
Chapter 1133

Chapter 1133
Early the next morning, Zhong Huan came to Taibai Restaurant. As soon as he entered, he was greeted by a short, fat middle-aged man, "Welcome to our restaurant!"

Zhong Huan was slightly taken aback, he had been to Taibai Restaurant, and had seen the shopkeeper a few times, he was a thin and tall middle-aged man, how did he become a short and fat man?
"Where's shopkeeper Liu?"

"My shopkeeper is not in the store, he has gone back to the main store. My surname is Wu. I am in charge. I will take his place for a few days."

"Nonsense! He was in the shop yesterday."

Chong Huan also sent someone to the shop to look at it yesterday afternoon. He was still there this afternoon, so why did he leave overnight?

Chong Huan became a little anxious, and stared at Steward Wu in front of him with wide eyes.

Humpty Humpty looked blank, "The shopkeeper often goes out, isn't it strange! The guest officer has something to do with him?"

Zhong Huan took out the inner guard's silver medal and said coldly: "The inner guard is investigating a case involving your shopkeeper. Please ask him to go to the inner guard to assist in the investigation. I hope he will not cause trouble for himself!"

"This... is difficult! He really went back." Humpty Humpty said with a distressed expression.

"Where did he go?"

"He went to the main store of Pingjiang Mansion. Didn't we buy the Yi'an Teahouse next door? He and Xiao Liugui went back to report, and then considered how to merge the two restaurants into one and build a new Taibailou."

"Who is Xiao Liugui?" Zhong Huan asked.

"He is the accountant of the main store. He is also called Liu Gui, which is the same name as our shopkeeper, so he is called Little Liu Gui. He came to sign the contract the day before yesterday and bought Yi'an Teahouse."

The truth was suddenly stripped away, and it turned out to be so simple. Zhong Huan frowned, and asked, "Who was the person who bought Taibai Restaurant five years ago? His name is also Liu Gui. Is he the shopkeeper?"

"No! It's little Liu Gui's father, also named Liu Gui, who was the big tent of the main store. He passed away the year before last. After his death, his son inherited his father's name and changed his name to Liu Gui!"

"What do you mean? Why can't I understand, the name can still be inherited?" Zhong Huan was a little confused.

Steward Wu smiled wryly and said: "It's actually very simple. Our proprietor's surname is Liu, and they are all domestic servants of my proprietor. They were originally not named Liu, but after reaching certain qualifications, they took the surname of their master and changed their names to Liu Gui, Nice names like Liu Fu, Liu Lu, and Liu Shou, so there will be duplicate names, there will be sons and stepfathers names, villains are not domestic servants, so they can only use their own surnames."

Domestic servants are servants in disguise. The laws of the Song Dynasty did not allow slaves, but the dignitaries used the alternative method of recognizing righteous women and signing long-term contracts to keep some more dependent servants, or called doormen. The master’s house provided housing, and the servants also It is normal to start a family and start a business, but has been serving the master, even serving the master for several generations, this is a domestic servant.

The biggest difference from slaves is that domestic servants can leave at any time to make a living by themselves, but in fact, domestic servants are treated very well, and the master trusts them very much. It is the greatest honor for them to be able to take the surname of the owner after a certain number of years and seniority. Therefore, it is normal for two or even three Liu Gui to appear. This is not their real name in the first place. .

After understanding this point, Zhong Huan was a little discouraged. After checking for a long time, everything was so logical and there was no problem at all.

"What is the name of your proprietor? What is your identity?"

"My proprietor's surname is Liu. I don't know their name. I only know that they have been big grain merchants in Bianliang for several generations. Their family background is very strong. years of calamity."

There was no problem at all, Zhong Huangong cupped his hands and walked away, he didn't notice that Manager Wu turned around and heaved a sigh of relief.

After listening to Wang Hao and Zhong Huan's report calmly, Chen Qing nodded and said: "If there is nothing strange about this matter, don't spend too much energy on it, let's stop here!"

Wang Hao hurriedly bowed and agreed, but Zhong Huan stood there without moving. Chen Qingxiao asked, "Does Commander Xiao Zhong have any doubts?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, it still feels a bit wrong to be humble, but I can't tell where the problem is. It's just an instinctive feeling."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Trust your intuition, think about it, what feels wrong?"

"The feeling of inferiority. That manager Wu answered perfectly, dispelling all the doubts of the inferiority, so he perfectly explained everything that was doubtful, which made the inferiority feel uncomfortable."

Chen Qing nodded, "There is nothing perfect in this world, too perfect is actually not perfect."

"Yes! That's how it feels."

"Then what are you going to do?" Chen Qing asked lightly.

Zhong Huan pondered for a moment, "The humble official intends to use a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, he will send people to Bianliang and Pingjiang Mansion to investigate the background of the grain merchant named Liu, and on the other hand, the humble official will investigate who leaked the news, so that the treasurer Liu left overnight."

Chen Qing praised: "The idea is good, let's check it like this!"

Wang Hao and Zhong Huan left immediately, and walked out of Prince Yong's mansion. Wang Hao punched Zhong Huan on the shoulder and said with a smile, "You performed well today. The blue is better than the blue."

Chong Huan said apologetically: "The humble position is only a temporary feeling, and I didn't deliberately conceal the control!"

"Your sharpness is good, who do you plan to send to Bianliang and Pingjiang Mansion?"

"Reporting to the control system, Bianliang I intend to send Qin Kuangming to investigate. The Pingjiang Mansion is more dangerous, and I intend to go there myself."

Wang Hao nodded, "Go! I hope to hear good news from you soon."

The grassland in September is when the war horses are fat and strong, and it is also the hunting season for the nomads. Since the Mongolian tribe was defeated by the powerful Jin soldiers and forced to surrender to the Jin Kingdom, the Jin Kingdom has continued to exert pressure and lobbying, both hard and soft, demanding The Mongolian tribe sent troops to Datong Mansion.

Some tribal leaders in the Mughal Tribe were bewitched by the envoys of the Kingdom of Jin, thinking that they could go south to plunder the population and property of the Han people. The seven tribes jointly dispatched [-] cavalry and began to go south to harass the periphery of Datong Mansion.

In the wilderness more than [-] miles east of Datong Mansion, I saw a mighty team coming westward, with as many as [-] to [-] people. Cars, carrying loads, every big car is full of old people and children, everyone looks terrified, they are the people who fled from Ying County.

The city of Ying County is small, and it has been attacked continuously by tens of thousands of nomadic cavalry. The people rushed out of the city and evacuated to Datong City.

The western army guarding the people was led by Li Mai and he led a thousand cavalry. Li Mai felt very uneasy. When they came out, they were spotted by enemy spies and rushed back to report. After a night and a half day, if the other party wants to chase and kill, this time should come.

"General, look!" one of his soldiers shouted, pointing to the distance.

Li Mai saw it, and a long black line appeared in the distance. It was the Mughal cavalry chasing after him.

Li Mai immediately summoned a thousand cavalry, raised his sword and shouted: "Brothers, the time has come to defend our home and country, protect our fathers and fellow villagers and retreat, and fight with me to kill the enemy!"

"Kill the enemy!"

A thousand cavalrymen of the Western Army were full of enthusiasm and raised their spears and shouted. Under the leadership of Li Mai, they fearlessly killed the [-] enemy troops rushing to the east.
(End of this chapter)

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