
Chapter 1139 Meeting Master

Chapter 1139 Meeting Master
Liu Xianchen was invited to sit in the guest room for a while. At this time, a hunchbacked old man with a dragon head and a cane was helped in by a middle-aged man. If the people of Bianliang saw this person, they would be surprised. It was none other than Taiwei Gaoqiu who had died more than ten years ago.

Gao Qiu fled to the south of the Yangtze River in the first year of Jingkang, and did not return to Bianliang with the late Emperor Huizong. Fearing that he would be harmed by Tong Guan, he feigned death in Jiankang Mansion, found a death row prisoner who looked like himself, and gave him a large sum of money. Settling down to a small house, the death row prisoner committed suicide by taking poison, and lay in Gao Qiu's coffin. Gao Qiu secretly sent his eldest son Gao Yaokang back to Bianliang to report the funeral.

Almost all officials in the government and the public thought that Gao Qiu was dead, but Gao Qiu himself quietly hid in a small town in the south of the Yangtze River and changed his name to Gao Gan. After the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, no one cared about Gao Qiu anymore, and his brother Gao Jie also fled to Suzhou.

After the establishment of the Song Dynasty Legacy Association, Gao Qiu reappeared and was elected as the leader. Except for a few core members, not many people knew that Gao Qiu was still alive, and the emperor Zhao Gou was one of them.

However, Gao Lian's prosperous era has passed, and now he is just a hunchback and thin old man in his seventies, with no power or power in his hands, no one will take him seriously.

And because of his age, Gao Li had resigned from the position of leader five years ago, and is currently only an honorary leader. The real leader of Song Xinghui is Prince Shaobao and Shi Guangping, Duke of Kuaiji County, who lives in Lin'an, also known as Baoji Cabinet. Fang's largest shareholder.

Gao Qiu walked into the guest room and said with a smile, "Mr. Liu hasn't been to the old man's shabby house for almost a year!"

Liu Xianchen got up and saluted and said with a smile, "Sometimes you are too close, but you don't want to run away."

"That's true. Once people are lazy, they don't even bother to go to the town."

Gao Qiu sat down, and the maid came in to serve them tea. Gao Yaokang, the eldest son of Gao Qiu, sat beside him. He was not Gao Yanei who molested Lin Chong's wife. The actual head of the family, the Gao family's wealth worth hundreds of thousands is in his hands.

On the contrary, Gao Yao, the third son of Gao Qiu, was naughty and wandering when he was young, and he often led a group of rascals to provoke troubles and molested women on the streets of Bianliang. The second uncle, Gao Shen, was escorted by the Jin soldiers to Liaodong as slaves.

Liu Xianchen took a sip of tea, then told Gao Qiu what had happened recently, and finally said with a wry smile: "I really didn't expect that the inner guard would come to Pingjiang Mansion to investigate and check my old background to the bottom. It seems that there is no problem with the investment now, but after a long time, Chen Qing will definitely find out what's wrong with it, and to be honest, I'm really worried."

Gao Qiu said lightly: "I have warned Shi Guangping long ago not to get too close to the imperial court. We are wealthy idlers in the Song Dynasty, so we have to do what idlers should do, earn money, play with stones, fight tea, that's all. You can't get involved in the internal strife between the imperial court and Sichuan and Shaanxi, but Shi Guangping is blinded by the desire for power, hey! I persuaded him many times, but he didn't listen, and I can't help it."

"The question is what do I do now?"

Liu Xianchen said distressedly: "Out of the [-] crowns, only [-] crowns were invested by me, but Shi Guangping invested [-] crowns, and other families voted [-] crowns. Shi Guangping asked me to take the lead. If Qing finds out the clue, I'm afraid my Liu family will be overwhelmed and walk around."

Gao Qiu asked the eldest son Gao Yaokang next to him, "Does our family have a share?"

"We also cast [-] guan!"

Gao Qiu nodded, and then asked Liu Xianchen, "What is Shi Guangping thinking? Do you want to pull everyone together to invest this money?"

"He wants to build a Fengle Building in Jingzhao, and use the most beautiful women, the mellowest wine, and the most extravagant enjoyment to corrupt Jingzhao's generals and high-ranking officials. As long as Jingzhao's generals and high-ranking officials indulge in luxury, their The fighting spirit will be worn down, and you will be content with the status quo and enjoyment, and it will definitely affect Chen Qing's will to expand eastward. Shi Guangping calls it the blunt knife plan. The court may not know about this plan, but Shi Guangping must have communicated with the emperor. .”

“How come you see?”

"Shi Guangping was conferred the Duke of Yue last month. He has no contribution. How could the emperor confer him the Duke of Yue?"

Gao Qiu smiled and said, "Then what do you want?"

"I don't want to take the lead. If I must take the lead, then the Liu family will pay all the [-] yuan, or if I quit, I won't pay a penny!"

