
Chapter 1138 The Truth

Chapter 1138 The Truth
Chong Huan said viciously: "You don't cry when you see the coffin. If you dare to talk too much, I will cut off your ears first, and then your nose!"

Liu Lu was so frightened that he trembled all over, he didn't dare to hide any more, and said honestly: "My master's real name is Liu Xianchen, he is a descendant of Taiwei Liu Mei, and he was named Duke of Runan County."

"Liu Mei?"

Chong Huan thought for a while and said, "But Empress Mingsu's elder brother?"

Empress Mingsu is Song Zhenzong's empress Liu E, who has been in power for a long time as the empress dowager. Her elder brother Liu Mei is actually her ex-husband, and because of her prosperity, she became a famous foreign relative in the Song Renzong era.

It turned out to be Liu Mei's descendants, that is, the relatives of Song Dynasty.

"You killed Liu Zhen's family?"

"Liu Zhen deserves what he deserves. Like us, he is also the breadwinner of the master. He has been taking care of the food business for the Liu family. The master treats him well, but he betrays the master and tries to steal the master's [-] grain money. If he dies, whoever dies ?”

Zhong Huan immediately understood that the largest grain merchant in Bianliang turned out to be the relative Liu's family, and that Liu Zhen was just a senior manager of the Liu family.

Then the people who opened the Taibai restaurant in Jingzhao and invested [-] yuan to buy a teahouse turned out to be the Liu family, their relatives, but they didn't want Jingzhao to know their true identity, so they covered it up.

Of course Zhong Huan also understood that the Liu family was a relative of the Great Song Dynasty. If the emperor knew that they had secretly invested in Jingzhao, they would definitely be punished by the emperor, so they concealed their identities.

"Then why did you pretend to be Liu Zhen?"

Liu Lu said with a mournful face: "I don't know what the master thinks, but I heard from my father that at that time, many people accused the emperor of being kidnapped and the court was destroyed. It was all caused by foreign relatives who brought disaster to the country. My master was afraid of being held accountable, so he I have concealed my identity, as far as I know, many relatives have changed their names."

Zhong Huan nodded and ordered: "Bandage his wound!"

Two soldiers applied medicine to bandage Liu Lu's wound. At this moment, Uncle Jiang asked, "Aren't all relatives taken away by the Kingdom of Jin?"

"It was a group of people who were kidnapped. At that time, Emperor Huizong was on a tour to the south, and most of his relatives followed him. After the Jin soldiers retreated northward for the first time, the emperor returned to the capital. His relatives wanted to leave a way out, so they left some of their family members in Jiangnan. There are three masters, the two elder brothers returned to the capital, the master stayed in Jiangnan, and transferred a large amount of wealth to Jiangnan. Later, the master's two elder brothers and their family members were taken away, and the Liu family took root in Pingjiang Mansion."

This is reasonable, not Liu Zhen, a grain merchant, but Liu Xianchen, a foreign relative. Zhong Huan asked again: "How many foreign relatives have invested in Jingzhao to buy land?"

"I'm a small manager, so it's impossible to know about this kind of thing."

It was true, Zhong Huan stopped asking him, and ordered him to be released. Liu Lu came out of the private house and found himself not far from the west of the manor.

He fled back to the manor in panic, and sent Zhuang Ding back to Wu County to report to the master. At this time, Zhong Huan led the crowd to evacuate Pingjiang Mansion. It was not his task to contact the Liu family. He believed that the Liu family would send someone to Jingzhao show up.

Liu's Mansion is not in the city, but at the foot of the upper mountain in the southwest of the county seat. It is a huge house covering an area of ​​about [-] mu. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery and surrounded by lakes and small rivers. You need to take a boat to reach this mansion. .

The owner of the Liu Mansion is Liu Xianchen, who held a vain position in the imperial court as an envoy of the Caizhou Regiment, and at the same time he was named the Duke of Runan County. There were originally more than [-] members of their family, but the main members were taken away by the Jin soldiers and stayed in the Jiangnan branch. There are only a dozen people left.

However, most of the Liu family's wealth was transferred to Jiangnan in time to ensure the continued prosperity of the Liu family.

Liu Xianchen is about sixty years old. He has four sons, seven grandsons, five granddaughters, and even two great-grandchildren.

Liu Xianchen sat in the lobby, looking solemnly at Liu Lu who was kneeling on the ground. Liu Lu had half of his ear cut off.

