
Chapter 1149 North News

Chapter 1149 North News
A few days later, just entering November, the first heavy snow of this year roared under the wind from the north, sweeping across the entire northwest, overnight, the entire Guanzhong Plain became a snow-covered world.

On the official road to the east of Jingzhao, many businessmen were trekking hard. A heavy snow caught them off guard, and the originally flat and easy official road became difficult to walk.

Fortunately, King Yong ordered the army to shovel the snow on the official road. The [-] troops cleared the snow for [-] miles within a day, and many trapped caravans were able to continue to Jingzhao City.

Among dozens of caravans, there is a caravan composed of [-] camels. They came from Taiyuan. The camels were loaded with [-] high-quality sheepskins. The owners of this caravan were two brothers. Yin Balu, a Mughal merchant, and his brother Yin Erhan, who were taken care of by Chen Qing.

This time, the two brothers not only came to Jingzhao to sell goods, but also shouldered important tasks.

Yin Erhan rode over and shouted: "Brother, the official way is clear, it may snow tomorrow, let's go!"

Yinbalu turned his head and shouted: "Brothers, get up, let's go!"

They hired more than a dozen Han men in Taiyuan to take care of the camels for them. The men yelled loudly, and the camels lying on the ground got up and started to walk slowly. Many merchants also got up and set off with mules and donkeys. .

At noon, they finally arrived in Jingzhao City. The camel team did not enter the city, but came to an inn outside the city where they stayed last year. The inn outside the city occupies a large area, and their camels have a place to stay.

"Treasurer Gao, do you still remember us?"

The two brothers are both over two meters tall, and they are extremely strong, like two huge black bears. Each of them has to eat a big pot of rice for a meal. How could the shopkeeper not remember them.

"Are you guys staying in a hotel?"

Yinbalu grinned and said, "We have [-] camels and [-] fellows, can we accommodate them?"

The shopkeeper nodded, "You guys are lucky. A group of merchants from the Western Regions just left the day before yesterday. They also have hundreds of camels. Come on! Bring the camels to the backyard."

Yin Balu was overjoyed, and hurriedly greeted his staff, "Unload the cargo first, and then lead the camels to the backyard."

Group after group of camels went into the yard to unload, and then they were taken to the backyard. The [-] camels were busy for almost an hour before they were arranged, and then the goods were moved into the room. Everyone was exhausted.

Although they were exhausted, Yin Balu and his brother Yin Erhan still entered the city, they rode to the official office of King Yong's mansion, and said to a soldier: "We are looking for Wei Canjun who is beside King Yong, and we have something important to tell him. "

Last year, Wei Ji took them to sell sheepskins. They were familiar with them, and the soldiers went in to report.

Not long after, Wei Ji walked out quickly, and the gatekeepers described the appearance of the two of them, and Wei Ji guessed that they were brothers, and they were indeed good.

"Why are you here again?"

Wei Ji's tone was a little displeased. They had helped the Mughal tribe, but the Mughal tribe avenged their favor and attacked Datong Mansion.

Yin Balu hurried forward and said: "We have come to meet His Royal Highness King Yong under the order of the Khan, and we have a letter to deliver to His Highness."

Wei Ji glanced at them, and said to the soldiers on duty: "After searching, take them to the corridor and wait, I will report to His Highness!"

Wei Ji hurriedly came to Chen Qing's official room and reported, "Your Highness, I have something to report in this humble position!"

"Come in!"

Wei Ji walked into the official room, and Chen Qing was reviewing a document, "What's the matter?" He put down his pen and asked.

"His Highness, those two Mughal merchants came again last winter, saying that there is a letter from the Khan to be forwarded to His Highness."

Chen Qing thought for a while and asked with a smile: "But those two brothers who are tall and strong?"

"It's them!"

"Okay, let's bring them in!"

"Your Highness, do you want to arrange some more personal guards?" Wei Ji asked worriedly.

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "Do you think I still need personal protection? Go!"

Wei Ji had no choice but to go. Not long after, two soldiers brought Yin Balu and Yin Erhan in.

The two bowed and saluted, "May Changshengtian bless His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Chen Qing nodded with a smile and said, "It's been a year since we saw each other, are you here to sell leather goods again?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, we originally planned to sell goods in Taiyuan this year, but we have a heavy responsibility, so we didn't sell goods in Taiyuan and came directly to Jingzhao."

