
Chapter 1142 Meeting

Chapter 1142 Meeting
Early the next morning, when Chen Qing was about to set off to inspect the Baqiao military camp, Wang Hao and Zhong Huan arrived.

After listening to Zhong Huan's report, Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "The Liu family came quite quickly!"

Zhong Huan bowed and said: "Reporting to Your Highness, I feel that the Liu family also has an unspeakable suffering. They are very eager to see His Highness, as if they want to prove something? But I don't know what it is, and they are only willing to tell His Highness. .”

Chen Qing nodded, then asked Wang Hao, "What does Wang Tongzhi think?"

Wang Hao pondered for a while and said: "Humble intuition, it seems that many families are involved in this. They were originally a whole, but now there are internal differences. The Liu family is unwilling to do something, but they can't help themselves, so they want to find Your Highness clarified, reduce the risk of your own family."

Wang Hao deserves to be the leader, and he looked deeper. Chen Qing nodded with a smile, "It's meaningless for us to speculate like this. You invite Liu Wei to the official office of the internal guards. I will go to the official office to talk to him later, yes. He should be more polite, after all, he came here on his own initiative."

"Follow the order!"

Wang Hao and Zhong Huan saluted and left in a hurry.

Chen Qing said to Chao Qing again: "Send someone to notify the Baqiao barracks, saying that I will not go today, but I will go tomorrow instead."

"The humble post will send someone to notify."

Chen Qing sat down and began to review the documents. Half an hour later, the inner guard sent a message that the guests had been invited, so Chen Qing got up and went to the inner guard.

"Xiaomin Liu Wei, see His Royal Highness King Yong!" Liu Wei stepped forward and bowed deeply.

Chen Qing waved his hands with a smile and said, "Mr. Liu, please sit down!"

Liu Wei sat down, and he glanced uneasily at Wang Hao and Zhong Huan beside him.

Chen Qing understood what he was thinking, and said with a slight smile: "They are the chiefs of the internal guards, and they specialize in carrying out top-secret missions. Even if they avoid it now, I will still tell them, Mr. Liu, please don't worry!"

Liu Wei also got the same idea, King Yong just made a decision, the specific implementation should be done by his subordinates, there is really no need for him to hide them?

He nodded, "I understand. This time, I came to see His Highness on the order of my father. I actually wanted to clarify some things. First, it is about the acquisition of Yi'an Tea House. We did not acquire it because it is the property of the princess. It's just a coincidence, even if it is someone else, we will use [-] Guan to buy it, this is within the plan, not because the money is more or less, but because we must win it."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Yesterday you told General Zhong that Taibai Restaurant is not exclusive to the Liu family, so is that the key?"

Liu Wei secretly smiled wryly, this is King Yong, and he focused on the key points at a glance.

"Your Highness is right. Taibai Restaurant is funded by seven families, and the Liu family accounts for [-]%, so the Liu family is responsible for the management."

Chen Qing said indifferently: "What is the relationship between these seven companies? Is it the same as Baoji Cabinet Workshop? Mr. Liu, you know what I want to know. I hope you can be frank. If you are a group, I don't dislike it. But I need to know the truth and not want to be blinded."

The whole conversation was controlled by Chen Qing, and Liu Wei was completely led by the nose. At this time, a guard came in and served tea. Liu Wei took a sip of hot tea, calmed down and said slowly: "Your Highness, have you heard of Song Xinghui?" ?”

Chen Qing neither said that he hadn't heard of it, nor that he had heard of it, but just smiled and said: "Young Master Liu, please continue!"

Liu Wei couldn't figure out Chen Qing's details, so he had to continue: "Song Xinghui was established in the second year of Jingkang, and it was called Song Yihui at that time. A group of dignitaries living in the south of the Song Dynasty heard that the imperial court was destroyed and the second emperor was taken into captivity. Zhang Chu established it. , in order to protect themselves, everyone huddled together to keep warm, and established the Song Yihui, which means the remaining ministers of the Song Dynasty."

Zhang Chu is the Chu State established by Zhang Bangchang, the first emperor of Jin Guoli. The time was very short, only one month, and it was also the time when the Northern Song Dynasty had just perished and was the most chaotic.

"and then?"

Chen Qingxiao asked: "Did you hear that King Kang came to the throne and felt that there was hope again, so you changed the name to Song Xinghui?"