"Are you sure the opponent is the internal guard of the Western Army?" Liu Xianchen asked.

Liu Lu looked sad, and said tremblingly: "They said it themselves, and I saw their silver medal."

"silver medal?"

Liu Xianchen asked, "What kind of silver medal?"

"It looks a bit like an eagle's head."

Liu Xianchen nodded, that's right, it is indeed the Neiwei Eagle brand, Liu Xianchen also realized that he must have spent [-] yuan to buy Yi'an Teahouse, which attracted Chen Qing's attention, so he sent someone to Pingjiang Mansion to investigate him details.

"What did you say to them?"

"I just said what the master told me!"

Liu Xianchen patted the table and said, "You still dare to lie to me, do you want me to cut off the other ear too?"

"My lord, please forgive me. It's because they are too vicious. The villain can't stand their threats, so I have to tell them."

"what did you say?"

"Tell the real identity of the master."

"and then?"

"Then they asked if the master killed Liu Zhen back then?"

Liu Xianchen frowned, how could the other party know about Liu Zhen?
The eldest son Liu Wei said to his father: "Father, the other party may have gone to Bianliang to investigate. Many people in Bianliang know about Liu Zhen. It is not a secret."

Liu Xianchen nodded and asked again: "Then how do you answer?"

"I told them that Liu Zhen was also a domestic servant of the Liu family. He was ungrateful, betrayed his master, and tried to embezzle food and money. He deserves death."

"And what did they say?"

"They didn't say anything. The young man in charge asked his men to stop the bleeding and bandage the wound, and then let me go."

"Anything else?"

"No more, that's all you asked?"

Liu Xianchen questioned again and again, and confirmed that there was no more, so Liu Lu stepped down.

The eldest son, Liu Wei, pondered for a moment and said, "My son thinks that the Western Army is only here to investigate the background of the transaction. It mainly involves the princess. They are a little worried, but they don't have any malicious intentions."

Liu Xianchen nodded, "I really underestimated them, the inner guards actually dug out my old background."

"Father, my son suggested a secret trip to Jingzhao. Since they know about it, it's not good not to go."

Liu Xianchen sighed and said, "It's not that simple, it depends on the attitude of the leader? Prepare a boat for me, and I will visit the leader."

Associations were very common in the Song Dynasty. This is related to the tolerance of the emperors of the Song Dynasty to the associations. Therefore, the parties in the court were the same, the ministers had different political opinions, and the ideas of governing the country. They formed various political groups, fought fiercely in the court, and attacked each other. The new party and the old party repeatedly appeared on the stage. The Song Dynasty spent more than a hundred years basically in the infighting of various parties.

In the early years of Jingkang, a large number of foreign relatives and dignitaries fled to the south of the Yangtze River. When Bianliang fell, the two emperors were captured, and the news of the Song Dynasty’s demise came, these foreign relatives and dignitaries in Jiangnan spontaneously formed a political group in order to protect themselves. It is called the Song Yihui, which means that they are the survivors of the Song Dynasty and consist of more than [-] families.

Later Kang Wang Zhao Gou ascended the throne in Yingtianfu, a new court was established, and Song Yihui was renamed Song Xinghui.

Of course the emperor Zhao Gou also knew about the existence of Song Xinghui, but he never interfered, as long as it was beneficial to his rule, he basically ignored it.

The purpose of the Song Xinghui is to revitalize the Song Dynasty’s predecessors, but in fact, they are more focused on making money from business. For example, the largest cabinet shop in the Song Dynasty, Baoji Cabinet Shop, was established by Song Xinghui. The Shi family is the largest shareholder and the second largest shareholder. It was the Xiang family, and the third largest shareholder was the Liu family.

Song Xinghui was established in Pingjiang Mansion, but more than [-] member families are scattered all over the south of the Yangtze River. Pingjiang Mansion has the most, followed by Lin'an, and then Jiankang.

Half an hour later, Liu Xianchen took a boat and came to a mansion in Mudu Town. This is the mansion of the leader. There is no big signboard, only a small sign with the word 'Gaofu' engraved on it, which is very low-key.

"Ah! Duke Liu is here." The butler came out with a smile on his face.

"Are you there, Master?"

"Here! Duke Liu, please come in."

Liu Xianchen nodded and walked quickly into the mansion.

[Sorry, two chapters today]

(End of this chapter)

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