
Chapter 1140 Worry

Chapter 1140 Worry
On the head of Nancheng, Chen Qing and several counselors looked at the Taoist temple in the distance, and a long black line appeared on the official road more than ten miles away.

"Coming! Coming!" shouted the soldiers, and a troop of cavalry rushed out of the city to meet them.

This is the first batch of goods from a transit warehouse in Shangluo County, consisting of [-] camels and [-] carts. This batch of goods is mainly composed of cotton, tea cakes and sugar, all from Quanzhou. One hundred huge sea-going ships sailed through the open sea and the Yangtze River, and finally arrived at Xiangyang Prefecture.

However, the transfer warehouse in Xiangyang has not been completed yet, so they are unloaded at the old wharf, placed in a temporary warehouse, and then transported to Shangluo County by the Qianshi cargo ship on Hanshui and Danshui.

At present, the warehouses in Shangluo County have not yet been built, but like Xiangyang, the tents used, that is, huge tents, are surrounded by fences and soldiers stand guard. In fact, they are no different from warehouses.

However, warehouses still need to be built. Tents are easy to be destroyed and set on fire, and it is easy to burn down a large group of tents with a single rocket.

Not long after, a mighty team came to Jingzhao City, but they did not enter the city, but continued along the outer official road to the warehouses in the north of the city.

At this time, Chen Qing brought the counselors to the outside of the city, and Lu Jinwen, the chief transporter, hurried forward to report.

Chen Qing asked with a smile: "How, how much time did you spend on the way?"

This is what everyone is most concerned about. The biggest reason for caravans to take the Shangluo Road is to avoid the Shu Road. Although entering Guanzhong from Shangzhou has to cross Zhongnan Mountain, that side belongs to the tail of Zhongnan Mountain. The canyon is wide and flat, so it is easy to walk much.

Lu Jinwen has been in charge of transporting goods from Chengdu to Guanzhong. He has traveled the Shu Road for several years. He has the most right to speak. It’s the fifth day, but actually it’s been four full days, which is much shorter than a month on the Shu Road, and the road is much easier to walk, and carts can go directly.”

"How many trips will it take for you to transport the cargo of two hundred sea-going ships?"

"It's about three trips."

"Is it okay to go three times?" Chen Qing didn't quite believe it.

"Reporting to Your Highness, the main thing is that the carts can carry goods. A cart can hold twenty shi of grain, which is equivalent to the transportation capacity of five camels. These five thousand carts have played a huge role. This trip has carried nearly Forty percent of the goods, so Beizhi said that it can be shipped in three trips."

"What if it is shipped from Bashu? How many trips do I need to make?"

"For [-] camels, it takes about five trips."

Chen Qing happily turned back to Jiang Yanxian and said, "It seems that it is very wise to choose Shangluo Dao!"

Jiang Yanxian also smiled and said: "This is also the biggest gain this year. It has established a very smooth material transportation route, and made full use of water transportation, with the lowest cost."

Zhang Miao next to him was a little worried, "I heard that the imperial court has established a naval force in Zhenjiang Mansion, will they intercept our cargo ships on the Yangtze River in the future?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "I never think about this issue. I will use facts to prove that any actions of the imperial court against us will pay a heavy price, and they will definitely regret it."

At this time, a soldier came galloping on horseback and whispered something to Chen Qing. Chen Qing nodded and said to everyone: "Go to the warehouse! I have something to do, so I won't go."

Zhou Kuan said with a smile: "I heard that there are a lot of Fengcha, if you don't go, your highness will lose it!"

Chen Qing also said with a smile: "I knew that the old man must have other intentions when he came here excitedly on Monday morning. As expected, he did not guess wrong. It's too late for nothing!"

Everyone laughed, and Chen Qing laughed again: "There are [-] boxes of Fengcha in total, each box is five catties, each person takes one box, and the rest is distributed to officials from Jingzhao and other places. When it's allotted, Counselor Zhou, I'll leave this matter to you and Counselor Jiang."

"Your Highness, don't worry! We, the Ministry of Officials, promise not to be partial."

