
Chapter 1134

Chapter 1134
Tens of thousands of people suddenly panicked, children cried loudly, women screamed, all their belongings and luggage were thrown away, carts speeded up, and everyone was scrambling to escape.

A thousand cavalrymen of the Western Army were like a hard rock, blocking the nomadic cavalry from running. They fought hard to kill the enemy with the determination to die, and killed the nomadic cavalry with heavy casualties.

The [-] nomadic cavalry became angry, gave up chasing the people, and tried their best to encircle and suppress this lone army. Arrows were like rain, knives and guns were like forests, and the sound of killing was loud.

The cavalry of the Western Army became less and less as the war progressed. Li Mai, who was seriously injured, and the last [-] cavalry were finally swallowed by the tide of [-] cavalry, and all [-] Song cavalry were killed.

When they won half an hour for the fleeing people, the tens of thousands of fleeing people were getting closer and closer to Datong City.

At this time, the head of the Datong Palace, Zhe Yanzhi, got the news, and immediately led five thousand cavalry out of the city to meet the people.

The cavalry helped the elderly and children to enter the city first, but Zhe Yanzhi did not see the Song Army of Yingzhou. He suddenly saw Qi Yuan, the county captain of Ying County, and hurried forward and asked, "Captain Qi, where are Li Mai and his army?"

Qi Yun pointed to the east, "General Li Mai led a thousand cavalry to cover our retreat and go to meet the enemy!"

Zhe Yanzhi hurriedly looked to the east, only ten miles away, the overwhelming nomadic cavalry was coming to this side, and there was no figure of Song Army cavalry.

With a pain in his heart, Li Mai's army must be killed in battle.

"Hurry up and enter the city!"

Tens of thousands of people rushed into Datong City, and [-] cavalry also retreated in. The gates of the city were suddenly closed and the suspension bridge was pulled up.

Not long after, a rescue eagle letter was carried by a flying eagle and flew towards Jingzhao City.

What Chen Qing was most worried about really happened. The grassland nomadic cavalry began to harass the northern border. Datong Mansion was the first to bear the brunt, and Lingxia Road would be attacked next.

He immediately ordered Niu Gao, the governor of Taiyuan, to send [-] troops to the north to aid Datong Mansion, and ordered Li Zun, the commander in chief, to lead [-] troops to Lingzhou. At present, the defense of Lingxia was changed from Cheng Huan, who had just been promoted to deputy capital commander, to lead [-] permanent troops. He and the [-] militia army were in charge of guarding, and Li Zun's [-] troops rushed to Lingzhou, which would definitely greatly strengthen Lingzhou's defense.

But this is not enough, he must strengthen the resident troops of Datong Mansion. In the camp of the Baqiao Huben Army, the commander Yan Jun walked into the tent of the Chinese Army, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Your Highness!"

"General Yan, please stand up!"

Yan Jun has served as the commander of Chen Qing's personal army for many years, and belongs to Chen Qing's confidant, and even his wife was introduced by the princess, who is Zhang Yan, the leader of the princess's personal female guards.

Chen Qing asked with a smile: "How is the situation at home?"

Yan Jun has a son and a daughter. His son Yan Enping is seven years old, and his daughter Yan Xiaojiao is four years old. Every time he comes to play in the palace, he will become the attendant of Chen Qing's eldest daughter Chen Binger. Their home is a small official residence covering an area of ​​three acres. parents also live with them.

"Reporting to Your Highness, my son has gone to school, in Yanqing Primary School."

Yanqing Primary School is a private school run by Wang Yanqing, a great Confucian in Guanzhong. It is very famous in Jingzhao. There are [-] children studying in it, all of whom are seven to nine years old. The annual tuition fee is [-] yuan. It is a place to cultivate outstanding talents. , Wang Yanqing's disciples have already produced seven Jinshi.

Yan Jun himself is a martial artist. Of course he wants to train his son to become a civil servant. Of course, with his income, there is no problem for his son to go to Yanqing Primary School. The key is to get in. Wang Yanqing only accepts extremely talented prodigies. His son is talented, and the princess intercedes, so of course Wang Yanqing wants to show the princess face.

Chen Qing nodded, "Are you mentally prepared for what I told you last time?"

