
Chapter 1137 Weird

Chapter 1137 Weird
After Chong Huan landed, Qin Kuangming stepped forward to salute and handed him a pigeon letter, "Let's take a look at this first, it's an urgent letter from Jingzhao from Wang Tongzhi!"

The message tube has not been opened yet, it is a red message tube, which means the situation is urgent, and there is a line of small characters on it, 'Please transfer to Zhonghuan, Pingjiang Prefecture'.

It was this small line that informed him to come to Dangtu County.

Chong Huan opened the letter box, took out a small roll of pigeon letters, slowly unfolded it, and read it carefully in the sun. It was a letter written by Wang Hao, the governor. There was only a short sentence on it, "I found that the shopkeeper Liu was hiding in Xianyang, not leaving. Jingzhao'.

Chong Huan was stunned. The shopkeeper Liu of Taibai Restaurant was actually in Jingzhao. He didn't come to Pingjiang Mansion. Obviously, someone leaked the news during his own investigation the day before, and the shopkeeper Liu went into hiding. That steward Wu lied to him!
But the question is, why did Steward Liu hide?Why did Manager Wu lie to himself?

Confused, Chong Huan asked Qin Kuangming again, "What did you find in Bianliang?"

"I found something, this is not a place to talk, why don't we talk about it after we return to the camp! Hey, it's really weird."


Chong Huan jumped up in shock, "Liu Zhen, a great grain merchant, is dead, and his whole family has been exterminated. You are talking nonsense!"

"Humble job is not nonsense at all. Liu Zhen died in a large passenger ship on the Bian River in the early years of Jingkang. Their family of eleven were all killed. The wealth that was going to be transferred southward by more than a dozen ships was missing. A few friends replaced them. The whole family collected the corpses, and even visited the cemetery, the cemetery of Liu Zhen's family."

Zhong Huan felt as if he saw a ghost in broad daylight, and felt extremely weird. Liu Zhen's family was killed, so who is Liu Zhen in Pingjiang Mansion now?Could it be the murderer who killed Liu Zhen?
Zhong Huan recalled Wang Hao's express letter again. Manager Liu of Taibai Building hid, indicating that these domestic servants knew the inside story, and there must be something wrong. Thinking of this, Zhong Huan shuddered, no way!He wants to return to Pingjiang Mansion immediately.

This time, Zhong Huan took Qin Kuangming and twelve of his men back to Pingjiang Mansion by boat.

It was too conspicuous for more than a dozen people to enter the city together, so Zhong Huan booked an inn outside the city, and everyone settled down first, and then Zhong Huan went into the city and found Lu Fan again.

Lu Fan didn't expect the situation to become serious, he asked a little nervously, "What does General Zhong need me to do?"

Chong Huan told him: "I want a domestic servant of the Liu family, a little farther away from the county seat, such as a steward of a certain manor. You can help me inquire about such a person. Don't ask too many people, so as not to leak the news."

Lu Fan thought for a while and said: "I know a man from Zhuangzhai who is very well informed. As long as he is willing to spend money, he can find out everything about Pingjiang Mansion, and he keeps his mouth shut."

"Go and inquire! Come and find me at the Fang's inn outside Changmen tomorrow, do you know that inn?"

Lu Fan nodded, "I know that inn!"

Zhong Huan then left and went back to the inn.

At noon of the next day, Lu Fan came to Fang's inn outside Changmen as promised, money can make ghosts go, let alone just asking for news, the high price of [-] guan is enough to buy all the news that can be obtained.

Lu Fan smiled and said to Chong Huan: "It is true. Near Yushan Mountain in Changshu County, the Liu family has a Shenjun Manor. The steward of the manor is called Liu Lu, who is the domestic servant of the Liu family. He is at home these two days. Will go to the manor."

Zhong Huan asked again, "Where is his home?"

Lu Fan took out a note and handed it to Zhong Huan, "This is the detailed address of his home!"

"Does this Liu Lu have any characteristics?"

