
Chapter 1141 Sincerity

Chapter 1141 Sincerity
Although shopkeeper Liu of Taibai Restaurant was invited to the inner guard, Wang Hao did not embarrass him and left after interrogating him. For more than a month, shopkeeper Liu opened, closed, and went home normally every day, and no one came again. Investigating him, they even started to demolish Yi'an Teahouse, preparing to level the land and build a new restaurant.

At one o'clock that night, Taibai Restaurant was closed as usual, unless it was a holiday, almost all restaurants were closed at one o'clock. This is the government's regulation, and there is no regulation when it comes to holidays. Let the restaurant stay open until night or something when.

"Close the windows on the second floor!"

Shopkeeper Liu looked at the gloomy night, and told the staff loudly, "It may rain tonight, check the doors and windows."

The guys checked the doors and windows, and then went home, leaving only two of them asleep in the restaurant to be on duty, the restaurant cannot be empty at night.

Shopkeeper Liu's residence is not far from the restaurant, in an alley at the back, in a small courtyard that occupies an area of ​​two quarters. He lives alone, and his wife and children live in his hometown in Pingjiang Mansion.

It was almost two o'clock when shopkeeper Liu returned to his small courtyard. He was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes. When he entered the bedroom, he lit the oil lamp. Trembling, I saw a few burly men standing in the room, and a tall and thin young man was sitting on the chair in front of him.

"You... who are you?"

Shopkeeper Liu asked in horror, "What do you want to do?"

It was Zhong Huan who was sitting on the chair. He took out the silver medal and waved it in front of shopkeeper Liu, "The inner guard handles the case!"

"I haven't broken any law, what case are you guys coming to my house for?"

Chong Huan sneered, "If you break the law, you won't have the opportunity to stand and talk to me. Please sit down! I'll ask you a few questions."

After speaking, Zhong Huan glanced at the chair and motioned him to sit down.

Shopkeeper Liu sat down and said coldly, "Is it still about what happened last month? I've said everything I need to say."

"You'd better tell us what you shouldn't say."

Chong Huan pointed to Mei Wu beside him and said: "The subordinate next to me has a dagger. Not long ago, this dagger cut off the ears of Liu Lu from Shenjun Manor. You should know who Liu Lu is! The one with a big melanoma, do you want me to remind you again?"

Shopkeeper Liu's pupils suddenly shrank into a line, and he asked after a while, "What did he say?"

"He told us that Liu Zhen is actually the same as you. He is just the chief executive in charge of the grain trade. His master is Liu Xianchen, and he is a descendant of his relative Liu Mei. You should be very clear about this!"

Shopkeeper Liu swallowed dryly and said, "Since you all know, why do you want me? I know as much as Liu Lu."

Zhong Huan smiled and said: "I reported the findings of the trip to Pingjiang Mansion to His Highness, and His Highness said that he doesn't care about the background of the Liu family, and he even welcomes the Liu family to come to Jingzhao to buy land and open a store, but you have to make some things clear , we don't want to get confused."

Shopkeeper Liu secretly heaved a sigh of relief, as long as His Royal Highness King Yong welcomes the Liu family, his expression obviously relaxed.

"what do you want me to say?"

"I want to know who tipped you off and you went to Xianyang to hide. You'd better tell the truth. We have no malicious intentions, so I advise you not to use lies to ruin the Liu family's business in Jingzhao."

Shopkeeper Liu's back was straightened, and he said after a long while, "It's Baoji Cabinet Workshop!"

"His Royal Highness Yong also thinks it is Baoji Cabinetry, and he also thinks that the Liu family has a part in Baoji Cabinetry, right?"

Shopkeeper Liu nodded, "Exactly!"

Zhong Huan said again: "We know that there are many proprietors in Baoji Cabinet Workshop, the biggest is the Shi family, Shi Guangping, and now we know that the Liu family is also one of the proprietors. Tell me again, who else is there?"

"I only know that there is the Xiang family, because it is in front of the Liu family, and the Liu family ranks third. I don't know about the others. I really don't know. If you are interested, you can ask the big shopkeeper of Baoji Cabinet Square. He must know more than I do."

"Then what about Taibai Restaurant?"

Zhong Huan asked lightly again: "How many proprietors does it have?"

"Taibai Restaurant is owned by Liu's family. Although Liu's family is not rich, it is not enough to afford to open a restaurant. Besides, when we bought the restaurant, the land price was very cheap. The price per mu was only [-] guan. It's only five thousand guan, and the county government has a reservation, you should know."

Zhong Huan disagreed, and continued to ask: "Are you lying, or are you ignorant?"

Shopkeeper Liu shuddered and said with trembling lips: "As a servant of my family, I can only know so much!"

