
Chapter 1145 Attitude

Chapter 1145 Attitude
After dinner, Chen Qing went back to his study. Not long after, his wife, Lu Xiu, brought him a cup of hot tea. Seeing that her husband was silent, she asked with a smile, "Are you angry because I sell Fengcha?"

Chen Qing shook his head and said with a smile: "Why is it called the Extravagance Restriction Order instead of the Extravagance Prohibition Order? The name alone has been discussed for a long time in the Internal Affairs Hall."

"But even if it's the extravagance order, there are still many loopholes in it, and it's hard to verify. In fact, your husband knows about these loopholes, right?"

Chen Qing smiled: "When I proposed the extravagance limit order, four of the five counselors opposed it, and only Lao Zhao, who was always stingy, agreed, but in the end I convinced them. You want to know why they still agree with it knowing that there are loopholes?" accepted my proposal?"

Lu Xiujiao smiled and said, "I'd like to hear how my husband persuaded them?"

"I told them that any law has loopholes, the key is attitude. I just want to use this law to express my attitude of advocating frugality. Even if businesses take advantage of loopholes, at least they understand that their extravagant behavior is illegal."

"Husband is talking about attitude?"

"Exactly! I want to publicly express my opposition to luxury and advocate frugal attitude, but it is by no means just talking about it casually. The law is the best way to express it."

"Then it is serious to send people to inspect and inspect?"

"Of course it is serious. If I don't strictly restrain myself, excessive extravagance will destroy my foundation and seriously shake the soldiers' will and morale. If the streets are full of all kinds of luxurious shops and restaurants, if I promise the Liu family, Let them build Jingzhao’s Fengle Building, where a meal costs hundreds of guan, what does this make those soldiers who only get a few guan money a month, and only a few dozen guan pensions when they die in battle think? Ten dead soldiers are not worth the money for a rich man's meal, how embarrassing are you? So you must be serious, and if you violate the rules, you will be severely punished!"

Lu Xiu was ashamed and said: "I see, starting tomorrow, Qingfeng Building will cancel the sale of Fengcha, cancel the ordering of tea by Cha Ji, and reduce the most expensive price of each tea to below ten guan."

"Tea Princess orders tea once, how much can I get?"

"It depends. Wang Feiman, the most expensive one, needs to get at least ten pennies a time to order tea. The three tea ladies who are a little bit worse are two pennies a time, but most of them are free, only a few hundred coins, counted in the tea money. gone."

"Then it's all free, let the high-charging Cha Ji go elsewhere! Qingfeng Teahouse must set an example and get rid of luxury."

Lu Xiu nodded, "I see, it will be arranged tomorrow morning."

The next morning, Zhang Miao brought Wei Wenhe, the order of the Supervision Office, to see Chen Qing.

"His Royal Highness, this is a total of [-] incidents of various violations detected during the two-day inspection. Most of them are restaurant violations. Because we reward whistleblowers, the whistleblowers are all dinner guests."

Chen Qing looked at it and asked, "What about the height limit order?"

"The county government is still investigating the height limit order, and it will take a few days to get results."

Chen Qing nodded, and asked again: "How many people from the inner guards came to assist you?"

"Report to Your Highness, a thousand people!"

Chen Qing looked at the list carefully, and found that Qingfeng Teahouse was also on the list, so he asked with a smile, "What's wrong with Qingfeng Teahouse?"

Wei Wenhe hurriedly said: "Reporting to Your Highness, a tea customer came to report that he drank a pot of Fengcha in Qingfeng Teahouse, and brought half a pot of tea and tea dregs as evidence."

Chen Qing couldn't help laughing, his wife thought she was smart, but she didn't know that people were unpredictable!
Zhang Miao and Wei Wenhe looked at each other, Zhang Miao asked anxiously, "Your Highness, isn't it right?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "I specifically asked the princess yesterday if Qing'an Teahouse still sells Fengcha. She said that there must be no Fengcha in the teahouse. The tea drinkers go home and brew their own tea, so they were cheated by this tea drinker."

"That humble official will go back and delete Qing'an Teahouse."

Chen Qing still shook his head, "Ask the situation clearly. If it is the situation I mentioned, then the Qing'an teahouse will also be punished heavily, but the tea customers will also be punished!"

"Humble job understands!"

