
Chapter 1136 No doubt

Chapter 1136 No doubt
"Who did Guanshi Lu think of?" Zhong Huan asked,
Lu Fan pondered for a while and said: "There are two famous restaurants in Pingjiang Mansion, one is called Huilou and the other is called Qingfenglou. Behind them is a proprietor. I heard that the proprietor is surnamed Liu. It is said that he was once a famous restaurant in Bianliang. Grain Merchant"

"Yes! This is the person. According to the information we got, the proprietors of Taibai Restaurant are the four major grain merchants in Bianliang."

Zhong Huan asked again: "Can I get his detailed information?"

"I can give it a try!"

Lu Fan slowly said: "I know a few well-informed Yaren and businessmen in Pingjiang Mansion. They are not only well-informed, but also have a wide range of channels. They can find out all the news they want to know. Today is too late. I will call you tomorrow morning." Go find them, General Zhong will come by this time the day after tomorrow, there should be news."

Zhong Huan took Mei Wu back to the inn and had dinner in the inn. At this time, Uncle Jiang also came back.

"Has Uncle Jiang had dinner? I'll ask the shopkeeper to bring another one over."

"No, I ate at my cousin's."

Uncle Jiang sat down and drank a few sips of water, and said to Zhong Huan: "My cousin told me that there are a lot of dignitaries and wealthy people in the Northern Song Dynasty gathered here in Pingjiang Mansion. The proprietor of the building is also named Liu, and both of them are very wealthy, so they may be the proprietors of Taibai Restaurant."

Zhong Huan frowned, "But Manager Lu of Changxi Commercial Bank told me that the proprietors of Huilou and Qingfenglou are the same person!"

"Certainly not. Moreover, these two are enemies and have a deep hatred. My cousin is in the wine business and provides wine to both restaurants. I know them well, so I can't make a mistake."

This time he got a little dizzy, Zhong Huan thought for a while and asked again: "Did your cousin tell me who is the grain merchant in Bianliang?"

"The proprietor of Huilou is more likely. The proprietor of Qingfenglou is only in his early thirties, and he was a child more than ten years ago."

"What's the enmity between the two of them?" Zhong Huan asked again.

"I didn't ask that!" Uncle Jiang said apologetically.

At this time, Mei Wu, who had been silent all this time, said: "You can ask the innkeeper, he must know about this kind of thing."

"What do you want to ask me?" The innkeeper happened to come in with a pot of hot tea and a smile.

Zhong Huan smiled slightly and said, "It's about Huilou and Qingfenglou. I heard that the proprietors of the two have enmity. Does the shopkeeper know?"

"Of course I know. Everyone in Pingjiang Mansion knows about this. In fact, these two are uncles and nephews. We are called Lao Liu and Xiao Liu, and they are both from Bianliang. Said she was a courtesan."

From the shopkeeper, I got a third statement. The proprietors of Huilou and Qingfenglou are uncles and nephews. In fact, this statement does not conflict with the news brought by Uncle Jiang.

"Tell me specifically?"

Zhong Huan said with a smile: "This kind of thing is quite interesting."

"That's right, this kind of thing really makes people more interested. The woman is Li Rufeng, the courtesan of Baidielou. She is more beautiful than Li Shishi in the past, and her flesh and gold are extremely expensive. One night's spring night costs [-] guan. Xiao Liu is fascinated by her." I want to redeem her and marry her as a concubine. Da Liu has long been tempted by her, and then took advantage of Xiao Liu's opportunity to go to Lin'an to redeem Li Rufeng first and take her as a concubine. She hanged herself, and Xiao Liu's name was written all over her brocade handkerchief."

Chong Huan said with a smile: "I can't see that this famous prostitute is really in love with Xiao Liu!"

"I don't know if there is any real love. After Xiao Liu came back, when he heard the news, he burst into tears. He led people to beat the old bustard half to death, then went to smash Qingfeng Building to pieces, and personally led people to kill Da Liu. He was so frightened." Liu Lianye fled to the Health Mansion."

"and after?"

"Later someone mediated for their uncle and nephew, and the two reluctantly made peace, but the enmity has since ended. In the past three years, it is said that the uncle and nephew have not even seen each other, and they went to the family temple separately when they worshiped their ancestors."