"I think so too!"

Zhong Huan smiled slightly and said, "Actually, His Royal Highness King Yong just wanted to know which relatives and dignitaries who are interested in Jingzhao secretly came to invest in Jingzhao. This is a good thing, and His Highness has no malicious intentions."

Shopkeeper Liu heaved a long sigh of relief, "If this is the case, it is indeed a good thing. The Liu family recognizes the development of Jingzhao and believes that it will keep pace with Lin'an, so we will invest more and buy Yi'an Teahouse."

Zhong Huan nodded, "That's all I asked. In addition, His Royal Highness, King Yong, please send a message for him, asking the Liu family to send important people to Jingzhao. He wants to have a talk with the Liu family and see if there is any other cooperation." Opportunity?"

Shopkeeper Liu remained silent for a moment and said, "Actually, someone from the Liu family has already arrived."

"When did you come?"

"This morning!"

Chong Huan smiled in surprise, "I came back in the middle of the night last night, they came so fast, did they start off as soon as I left?"

"It should be! Our Patriarch also attaches great importance to Jingzhao. He sent his eldest son to Jingzhao and wants to talk to His Royal Highness King Yong."

Zhong Huan asked with a smile: "What's the name of the eldest son? It can't be Liu Xiang who competes with his nephew for the crown jewel of Baidie Tower!"

Shopkeeper Liu shook his head, "The eldest son is called Liu Wei, Wei of the Weihe River, and the third son Liu Xiang is competing for the crown jewel of Baidielou. The eldest son is the heir of the Liu family and is currently the number two in the Liu family. He can represent the Liu family. .”

"Okay! We will report to His Highness, and then arrange a time. You wait for my news. I'm sorry to disturb you tonight."

Zhong Huan got up and left with his men.

When Zhong Huan was gone, shopkeeper Liu got up and pushed open the wardrobe, revealing a door behind him, which was his hiding place in case of emergency, and the other party obviously didn't find this secret room.

He asked cautiously, "Is the eldest son there?"

A tall, thin man in his mid-thirties came out from the inside. He was Liu Xianchen's eldest son, Liu Wei.

Shopkeeper Liu heaved a sigh of relief, "I'm really worried, but luckily they didn't search!"

"They also just arrived, one step ahead of you, they should have been staring at you in the restaurant."

"These inner guards are very powerful, and they are notoriously ruthless. They searched for smuggled salt on Sichuan Road and Jingnan South Road, ransacked every family, and even killed their children. My lord, they are targeting the Liu family. I Really worried."

Liu Wei nodded, "I heard all your conversations, don't worry! My father sent me here just to have a good talk with His Royal Highness King Yong to clear up any misunderstandings."

"If that's the case, our Highness will definitely welcome you!"

Zhong Huan came in from the outside, and said with a slight smile, "Young Master sneezed in the room just now, unfortunately I overheard you."

Liu Wei stared at Zhong Huan and asked, "Are you the head of the inner guard who went to Pingjiang Mansion to investigate Liu's family and cut off half of Liu Lu's ear?"

Zhong Huan nodded, "Let me introduce it first! Next up, Zhong Huan is the commander of the inner guard and ranks fifth among the generals of the inner guard, but I did all the cruel things that the shopkeeper said. I'm ruthless, but please believe that dealing with Liu Lu is the most merciful I've ever been in the inner guard, if I didn't want to turn against the Liu family, Liu Lu should have been silenced by me, under any circumstances, he wouldn't be able to survive."

Liu Wei said for a long time: "You guessed right, there are not only the Liu family's proprietors in Taibai Restaurant, there are eight in total, and the Liu family is the leader. You want to know about Baoji Cabinet, a total of fourteen investment companies. In addition, I can also tell General Zhong that Taibai Restaurant and Baoji Cabinet Shop are just businesses and have no function of collecting intelligence. At least when these two shops appeared in Jingzhao, we were just pure businessmen."

"The eldest son means, isn't it pure now?"

The other party reacted so quickly, which surprised Liu Wei. He pondered for a moment and said, "General Zhong is very smart and quick-responsive. That's why I came to Jingzhao. Except for His Royal Highness, I can't tell anyone, even yours. The counselor of the Internal Affairs Hall came to talk to me, but I can't say anything."

Zhong Huan nodded, "Get ready! Your Highness will receive you tomorrow morning at the earliest."

Liu Wei said again in a low voice: "General Zhong, please keep my visit to Jingzhao a secret. In Pingjiang Mansion, only my father and I know about it. Even my brothers and nephews think I went to Guangzhou to inspect the shop."

"Don't worry! Including your chief steward, only four people in Jingzhao know about it."

(End of this chapter)

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