be Liu Gui's death certificate issued by the government, and then his heirs will have to publish a statement in the newspaper. Wait for three months. If no one comes to fight for the property, then the government can change it." Deed."

Zhong Huan took out the land purchase contract of Taibai Restaurant, which was indeed signed by Liu Gui, and there was also a fingerprint on the side. Chong Huan compared the two signatures with the fingerprints and was stunned.

"Mr. Wei County, didn't you realize that these two Liu Guis are not the same person? Their handwriting and fingerprints are completely different."

(End of this chapter)

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