
Chapter 1132 Liu Gui

Chapter 1132 Liu Gui
Chong Huan borrowed two contracts signed with Liu Gui's name and left the county government. He finally began to realize the strangeness in it. His Highness Yong Wang would not let them investigate for no reason, and His Highness Yong Wang must have felt that something was wrong.

Chong Huan found the Zhuangzhai Yaren who was in charge of the brokerage. In the Song Dynasty, private transactions were not allowed when buying and selling houses. They had to be brokered through the Zhuangzhai Yaren. However, Zhuangzhai Yaren is not something ordinary people can do. They must file with the county government to obtain qualifications. , That is to say, get a dental license to engage in real estate transactions.

The housing sales contract is also obtained from the government and is numbered. After each contract is established, the government must file for the record and pay taxes before the land deed or house deed can be replaced. This is considered a transaction.

If you intentionally evade taxes in a yin-yang contract, once it is found out, the consequences will be very serious. Needless to say, both the buyer and the seller will be fined if they pay taxes.

It is also for this reason that there are relatively few fraudulent house sales, mainly because it is difficult to obtain the qualifications of Zhuangzhai Yaren. Of course, they are not willing to ruin their jobs for a small profit.

The surname of Zhuangzhaiya who was in charge of this shop transaction was Dai. Everyone called him Dai Laoqi. He was in his thirties, thin and thin, but he could speak well. Three generations of grandparents were from Zhuangzhaiya. With the help of the prestige and reputation accumulated by his father and grandfather, Dai Laoqi is well-known in this industry. He opened a dental firm by himself and hired seven or eight small dental professionals to specialize in real estate transactions.

Zhong Huan and two of his men found Dai Laoqi in the tooth shop. Dai Laoqi heard that it was the inner guard looking for him, and his legs were a little weak from fright. During the time of private salt, the inner guards killed so many people that Bashu and Jinghu South Road mentioned the inner guards, and children did not dare to cry at night.

Of course, Dai Laoqi was a little nervous these two days. Since he made the deal with Yi'an Teahouse, he got a commission of two hundred and forty guan. To his surprise, the "Beijing News" did not publish the transaction the next day. You must know that this transaction must be on the front page, but there is no clue at all. Instead, those small transactions with hundreds of transactions They're all in the newspaper.

Dai Laoqi was a little bit guilty in his heart, and he also realized that the failure to publish in the newspaper might have something to do with the princess, and the proprietor of Yi'an Teahouse was actually the princess.

Until the inner guard found him, he immediately thought that it must have something to do with the huge deal the day before yesterday.

Dai Laoqi invited Zhong Huan to the back room, stood aside feeling nervous, and said gently, "I came to you because of the deal the day before yesterday, you should know which deal I'm referring to!"

Dai Lao Qi nodded, "I know!"

"You don't need to be nervous. The county government has already told me that the deal the day before yesterday was reasonable and legal, and it has been completed. I'm not looking for you today to ask about the deal."

Dai Laoqi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, "I don't know what assistance I can provide for the general?"

"I'm here to get to know the buyer!"

Chong Huan took out the contract and asked, "The buyer's name is Liu Gui, right?"

"That's right, his name is Liu Gui."

"Do you know this person?"

Dai Laoqi shook his head, "The first time I saw this person was introduced by shopkeeper Liu Da of the restaurant."

Dai Laoqi's face suddenly changed, and he reacted suddenly, "Oh! No! Shopkeeper Liu seems to be called Liu Gui."

Zhong Huan said indifferently: "Did you just find out now?"

Dai Laoqi nodded in horror, "The villain doesn't know what's going on, why do they have the same name?"

"Tell me first, who is Liu Gui who signed the contract, and how did the shopkeeper introduce you to him? Is it the proprietor?"

Dai Laoqi shook his head, "I didn't say it was the proprietor, I just said that this person has full power to call the shots."

"Where is this person from? Where is he now?" Zhong Huan continued to ask.