"He has a large mole on the left side of his nose. He is in his thirties and has a medium build. He can be recognized at a glance."

Zhong Huan nodded slowly, he knew what to do?

Before dawn, a man in his thirties came out from Zuojia Lane, with a medium build and a large mole next to his nose. He rode a mule and headed north quickly. This man was named Liu Lu, from Changshu County. The chief steward of Shenjun Manor.

Needless to say, Liu Lu is naturally also the domestic servant of the Liu family, and has been a domestic servant for two generations. His father was a domestic servant. He himself grew up in Liu's family since he was a child, and he was deeply trusted by the master's family. He was appointed as the steward of the manor five years ago.

Liu Lu has to go home every ten days or so to visit his wife, children and old mother. His son wants to study, and his wife does not want to move to a remote manor, preferring a lively city, so Liu Lu can only run back and forth hard.

After leaving Pingmen, Liu Lu headed north along an official road. A mule cart followed him unhurriedly. He set off before dawn and did not arrive at the manor until dark.

After walking for about an hour, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road. At this time, the mule cart behind suddenly accelerated and chased Liu Lu. A man on a horse appeared in front of him. The horse and the mule passed by, and the man on the horse jumped. He rose up and overturned Liu Lu to the ground,
Liu Lu was shocked. Just as he was about to turn over and get up, a sharp dagger was pressed against his neck. The man said viciously, "Move, I will cut your throat!"

At this time, the mule cart stopped beside him, two big men jumped off, tied Liu Lu up, gagged his mouth, put a black cloth bag over his head, and threw him into the mule cart.

Liu Lu was terrified. He thought he had encountered a bandit and was about to be murdered for money. He didn't know how long it was before the hood was ripped off suddenly. Liu Lu's eyes lit up. He turned around slowly and found himself in a In an empty room, several burly men stood in front of them, and among the burly men was a dark-skinned scholar.

"You... what do you want to do?" Liu Lu asked in horror.

"Is this your sign?" The scholar held an iron sign in his hand.

Liu Lu nodded. It was his family identity card. The man looked at it and asked, "What does the engraved zero-seven mean?"

"It's my identification number. I rank seventh among domestic servants."

"Where's Liu Gui in the tent?" Zhong Huan asked again.

"He's fifth!"

"Where's Liu Gui from Jingzhao?"

Liu Lu was even more confused, but he didn't dare to hide it, so he had to confess honestly: "He is ranked third!"

"Okay! Who is your master Liu Zhen?" Zhong Huan returned to the topic.

"You... what are you?"

Next to me, Mei Wu took out a dagger, put it against his ear and said coldly: "Just answer honestly, ask one more question, and I'll cut off one of your ears!"

He exerted a little force, and a strand of blood flowed from Liu Lu's ear, which made him yell in fright, "Don't cut it! Don't cut it! I just said it."


"My master's name is Liu Zhen. He turned out to be the largest grain merchant in Bianliang. He has sold grain for decades and accumulated a lot of wealth."

"Hmph! I knew you would say that!"

Zhong Huan knelt down and said with a sneer: "Liu Zhen's family of eleven members were all killed in the first year of Jingkang and died on the boat. His family's property on more than a dozen boats was also taken away. Your master should be the one who killed Liu Zhen." The robbers, you are his accomplices, am I right!"

Liu Lu's face turned pale. The secret that had been hidden for more than ten years was suddenly revealed. He lowered his head and trembled uncontrollably.

"Speak up! Tell me honestly, I will spare your life."

"Are you sent by the court?"

Zhong Huan took out the token and waved it in front of him, "We are the internal guards of the Western Army, and we are investigating a deal. Tell me! Don't let me do it."

"Western Army?"

There was disbelief in Liu Lu's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "What does my master have to do with the Western Army? You are meddling in your own business!"

With a wave of Mei Wu's hand, half of Liu Lu's ear disappeared immediately, blood gushed out, and his face was covered with blood.

Liu Lu screamed in pain, "I say! I say! Don't cut it."

(End of this chapter)

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