Zhong Huan asked again, "Is there anyone else in their family?"

"There should be! I don't know the details. Their family is quite mysterious. If it weren't for the celebrity prostitute incident, no one would know that the two restaurants ranked No. [-] and No. [-] in Pingjiang Mansion are actually owned by the same family."

Zhong Huan nodded, "Thank you, shopkeeper!"

The innkeeper chuckled and walked away.

Zhong Huan said slowly: "If the shopkeeper's news is true, then Taibai Restaurant is funded by the Liu family, and their family should have a real person in power, and their family's strength is by no means more than two restaurants."

The next day he had a day off, and on the afternoon of the third day, Zhong Huan came to Changxi Commercial Bank again.

Lu Fan smiled and asked Zhong Huan to sit down, and then asked the waiter to serve tea. Zhong Huan sat down and asked anxiously, "How is it? Have you found out the situation clearly?"

Lu Fan nodded, "Yesterday, I spent [-] pennies to see the land deeds of Huilou and Qingfenglou at the county government office. Their proprietors are indeed the same person, named Liu Zhen."

"Wait a mininute!"

Zhong Huan interrupted Lu Fan, "I heard from the innkeeper that the proprietors of the two restaurants are different, they are uncles and nephews."

"The two uncles and nephews are named Liu Xiang and the other Liu Shaowu, but they are not the proprietors, but the managers of the restaurant. The proprietor is Liu Xiang's father, Liu Shaowu's grandfather, named Liu Zhen, the four major grain merchants in Bianliang back then. The leader is Liu Zhen, who invested [-] guan in Lin'an, bought half of Fengle Building, and built Huilou Restaurant by himself by the West Lake. It is said that he also spent [-] guan. [-] guan, I heard that he invested a large sum of money recently, I guess he spent [-] guan to buy Yi'an Teahouse in Jingzhao."

Lu Fan is very shrewd, he understands where is Zhong Huan's worry?He smiled and explained: "I have dealt with big businessmen in Jiangnan all the year round. Many of them bought houses in Jingzhao, but they were very cautious, and they all named their wives or daughters. Although the Liu family invested in Taibai Restaurant, they also spent [-] Guan bought Yi'an Teahouse, but they will definitely keep a low profile and don't want to be watched by the court, so that's why their family didn't show up in Jingzhao."

Chong Huan agreed with Lu Fan's explanation, keeping a low profile and avoiding risks. Even if these big families are looking for a way out in Lin'an, they will be very low-key, and they will directly take out [-] guan, and give an extra [-] guan, more or less It was also to please King Yong.

Zhong Huan nodded, "In this way, we basically match up with the Liu family of Pingjiang Prefecture."

Chong Huan thought about it, and he decided not to visit Liu's house. After all, this is Pingjiang Mansion, not Jingzhao. Once his identity is revealed, he might put himself in danger.

Early the next morning, Zhong Huan and two of his men were preparing to return to Jingzhao, but Lu Fan rushed over, "I just received a pigeon letter from Dangtu County. There is news about General Zhong from Dangtu, saying that It is very important, General Zhong must go to Dangtu County."

"Thank you for telling me, let's go to Dangtu County."

It happened that Lu Fan had a batch of goods to be sent to Dangtu County, so Zhong Huan and two of his men took a cargo ship to Dangtu County.

"Since the situation has been investigated, why is the commander still worried?" Uncle Jiang asked with a smile.

"do not know!"

Zhong Huan shook his head and said, "I always feel that the investigation is not solid enough, it's still superficial. For example, I didn't find out the background of Liu's family in Bianliang."

"That requires Commander Qin to go to Bianliang to investigate. In Pingjiang Mansion, how can we find out about Bianliang? Besides, to become the top four grain merchants in Bianliang, you must have your thighs. Otherwise, how could it be the Liu family's turn? "

"you're right!"

Chong Huan sighed, "Maybe I'm worrying too much."

Three days later, the cargo fleet arrived in Dangtu County and docked in Dangtu County.

Zhong Huan went ashore, but unexpectedly saw Qin Kuangming, the commander of the internal guards, which made Zhong Huan startled. Isn't Qin Kuangming responsible for investigating Bianliang?How did they come to Dangtu County?

Did he find something in Bianliang?
(End of this chapter)

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