"This person's accent is Bianliang Mandarin. I don't know where he lives. Shopkeeper Liu brought him here."

Zhong Huan put away the contract and asked: "Think about it again, what other clues can you give me?"

Dai Laoqi thought for a while and said: "General, you can go to Baoji Cabinet to check. Finally, the money is delivered at Baoji Cabinet. Where did the counter ticket for [-] Guan come from? Baoji Cabinet should have a record." .”

"Which Treasure Kee Cabinet Shop? The one on Suzaku Street?"


Although the name of Zhuque Street in the Song Dynasty has not changed, it is no longer the extremely wide central street in the Tang Dynasty. It is still the central axis of Jingzhao City, but the square wall has disappeared, and shops have been built along the street on both sides.

Baoji Cabinet has three stores in Jingzhao City, and the largest store is located on Zhuque Street.

No one dared to be negligent when the internal guards investigated the case. The big shopkeeper of Baoji Cabinet Workshop also respectfully invited Zhong Huan to the inner hall. Not long after, a steward hurried in and handed over a counter ticket to the big shopkeeper.

The big shopkeeper handed the counter ticket to Zhong Huan and said with a smile: "The money in this counter ticket has been transferred, so the counter ticket has been cancelled. General, please have a look."

Chong Huan looked at the counter ticket. The amount on it was [-] guan. The other copy must be sent to the cash counter together with the jade inspection and password. When withdrawing money, the two counter tickets must be exactly the same. It's also okay, the counter shop recognizes the vote but not the person.

So basically there will be no problem, Zhong Huan asked: "Where did you issue the counter ticket?"

"It was opened by Pingjiang Mansion."

Pingjiang Mansion is Suzhou. It turns out that the proprietor of Taibai Restaurant is in Suzhou.

Zhong Huan asked again: "Can we find out who saved the money?"

The big treasurer shook his head, "Pingjiang Mansion may be able to find out, but I definitely don't know. We only recognize the ticket but not the person. We don't even know the name of the ticket holder who came to hand over the money. We only know The party who received the money, but this is confidential, we can't say it."

"Okay! Can you lend me this counter ticket for investigation?"

"If it is borrowed, there is no problem. It has been canceled anyway, but General Zhong will return it to us before the end of the year, and we must hand it over to the Lin'an head office at the beginning of next year."

"Yes! I will return it to you before the end of the year."

Zhong Huan wrote an IOU, put the counter ticket into the file bag, got up, said goodbye and left.

The big shopkeeper watched Zhong Huan go away, he immediately called a confidant, and said in a low voice: "Hurry up to Taibai Restaurant and inform the big shopkeeper Liu, saying that the internal guards have started to investigate the details of the proprietor."

Coming out of the cabinet, Zhong Huan returned to the office to sort out the results of the day's investigation. The biggest doubt was that he found three Liu Guis. The person in Taibai Restaurant is also called Liu Gui, but Zhong Huan does not have the handwriting and fingerprints of Taibai Restaurant's shopkeeper Liu, so he can't be sure whether Liu Gui who bought the land of Taibai Restaurant is the shopkeeper Liu.

Secondly, he got two more harvests in the cabinet workshop. One is that the proprietor of Taibai Restaurant is in Pingjiang Mansion, which is one of the core areas of the Song Dynasty. There are many, and it is rumored that the owner of Taibai Restaurant is one of the four major grain merchants in Bianliang, and Pingjiang Mansion is an important grain producing area. It is logical that Liu's family fled to Pingjiang Mansion.

Second, the second harvest of the counter shop is that the other party issued a counter ticket of [-] guan, and Yi'an Tea House sold it for [-] guan.
Of course, the results of the investigation are not necessarily a bad thing. It shows that the rich and wealthy in the Northern Song Dynasty began to be optimistic about the future of Jingzhao, and began to transfer money gradually. Buying real estate and land is one of the best ways.

After much deliberation, Zhong Huan decided to visit the shopkeeper of Taibai Restaurant early tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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