Chen Qing got on his horse, ran away and stopped his horse and shouted: "Don't forget to return my box!"

Everyone laughed dumbfounded, they really forgot His Royal Highness King Yong.

Chen Qing, escorted by hundreds of soldiers, rode to the inner guard's office. Wang Hao and Zhong Huan had been waiting at the door for a long time.

Chen Qing got off his horse and asked, "When did General Xiaozhong come back?"

Zhong Huan hurriedly said: "Reporting to Your Highness, I came back in the middle of the night last night."

"It seems to be rewarding!"

"The harvest is great, please report in detail in the inner hall, Your Highness!"

Chen Qing walked into the military office quickly, and went all the way to the inner hall. Chen Qing sat down, and a tea boy came in to serve tea.

"Beizhi's investigation has been full of twists and turns, and there have been several misjudgments. If it wasn't for the news from Bianliang brought by Beizhi's subordinates, Beizhi really thought they were just businessmen."

Zhong Huan reported the details of the investigation to Chen Qing, and finally said: "After knowing the other party's true identity, I didn't stop and retreated directly. I felt that it was not my task to contact them. The Liu family If you have the sincerity to invest, you will definitely send someone to Jingzhao to contact His Highness."

Chen Qing nodded. He was actually a descendant of Liu Mei. He was a relatively senior relative of Song Dynasty. It is completely understandable to have a huge wealth.

He thought for a while, then turned around and asked Wang Hao, "I remember that Wang Tongzhi reported to me that you found the shopkeeper of Taibai Restaurant in Xianyang County. Have you interrogated him?"

Wang Hao bowed and said: "Report to Your Highness, I have personally interrogated him, and the other party's answer is the first-level answer. He is the domestic servant of Liu Zhen, the largest grain merchant in Bianliang. The reason why he hides is because he is afraid of being known by the court. If the family invests heavily in Jingzhao, the imperial court will definitely deal with them. It is reasonable to say that the lowly position has not been investigated."

"But... who told him to hide? How did he answer?"

"Beizhi asked. He said that because the newspaper did not publish the news of the sky-high price deal, he felt a little bad, so he decided to hide. No one informed him. He felt that there was no problem, so he let him go."

Chen Qing sneered and said: "But now it seems that this big treasurer is obviously lying. Someone must have informed him that the inner guard is conducting an investigation, so he temporarily hid. Wang Tongzhi, Liu's family came to Jingzhao to invest in land and houses. I don’t object at all to buying a store, and I even welcome it, but I don’t like being deceived, especially I think there are doubts about the tipping of the news, and frankly, I doubt it is Baoji Cabinet.”

"His Royal Highness's guess is very likely!"

Zhong Huan said: "I have considered it along the way. Only three people know that I am investigating. Weizhi County can rule it out. The second is Yaren. I specifically asked him not to tell anyone else. He should know the severity. Finally Baoji Cabinet, it is said that the background of Baoji Cabinet is very complicated, and there are more than one proprietors, all of whom are dignitaries from the Song Dynasty, and it is very likely that the Liu family is one of them."

Chen Qing expressed appreciation for Zhong Huan's thinking, and said to Zhong Huan: "Since you are investigating this matter, you can continue to investigate and confirm to me whether Baoji Cabinet Workshop secretly notified Taibai Restaurant, and the big shopkeeper hid it. , In addition, I also want to know, who are the proprietors behind Baoji Cabinet? I don't need to trouble them, but we can't be confused."

Wang Hao finally understood a little bit, "Your Highness, what you mean is that Baoji Cabinet is actually an intelligence agency of the imperial court?"

Chen Qing said lightly: "Baoji Cabinets are distributed in all important cities, what is more convenient than them to collect information? If it is confirmed that Baoji Cabinets have the function of intelligence, what about Taibai Restaurant?
We often go to Taibai Restaurant for dinner, have we been tapped?There is also the issue of safety. There is a link here, does Wang Tongzhi understand? "

Wang Hao took a deep breath, "I understand!"

[I'm really sorry, there is something at home, there are still two shifts today, and three shifts tomorrow. 】

(End of this chapter)

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