
Chapter 1144 Double Limit

Chapter 1144 Double Limit
Three days later, Jingzhao issued two restrictive decrees in succession. One is the height limit order, which stipulates that in Jingzhao City, except for government offices, official residences, Taixue, temples and fire monitoring buildings, all buildings in the city shall not exceed two heights in principle. Floors.

At present, if the building has more than two floors, an application can be made to the county government. If conditions permit, with the approval of the county government, shops and residential buildings along the street can be built up to three floors.

This kind of height limit order was promulgated in the capital during the Sui Dynasty, and the Tang and Song Dynasties also had the same regulations. This is mainly due to the need to protect the privacy of the people. In addition, there is a hierarchical system. Both the mansion and the palace are still high, wouldn't that be a mess.

Under the height limit order, the government and internal guards of Jingzhao City began to get busy, registering from door to door. Ordinary people generally have no problem. It is a big deal to build a two-story building. It is impossible to build a three-story building. The height limit The order mainly involves big households and some big shops.

Wealthy families include the houses of big local households in Jingzhao, the houses of big businessmen, the houses bought by wealthy families in Jingzhao, and the private houses of high-ranking officials. If conditions permit, three-story buildings can also be built. The conditions here generally mean that they do not affect the neighbors next door, such as For a five-acre house, it is okay to build it in the middle of the house. If it is a small house of one or two acres, it will affect the neighbors next door, so you can only build two floors at most.

The three-story permission for residential buildings is relatively strict, while shops along the street are slightly more relaxed. Many restaurants have three floors, the first and second floors are the lobby, and the third floor is the elegant room. This situation is allowed.

For buildings with more than three floors, it is very, very strict. Generally, only government offices, palaces, official residences with more than ten acres, temples, imperial schools, and fire monitoring buildings are allowed. Others are not allowed.

With this height limit order, more than [-] illegal houses were found within three days, about half of which could be preserved through application, and the other half had to be demolished within a time limit.

The Taibai Restaurant in Zhuangyuan Bridge currently has three floors. According to regulations, it can be reserved after application. However, Taibai Restaurant is going to be rebuilt into a six-story restaurant. Under the height limit order, it is completely impossible.

Secondly, the Yi’an teahouse has been demolished and the land has been leveled. It is planned to build a ten-foot-high stone platform, and then build a huge seven-story tower on the stone platform. Only two floors can be built on the stone platform at most, that is to say, the stone platform is regarded as one floor.

The new restaurant in Zhuangyuan Bridge had to suspend work, waiting for the owner's notice, and the shopkeeper Liu reported to the Liu family in Pingjiang Prefecture by sending a letter through a pigeon.

The second order issued by Jingzhao is the extravagance restriction order. This order is relatively simple. It is mainly aimed at the basic necessities of life in public places. For example, it is stipulated that all teahouses are not allowed to operate tea cakes above Jingting. The quality of tea cakes in the Song Dynasty mainly depends on raising. Jing Ting is a tea that has been raised for three years, second only to the dragon tea and phoenix tea in the tribute tea. The dragon tea and phoenix tea have to be raised for at least ten years, and the tea is still full of fragrance after being boiled ten times.

Dragon tea and phoenix tea are generally unimaginable to most people. Only the Qing'an Teahouse opposite Yongwang's Mansion serves Fengcha, and a pot of [-] guan coins. At most, we can only operate Jingting tea cakes. Jingting is good tea, but it is not considered a luxury.

Then there is the food restriction, which stipulates that the consumption of each table of guests in the restaurant is not allowed to exceed [-] yuan.

There are also restrictions on clothing, and women's outer clothing is not allowed to use extravagant and gorgeous Shu brocade, and the width cannot exceed four pieces.

The main restriction is to restrict horse-drawn carriages. Below the third rank, no matter whether the official or civilian carriages are allowed to take more than one horse, only one horse-drawn carriage is allowed. This is not discrimination against businessmen. This is anti-luxury. The carriage cannot exceed three horses.

Restrictions are determined by official rank. Only officials above the fifth rank can live in a five-acre house. What should a big businessman do if he wants a house?Then you must obtain the honorary officer of the fifth grade or above from the Yongwang Mansion. Generally, they have contributed to the army, such as logistics and transportation. Baiguan, after donating for three or four years, you can be promoted to a fifth-rank officer, and you can marry a concubine if you get the qualification of an officer, and take a carriage, which has many benefits.