"Not for the time being. At that time, the emperor was still in Jiangbei, and we were not sure whether the Great Song Dynasty would survive. It was not until the third year of Jianyan, when the emperor went south, that we officially changed our name to Song Xinghui."

"Who is the leader of Song Xinghui?"

"The first leader is Taiwei Gaoqiu!"

Chen Qing was stunned for a moment, "Gao Qiu, didn't he die very early? It seems to be the first year of Jingkang."

Chen Qing turned around and asked Wang Hao, "Gao Qiu died of illness in the first year of Jingkang, I remember right?"

"That's right, Gao Qiu died of illness in Jiankang Mansion in the first year of Jingkang, and the imperial court even issued an obituary."

Liu Wei smiled slightly and said, "Okay, why did he suddenly die of illness? Doesn't Your Highness think there is something strange about it?"

Chen Qing nodded, "I understand what you mean, he is using fake death to get rid of the court's power struggle."

"Your Highness is right. The first year of Jingkang was the time when the struggle between the new emperor and the Supreme Emperor was the most intense. Gao Qiu was stared at by Tong Guan. He wanted to kill him quickly. As a last resort, Gao Qiu had to feign death, and then hid himself in Jiangnan small village. Town, after Bianliang City was broken, it was he who initiated the establishment of Song Yihui, and later he suggested changing its name to Song Xinghui.”

Chen Qing was very surprised. He had been dealing with the imperial court for so long, but he had never heard of Song Xinghui's name, and he didn't even know that such an organization existed. He was even more curious about Song Xinghui at this time.

He pondered for a while and asked: "This Song Xinghui seems to be very mysterious, and it doesn't seem to have any sense of existence in the court. What kind of organization are they?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, Song Xinghui is actually a chamber of commerce."

"Chamber of Commerce?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "So many foreign relatives and dignitaries do not establish their own power in the court, but are keen on doing business. It sounds a bit ridiculous!"

Liu Wei sighed and said, "It's not that Song Xinghui doesn't want to enter the center of power. There is really no chance. The emperor is very wary of us and even suppresses us. There is no chance to be a guard in the palace, there is no quota for Yin officials, and there is no chance for the imperial examination.

After a few years of tossing, everyone has also seen through it. The so-called emperor and courtiers, we outdated old ministers and relatives are no longer seen by the emperor, so everyone focuses on business, investing in Baoji cabinets, investing in the establishment of Fenglelou, the main restaurants in major cities are also invested by Song Xinghui, some of which are solely invested by the family, and some are jointly invested. "

"Will Song Xing have a party?" Chen Qing asked again.

"At the beginning, we got together a lot, once a month, mainly to discuss the current situation, and later changed to get together every three months, and we didn't talk about the current situation when we got together, but instead fought tea, played with stones, and appreciated jade. Such elegant events, and then once a year, five years ago Gao Lian ceased to be the chairman, and Shi Guangping became the chairman, and the gatherings were even fewer, he served as the chairman for five years, and only had two gatherings."

Chen Qing finally understands that Song Xinghui is a group of old and young survivors of the Song Dynasty. They have no chance in politics, but relying on their strong foundation, they are doing well in business.

"Tell me about the Taibai Restaurant and the teahouse that I bought at a high price this time! I think Mr. Liu should be here for this purpose."

Finally turned to the topic, although Liu Wei thought about it for a long time yesterday, he doesn't know where to start now?

Liu Wei hesitated for a while and said: "I told General Zhong yesterday that the Taibai Restaurant was run by a partnership of several families, and the Liu family accounted for the majority. The purchase of the teahouse this time is also run by a partnership, but it's different from the previous one."

"What do you mean by that?" Chen Qing was puzzled.

"Although it was the Liu family who bought the teahouse this time, the Liu family did not take the majority of the money, and the whole matter was not directed by the Liu family. The Liu family just took the name. Does Your Highness understand what I mean?"

Chen Qing said lightly: "You mean that what happens to this project in the future has nothing to do with the Liu family. I understand correctly, right?"

Liu Wei was silent. That's what he actually meant. He came all the way from Pingjiang Mansion just to say this.

Chen Qing looked at him for a while and said, "Young Master Liu, I can promise not to pursue the Liu family in the future, but you must explain the matter clearly to me. Since the Liu family wants to obtain my safety guarantee, they must show sincerity!"

(End of this chapter)

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