Yan Jun immediately said: "Humble job is willing to guard the border!"

Chen Qing nodded, "It's not that you have been asked to guard the border all the time. You have been in office for five years. The grasslands are covered by heavy snow in winter. If there is no border trouble, you can go home to visit relatives and explain to your parents, wife and children."

"They all support me!"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and then said: "Zhe Yanzhi gave birth to a son, but he has not reported to the military department according to the regulations. Of course, I also understand how he feels about getting a son when he is old, and I will continue to trust him as much as possible. I asked for help, hoping to increase the garrison of Datong Mansion. I approved his request, but after thinking twice, I decided to let you lead [-] troops to support Datong Mansion, and at the same time serve as the deputy general of Orihiko. The [-] troops are actually in the hands of In your hand, do you understand what I mean?"

Yan Jun nodded, "I understand!"

Chen Qing sighed and said: "Zhe Yanzhi violated the rules and concealed the fact that he gave birth to a son from me. I have always had a shadow in my heart. Considering the importance of Datong Mansion, once Datong Mansion falls, the entire Northeast River Road will fall, and the whole Northeast Road will be lost. Hedong Road, Shaanxi Road and Lingxia Road all pose a huge threat, so I have to be cautious. After you arrive in Datong Mansion, you must stick to your principles. If you find that Zhe Yanzhi's order is not good for defense, you must resolutely dissuade it. If you don’t, report to me in time.”

"His Royal Highness teaches, and the humble position will be kept in mind!"

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and then said: "Zhe Yanzhi is a veteran. He has gone through many battles and ups and downs. I believe in his loyalty. I am worried that someone around him will slander. In the end, he was sent to Taiyuan Mansion in mourning."

"Does Your Highness have any clues?"

Chen Qing said slowly: "Datong Mansion has the eyeliner of the intelligence department. There was news a few months ago that Orihiko trusted two confidantes, one was his staff, the other was his brother-in-law, who gave birth to his son. My concubine's elder brother, these two people can't find out their background, it can be said that their origin is unknown, you go to Datong Mansion, you must pay attention to these two people, in addition, Datong Mansion judge Yelu Qiyan is good, what is the situation I don't know , you can ask him."

Yan Jun bowed and said: "Remember the humble job!"

Chen Qing smiled and said: "That's it! Go back and say goodbye to your family, and lead the army to set off tomorrow morning!"

"Retire from humble position!"

Before dawn the next day, Yan Jun set off with [-] troops. Although the [-] troops were infantry, everyone rode northward on horseback. At the same time, there were [-] camels full of supplies and grass going north with the army.

Although Chen Qing sent troops to the north to deploy in an all-round way, the allied forces of the Mongolian tribes who invaded the south this time were not fully prepared. The city of Datong was tall and generous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The north retreated to the grassland.

Although it is not a large-scale southward invasion, it still sounded the defense alarm for the northern border. It is very likely that next year, the grassland nomadic cavalry, with the support of the Kingdom of Jin, will invade the south on a large scale, and the Western Army has another high-hanging war on its head. With the big sword, the strategic pattern is developing in a direction that is not conducive to the Western Army.

This morning, the harvest of crops in Chen Qinghou's garden finally arrived. More than [-] corns were planted in one lot, and nearly [-] corn cobs were broken off, which weighed several hundred catties. If the corn cobs were removed, the net harvest would be The weight of corn kernels is about ninety catties, which has reached Chen Qing's expectations. Although the weight may drop again after water evaporation, Chen Qing believes that after continuous improvement, the yield per mu will definitely exceed one thousand catties, and it will definitely become the most important corn in the north. one of the food crops.

Chen Qing then handed over all the harvested corn to the Agricultural Advice Department, asking them to plant at least ten acres of corn in official fields outside the city next year.

The pumpkins were also harvested at the same time. Mrs. Wen planted a total of twelve vines in three places, and finally harvested twenty large pumpkins. They need to be placed for a period of time to fully mature, and then the seeds are taken out to dry. It is planted in large quantities outside the house, and it is also planted in front of and behind the houses of the common people.

The successful cultivation of two high-yield crops will undoubtedly lay a solid foundation for the growth of the northern population.

(End of this chapter)

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