If a rich man does not have the qualifications of an honorary officer, it means that he has not contributed to society, and there are many restrictions, such as riding a horse, living in a small house with more than two acres, not allowing concubines, and housemaids and domestic servants not allowed to exceed three. People, etc., those who disobey the order will have fifty rods and three years of exile.

Of course, the luxury restriction order is only implemented in public places, and no one will control the extravagance at home, and it will not be held accountable. It is also because the luxury restriction order is a double-edged sword. While hitting luxury, it also hits business. Many people will Therefore, income reduction or even unemployment, so a limit must be maintained, and only implementing it in public is a compromise of this limit.

After the promulgation of the two decrees, the entire Jingzhao City was discussing this matter, even Chen Qing's family was no exception.

During dinner, the whole family was discussing the extravagance restrictions at the dinner table. Zhao Yingluo had a straightforward personality, pointing at the dishes on the table with chopsticks and said with a smile, "Sister, you said that a table should not exceed [-] yuan. More than ten times!"

Lu Xiu gave her a white look and said, "I'll correct two things for you. First, the extravagance order doesn't matter at home. No one will take care of your table at home with [-] guan; second, we don't have [-] guan at this table. You can’t calculate it according to the market price, the market price of a catty of good mutton is [-] Wen, we are the mutton sent by our own manor, the cost is very low, it is [-] Wen per catty, our meal is at most [-] Wen.”

Zhao Qiaoyun said with a smile: "Ten pennies is a lot of money, an ordinary family earns only one month."

"Stop! Stop!"

Lu Xiu quickly stopped her and said: "We are Prince Yong's Mansion, you insist on comparing with ordinary people, do you know how much the emperor's family costs for a meal?"

"I really know!"

Zhao Qiaoyun said with a smile: "Taking the fifth year of Xuanhe as an example, a pot of wine alone costs [-] guan, a meal costs at least ten pots, and a dish of deer tongues costs five deer. Food, calculated, the emperor and his concubines have at least a thousand dollars for a meal, big sister, our family is not comparable to the palace."

Yu Ying asked in a low voice: "Do you think there is no loophole to take advantage of in the extravagance restriction order?"

"There are plenty of gaps!"

Chen Qing came over, sat down in his seat, and said to everyone with a smile: "The inspection and supervision have found that many people have taken advantage of loopholes. Let me tell you two examples, and you can follow them next time. One method of dividing tables, one table cannot be used. If it exceeds [-] guan, then divide it into several tables, and everyone sits and eats separately, and the decree is easily cracked; What about the [-] guan? Use other services to calculate the money, such as taking you home in a horse-drawn carriage, charging [-] guan, for example, listening to music, charging dozens of guan, and buying a few more dishes at home, counting tens of guan , There are many ways, but these methods must not be caught, once caught, the business will be closed for ten days, caught three times, it will be closed down."

At this time, Bing'er raised her hand and said anxiously: "Daddy, Daddy, I have a way, so I won't be caught!"

Chen Qing laughed and said, "Tell me, Bing'er, what can you do?"

"Daddy, I eat at five restaurants in one night, and the family only eats one dish, and it costs [-] guan, so if I go to five restaurants to eat five meals in one night, isn't it only [-] guan?
All the girls clapped their hands and smiled delicately, Chen Qing rubbed his nose and smiled wryly: "Although Binger's method is a bit troublesome, it seems to be really possible."

Lu Xiu filled her husband with a glass of wine and said with a smile: "It's purely a matter of burning money. In my opinion, the method is very simple. If several people eat, then make small dishes. One dish costs as much as twenty. Dishes are fine, why bother running around, if there are many people, just set up a few tables upstairs and downstairs, God knows who you know who!"

Everyone praised: "Sister, this small dish is a good way! It doesn't violate the rules, and it tastes delicious food."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Won't my lady use some method to sell Fengcha in Qingfeng Teahouse? For example, use Fengcha to pretend to be Jingting and sell it at a high price."

"No way! I'm not that stupid."

Lu Xiu smiled slyly and said: "The old tea customer wants to drink Fengcha, so the big shopkeeper asks the Qingfeng Tea Shop next door to sell him a small bag for a hundred guanqian, and let him go home to make tea and drink it himself. As long as he doesn't sell Fengcha in the teahouse, It’s not a violation, is it?”

"The lady's idea is good!"

Chen Qing raised his glass and said with a smile: "There is a saying in my hometown, as long as the mind does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties. Come! Let's do this."

(End of this chapter)

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