Chen Qing pointed to the list on the table, "Issue a violation warning letter to the merchant, and then impose a heavy fine ten times the value, and finally publish it in the newspaper, including the reason for the violation and the result of the punishment. If the second violation , a heavy fine of [-] times, the store will be closed for one month, and the shopkeeper’s cane is [-]. If the third violation occurs, the store will be closed directly, the master cane will be [-], and he will be exiled for three years. These punishment measures will also be published in the newspaper.”

"What if the store has objections?"

"Just tell the shopkeepers who reported them, let them confront, and let these shopkeepers know that their kindness will not be rewarded in the end, and they will remember."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Zhang Miao and Wei Wenhe bid farewell and left.

Chen Qing pondered for a moment, then he looked at the time, and it was almost noon, so he said to Chao Qing: "Go and invite Counselor Zhou!"

Chao Qing hurried away, not long after, Zhou Kuan hurried over, "Your Highness looking for me?"

Chen Qingxiao asked, "Do you have time?"

Zhou Kuan nodded, "There are two small things, I will put them in the afternoon."

"That's good! Let's go to Qingfeng Teahouse to have a cup of tea and have lunch by the way."

The two walked to Qingfeng, which was diagonally opposite, and sat down in their fixed elegant room. The plum grove of Gongde Temple could be seen from the rear window, and the scenery was very nice.

The big shopkeeper came in and bowed: "His Royal Highness, the concubine came here this morning and explained some things. We will no longer have Fengcha here in the future."

Chen Qing nodded, "It's best not to do the sale again. Some tea customers have already sued you and provided evidence of Fengcha. You will receive a warning notice today or tomorrow."

The shopkeeper turned pale with shock, "We only sold two people in total."

"That's why one of them went to the government to sue you. How much is a packet of Fengcha?"

"Eighty times!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Then you will be fined [-] guan. For a small bag of Fengcha, you will be fined [-] guan. It's not worth it!"

The shopkeeper's face suddenly turned pale, and he was punished by [-] guan!

Chen Qing said again: "This is just a warning, and you will not be held accountable personally. If you commit the crime again, Qingfeng Teahouse will be closed for three months, fined [-] guan, and then the shopkeeper will be beaten with fifty sticks. Remember this lesson, the extravagance restriction is real, even my shop is no exception."

Zhou Kuan comforted the big shopkeeper and said, "Your Highness means that you don't have to pay for the punishment of [-] guan this time, but the shop. If there is a second time, you will be responsible."

"The villain remembers!"

The big shopkeeper wiped off his profuse sweat, and asked the waiter to pass the tea list and meal list to Chen Qing.

He suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said: "Princess Wang is a little worried, if the food and tea money are added up, I am afraid it will exceed [-] guan."

"This counts as two tables, but please remember, don't bring tea and food together. After you have finished eating and clear the table, serve the tea. In addition, you have to make two bills to prove that they are separate. Tea and rice are not the same." The thing is, the supervisor will not be unreasonable."

"The villain remembers!"

Chen Qing and Zhou Kuan looked at the menus and menus that were delivered, and they were indeed different. The tea and rice that cost hundreds and dozens of pennies before were gone, and the most expensive meal was only five pennies. Of course, it was also very good, but not The expensive dishes, such as roast Tongzhou Kuquan sheep become roasted ordinary sheep, which is much cheaper.

The tea is also cheap. The most expensive tea is the three-year Jingting, which only costs ten guan. Other ordinary teas cost one or two guan.

"One serving of roast mutton rice, one serving of roast venison rice, and a pot of Jingting later."

Chen Qing stopped the shopkeeper again, "Where are some of your famous tea princesses?"

"All four of them have gone to Longfeng Teahouse."

The big shopkeeper smiled wryly and said: "They have a great reputation. This time they will take away many old tea customers, especially Wang Feiman. She is known as the number one tea lady in Jingzhao, and [-]% of the tea customers come for her. Yes, once she leaves, I'm afraid our No. [-] teahouse's reputation will be lost."

"It's okay! You don't need this kind of extravagant reputation."

"Your Highness, there is one more thing." The shopkeeper hesitated.

"what's up?"

The shopkeeper said after a long while: "Because Fengcha is no longer made, all accounts must be settled. Your Highness has signed a total of twelve orders for Fengcha. The princess said that His Highness can't waive the order. It's a thousand guan. Please pay the debt. It's all paid."

[Clumsy hand, only wrote two chapters]

(End of this chapter)

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