
Chapter 1143 Candid

Chapter 1143 Candid
Chen Qing was not at all ambiguous about the details of the major event. He knew that there must be an important reason for Liu Wei to come all the way to explain it, and it must be unfavorable for him.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Liu Wei to say, 'The Liu family is not in charge, don't blame the Liu family if something goes wrong', and he can get away with it.

Chen Qing's gaze gradually became sharper. He has realized that there must be something tricky hidden in the purchase of the teahouse!
Feeling Chen Qing's sharp gaze, Liu Wei felt a shudder in his heart, so he sighed and said, "Your Highness, this is a long story!"

"Then take it easy, we have time today."

Chen Qing's meaning was very clear, but he couldn't explain clearly, so he would never think about leaving today.

Liu Wei lowered his head and thought for a while, "The story started five years ago. At that time, Gao Qi, the leader of Song Xing, was getting old, so he no longer served as the leader of Song Xing. Instead, Shi Guangping, who was the most powerful, was in charge. Shi Guangping was less than four years old. Ten years old, in the prime of life, everyone hopes that he can lead Song Xinghui to be better and stronger.

But soon he moved to Lin'an, and wanted to put Song Xinghui's headquarters in Lin'an, which was opposed by many families, but Shi Guangping insisted on going his own way, and moved the Song Xinghui's headquarters to Lin'an. "

"So in the past five years, you have only met twice?" Chen Qing interjected and asked.

Liu Wei shook his head, "This is only one aspect, but it's not the main reason. The main reason is that Shi Guangping is too ambitious and can be described as obsessed with power. He turned Song Xinghui into his own stepping stone. interests of members."

"Just now you seemed to say that the emperor has no interest in you and suppressed your children from entering the officialdom. Does Shi Guangping want to change this?"

"No! It would be fine if he was thinking about everyone, such as recommending everyone's children to study in the Imperial Academy, or recommending outstanding children to enter the officialdom, etc., but that's not the case. He has never done anything for everyone. On the contrary It's all for him to climb up.

For example, the annual dividends of Baoji Cabinet and Fengle Building are about one million guan. He has not distributed dividends to everyone for three consecutive years. The three-year dividends were given to the emperor as military expenses, so the emperor named him Duke of Yue and Prince Shaobao. I heard that he might be granted the title of Zhiyuan. Isn't this stepping on everyone to climb up? "

Chen Qing nodded, "Then what does he have to do with buying a teahouse?"

"The plan to buy the teahouse was proposed by him. He wanted to take the land of the teahouse, build a magnificent restaurant, and connect the two restaurants with a half-empty corridor bridge, so that it would become a building that can be compared with Lin'an Fengle Building. The comparable Jingzhao Fengle Building is extremely extravagant inside, and its level of luxury even surpasses that of Hangzhou Fengle Building.”

"Too luxurious!"

Chen Qing shook his head, "A restaurant is a place to eat, and you can't mix it with messy things. Besides, I am against luxury and advocate frugality. If you want to build such a big restaurant, the government will definitely not approve it!"

After a pause, Chen Qing sneered again: "Shi Guangping's proposal to build such a luxury restaurant probably has bad intentions!"

"Your Highness, Shi Guangping reported this plan to the emperor, calling it a plan to cut flesh with a blunt knife, and won the approval of the emperor!"

"This is not a blunt knife, but a soft knife. He wants to corrupt my subordinates. He thinks too well, so he is not afraid that I will send troops to seal it? Will it make it lose everything?"

Liu Wei's face suddenly turned pale. This was what his father was most afraid of. Not only would the entire restaurant be ruined, but the Taibai Restaurant led by their family would also be destroyed.

What his father meant was that as long as the new restaurant couldn't be built, or the two restaurants couldn't be connected as one, and they had to operate separately in the end, even if Chen Qing's knife fell, Taibai Restaurant would be unscathed.

"Your Highness, please let Taibai Restaurant go!"

Seeing his nervous expression, Chen Qing smiled and said: "Don't worry, Jingzhao City will issue a height limit order soon. All shops and residential buildings in the city must not exceed two floors, and even if they are specially approved, they cannot exceed three floors. Bridges are not allowed to connect with buildings, so it is impossible for Taibai Restaurant and the newly built restaurant to be connected as one."

Liu Wei breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly asked, "Is this a regulation for our new restaurant?"

Chen Qing said lightly: "Of course not. This is a regulation in Bianliang, isn't it also in Lin'an? Fengle Building can be built higher because it is located outside Yongjin Gate. Among the various restaurants in Lin'an City, which one has more than three floors? of?"

This height limit order is really a bottom-line plan. It was originally planned that the new building would be built seven stories high, and then the Taibai Building would have to add three more floors. Once completed, it will become the tallest twin towers in Jingzhao City, and it will also become Jingzhao City. The largest gold-selling cave.

Now it is not allowed to build heights, there are only three floors at most, and bridges cannot be built to connect them, wouldn't you be dumbfounded?The key is that the area is not too big. If it covers an area of ​​[-] mu, you can build a courtyard-style restaurant. The actual area is only three acres, and you can build up to four small courtyards. Even if you add the eight small courtyards of Taibai Restaurant There are only twelve courtyards, compared with the hundreds of houses in Fengle Building in Lin'an, Shi Guangping's blunt knife plan has completely failed.

"Excuse me, Your Highness, when will the height limit order be promulgated?"

"If there is no accident, it will be promulgated tomorrow."

Liu Wei immediately understood that the height limit order was really aimed at them.

Chen Qing smiled again and said, "Young Master Liu, go back and tell your father and Taiwei Gao that they have time to come to Jingzhao for a walk, and I will personally accompany you!"

At the last moment, Chen Qing handed over an olive branch.

Liu Wei said goodbye and left. Chen Qing paced back and forth in the lobby with his hands behind his back. The appearance of Song Xinghui caught Chen Qing by surprise, but it also gave him an opportunity. Done right, they will be their own help.

It can be seen from Liu Wei's tone that they are not only dissatisfied with the current leader, but also deeply dissatisfied with Zhao Gou's grabbing their interests. Zhao Gou's attitude towards them may be the driving force to force them to go west.

Chen Qing immediately said to Wang Hao: "Later Liu Wei will give me a list of Song Xinghui's investment in Jingzhao City, you send people to find out, but don't alarm them, let alone scare them, I just want to understand the situation and understand what I mean ?"

"Humble job understands, humble job will inquire from Zhuangzhai Yaren."

"This is a good idea!" Chen Qing praised.

"Your Highness, I have another suggestion."

"Say, what's your suggestion?"

Wang Hao said cautiously: "If your Highness wants to suspend the construction of the teahouse, there are actually many ways? Dredging the river is a good way. I remember clearly that the government has regulations. During the dredging of the river, no houses along the river are allowed to be constructed. Generally, it takes at least one month to dredge the river. Years! The teahouse will have to stop working for a year.”

Chen Qing smiled and shook his head, "We don't have to be so petty. It's a good thing they want to build restaurants. My goal is just not to make them the second Fengle Building. The luxury of Lin'an starts from Fengle Building. Zhao is absolutely not allowed to appear, it is very simple, just issue a luxury restriction order, not only for new restaurants, but also for all public places."

(End of this chapter)

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