Gao Qiu nodded, "Okay! I'll write a letter to Shi Guangping to find out his true attitude, but you don't have to worry too much. It's not easy to build a Jingzhao Fengle Building? I think Shi Guangping thinks too much about the problem. It's simple, or he underestimated Chen Qing, you just treat it like a normal restaurant, and Chen Qing won't bother you."

Liu Xianchen got some comfort, got up and left, Gao Yaokang said to his father with a smile: "As far as my child knows, Liu Xianchen took the initiative to take the lead task, and now he regrets it again, I'm afraid Shi Guangping will not agree to him."

Gao Qiu said indifferently: "It should be the inner guard who found out about Pingjiang Mansion, found out his old background, and frightened him. If I were him, I would tell Chen Qing the truth, and I want to build Jingzhao's Fengle Building. If Chen Qing refuses to agree, then it is not Liu Xianchen's business."

"Father really wants to write a letter to Shi Guangping?"

Gao Qiu nodded, "I still have to say that the original intention of Song Xinghui was to contribute to the Great Song's resistance to foreign invasion and commercial prosperity, not to support the Great Song's internal strife, and it was not for some people to climb up as a ladder. I say it's up to me, whether Shi Guangping listens or not is his business."

In mid-October, Jingzhao entered the season of autumn and winter, and there was a bit of chill in the morning and evening. At dawn, Chen Qing was awakened by the smooth and delicate body in his arms. The woman who slept with him last night was naturally his favorite. The beloved concubine Yu Lian, Yu Lian had an unfortunate miscarriage three months ago and failed to keep the fetus in her womb. She was depressed for three months and maintained for three months.

Last night was the first time she slept with her husband after she regained her health. She was naturally like a fish in water, flattering her to the fullest, serving Chen Qing to her heart's content.

She knew her husband's habits, and he would have a strong demand when the sky was about to dawn. Chen Qing patted her lightly and smiled, "I'm going out soon, let's forget about it this morning."

"Isn't today a day off? The officials still have to go out?"

"I have an appointment with a few counselors, so I can't go."

"Then I will wait for the officials to put on their clothes!"

She got out of the quilt and went to the end of the bed to get her underwear. Chen Qing was immediately amazed by her extremely plump back like a silver basin. The flames rose again in his heart, and he couldn't hold back for a while, so he pulled her into the quilt again and pressed her. Gallop under yourself.

After Chen Qing simply cleaned up and went out, Lu Xiu's face sank, and she said to Yu Lian, "Come to my room!"

Yu Lian was really a little timid in her heart, followed the princess to the inner hall, Lu Xiu slapped the table and said angrily: "Husband is half an hour later than the agreed time, Ah Ying went to wake you up twice, didn't you hear me? "

Yu Lian bowed her head guiltyly and dared not speak. Lu Xiu became even angrier and said, "Don't treat others as fools. Everyone knows what you did in the morning? How many times have I told you to take good care of your husband's body, and don't allow it during the daytime?" Everyone else strictly abides by the intercourse, but you are special, I will warn you for the last time now, if there is another time, I will drive you out of the palace, otherwise, this princess will let you do it!"

Yu Lian plopped down on her knees, and said with tears in her eyes: "This morning, my maidservant is going to wait on the officials to get dressed, but he insists on coming, so this maidservant dare not refuse, Madam, please enlighten me!"

"That's your problem. You can ask how Ah Ying did it? You can ask how Qiaoyun and Yingluo did it? They can do it, why can't you?"

Yu Lian didn't dare to argue anymore. In fact, Yu Ying had told her a long time ago that she should get up and put on her dress before the officials woke up, and let the maid come in to tidy up. There will be no unreasonable thoughts.

Although she knew it, Yu Lian herself was sleepy and couldn't get up too early. At this time, Lu Xiu said again: "My husband went out half an hour late, so let the other counselors wait an extra half an hour, even if he is the lord, he can't sleep." Such a breach of trust will affect the image of your husband in the hearts of his subordinates, this is your responsibility, do you know?"

Yu Lian was so frightened that she cried, "Young maidservant, remember, I promise there will be no next time."

"It's cold in the ground, get up!"

Yu Lian stood up slowly, and Lu Xiu said earnestly: "I know you are in good shape, and my husband loves you more, but have you ever thought about how long my husband can love you?

Every day, after a long time, everyone will get tired of it. I might as well tell you that if you are so unrestrained and don’t know how to advance and retreat, it is very likely that you will be the first woman to be tired of by your husband in the future. You should learn from Ah Ying. Learn, which pair of socks your husband should wear every day, and which underwear should be changed, she arranges them properly and without any mess. Although she is not as favored as you are, no matter how many years have passed, your daily life is still inseparable from your husband. she. "

(End of this chapter)

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