"The same is true for selling goods in Jingzhao. It is the same as last year. I will give you a good price later."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

The two brothers were overjoyed, and Yin Balu took out a letter and presented it to Chen Qing. Chen Qing took the letter, and saw on the letter: "His Royal Highness King Yong of the Great Song Dynasty respectfully".

Chen Qing was startled, it was actually written in Chinese, he asked with a smile, "Why is it in Chinese?"

Yin Balu hurriedly said: "There are also Han staff in the Khan's tent, the Khan dictates, and the Han staff writes."

Chen Qing opened the letter. It was a letter from the Mughal King Habul Khan. Although it was written in Chinese by his staff, it had his seal and signature at the end, indicating that the content had been confirmed.

The content is relatively simple. It just said that the Mengwu tribe had no intention of invading Datong Mansion. Because of successive years of wars, the men had suffered huge casualties and their strength was weakened. They were recuperating and unable to go south. sword.

The invasion of Datong Mansion in autumn had nothing to do with him.

Chen Qing frowned, and asked Yin Balu, "The content of the letter is too simple, and I can't understand it. You Khan said that he had no intention of invading south, but my army saw the battle flag of the Mughal army in Datong Mansion. how to explain?"

Yin Baru wiped the sweat from his forehead and explained: "This is where the Khan asked the villain to explain clearly to His Highness. His Highness's army may have seen the battle flag of the Mughal Army, but there must be no Borjiba cavalry, or absolutely There are no cavalry from the Qiyan Department."

Chen Qing sneered, "What do you mean? Your Khan is the king of the Muwu Kingdom. Could it be that he can only control his own tribe in the end?"

"Your Highness does not know that the Mongolian Kingdom is composed of more than [-] tribes. The Qiyan tribe is the largest tribe, but there are several tribes under the Qiyan tribe. The Borjijin tribe where Khan is located is the main tribe. At the same time, he also controlled the Qiyan tribe. Originally, all the tribes of the Mughal army obeyed the orders of the Khan. The Jin soldiers were defeated, and finally had to seek peace from the Jin Kingdom, accept the canonization of the Emperor of the Jin Kingdom, and become a vassal state of the Jin Kingdom."

"Go on, and then?"

"Then in the summer, envoys from the Kingdom of Jin persuaded our army to go south to invade Datong Prefecture. Khan refused because too many men were killed in battle and he had no troops to march south. However, several large tribes in the south were the first to surrender to the Kingdom of Jin. Several tribes were persuaded by the Kingdom of Jin, and under the banner of the Mughal tribe, they united with the armies of the Kere tribe and the Tatar tribe, and the three armies marched southward to invade Datong Prefecture."

"How many troops do they have?" Chen Qing asked again.

"The tribes of the Mughal tribe had [-] troops, and the Kret and Tatar tribes each sent [-] troops, making a total of [-] troops. The Kret tribe was the leader, but they did not carry siege weapons and were unable to attack the big city. In the same city, they retreated hastily."

"Will you go south next year?"

"Look at the requirements of the Kingdom of Jin. If the Kingdom of Jin asks them to go south, they will definitely go south. My Khan reminds His Highness to be careful of Fengzhou next year. The Kret has long wanted to take Fengzhou as a springboard for going south."

Chen Qing nodded, and asked again: "Will winter attack Datong Mansion?"

The two Yinbalu brothers shook their heads together, and Yinerhan said: "The heavy snow on the grassland is beyond your imagination. The accumulated thickness of the snow will even drown the war horses. It is absolutely impossible to send troops in winter. They will only be frozen before the troops gather. Died on the way."

Yin Balu also said: "It is true. The herdsmen burn cow dung in the dome tents to spend the cold winter. Even if they go south in spring, it will be after March when the ice and snow on the grassland melt. It will take a month to concentrate from all directions, and the army will gather and go south in April."

"No siege weapons?"

Yin Balu shook his head, "Unless the Kingdom of Jin provides them, there will be no siege weapons."

Chen Qing immediately felt relieved. It was still the time of Temujin’s great-grandfather, and the grassland was still a loose tribal alliance. He would not get a large number of siege weapons and Chinese craftsmen until Temujin unified the grassland and destroyed the Jin Kingdom.

Now they are just harassing the border, and it will be more than a hundred years before they become stronger!Now the north is still dominated by the Jurchens.

(End of this chapter)

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