
Chapter 1150 Qing Ye

Chapter 1150 Qing Ye
After entering November, there was also a moderate snowfall in the Central Plains. Although it was not as exaggerated as the white snow in Guanzhong, the trees, hills and houses were also covered in silver. With the arrival of the wind and snow, the Yellow River also began to freeze.

Along the way, the government began to mobilize the people along the Yellow River to prevent the golden soldiers and iron horses from crossing the river and raiding and looting in winter, and asked them to leave their homes and migrate to the hinterland of the Central Plains.

Under the government's mobilization again and again, the people packed up their belongings and left their homes one after another, carrying burdens, driving donkey carts, supporting the old and the young, and evacuated to Kaifeng and the states in the Central Plains.

There is a small village called Dezhuang not far from the New Yellow River in Chuqiu County, Guide Prefecture. There are about a hundred families. In the second year of Jianyan, the Yellow River burst its embankment, and the torrential flood rushed in. Nearly half of the people were swept away by the flood. Half of the people escaped in time and survived.

A few years later, the New Yellow River stabilized, and Dezhuang became a yellow-flooded area, and the fleeing people returned to their hometowns one after another to rebuild their homes. Forced to make a living, the returning people left their hometowns again and left one after another.

At present, there are only a dozen or so families left in Dezhuang who are still suffering. Dezhuang is actually a microcosm of the Yellow River Flooding Area. Almost all villages are like them. Three years ago, millions of refugees came from Shangzhou and Shanzhou. More than half of the people who fled to Guanzhong in the first line were the people in the Yellow Flood Area.

There is a family in the east of the village in Dezhuang, a couple with two sons, the sons are still young, one is five years old and the other is seven years old. The male owner's surname is Ruan, and his name is Ruan De. , are all Ping, Shun, Fu, De, An, Xiaoer, Xiaosan, Xiaoyi, etc. Ruan De means the birth of Dezhuang.

Ruan De Nian is about twenty-five or sixteen years old. He is [-] meters tall. He is extremely strong and powerful. His family was originally a wealthy family in the village, and his father also taught him good martial arts. , he had to make a living as a blacksmith, and his wife, Wang, was three years younger than him.

This morning, officials from Chuqiu County came to Dezhuang to urge more than a dozen households to move out quickly.

Thirteen households came to the yard of Ruan De's house to discuss where to go. With his strong physique and generous character, Ruan De made him the leader of more than ten households in Dezhuang.

As soon as Ruan De waved his hand, the noisy courtyard suddenly fell silent. Ruan De said loudly: "Folks, I think no matter where we go, we'd better go together, settle down together, and form a group. Outsiders dare not bully us. Difficulties, let’s help together, what do you think of my opinion?”

Everyone applauded, this is what everyone thought.

An old man said: "We have lived together for generations, and we are all related, why don't we go together?"

More than a dozen young people shouted: "Brother De, we listen to you, you tell me! Where should we move?"

"In the past few days, I have been thinking that we have no land after we move out. It is too hard to be a tenant and we can't support our family. It is better to have a skill. My father is a blacksmith. My father-in-law can make wine and taught me how to make wine. I remember a lot Everyone knows how to make wine, right?"

Everyone said: "That's right! We used to produce persimmons and pears here, and we made persimmon wine and pear wine, which sold well in the city. Later, the fruit trees were cut down by the golden soldiers, so we stopped making wine."

Ruan De nodded, "Last year I met a wine merchant in Guide Mansion. He said that Yuchi County in Kaifeng Prefecture is famous for wine making. I thought about it over and over again. Why don't we go to Yuchi County, where we will definitely survive."

A respectable old man got up and said: "I went to Yuchi County during the Xuanhe period. It is indeed famous for wine making, which is very suitable for us. I support Ade's opinion. Let's go to Yuchi County."

The whole village reached an agreement to collectively go to Yuchi County to make a living.

Two days later, [-] families drove three ox carts and donkey carts. The elderly and children rode in the carts. The old furniture was discarded, and only the necessary daily necessities were left in tears.

Yuchi County is also one of the [-] officially announced counties to resettle immigrants. After the implementation of the Clearing Plan, nearly a thousand people from the Yellow River Flooding Area have brought their families to Yuchi County. Most of them have chosen to go to the countryside to settle down. , Continue to farm for a living, mainly renting official land, which is a decision made by the appeasement commissioner. Those who move inland can rent official land. The land rent is exempted for the first three years, and the rent is halved for the next two years.

This actually shows the true intention of inward migration, not only to deal with the harassment of the Jin soldiers, but more importantly, to move the population out of the barren yellow flooded area and let them come to the hinterland with more land and lack of labor. Promote social prosperity, but also improve the lives of the people in the Yellow River Flooding Area.

Without human interference, the ecology of the Yellow Flood Area will slowly recover. After decades, the land in the Yellow Flood Area will gradually become fertile.

The official in charge of immigration in Yuchi County is Yu Yushou, who has been in office for nearly half a year and has gradually adapted to the new environment. He sent someone to bring him a few baskets of oranges, making Yuchi County officials and gentry speculate about his background.

Ma Houwen, the county magistrate, was also quite polite to him, and did not interfere with his power. He handed over the power of public security in the county to him, and dozens of archers, principals and deputy officers were all entrusted to him to lead.

For the resettlement of immigrants, the Department of Peace and Envoy of Henan Road required the county magistrate to handle it in person. Ma Houwen was the chief resettlement officer, and Yu Shou was the deputy.

In fact, the county magistrate only intervenes, and it is the deputy who really does things.

Hundreds of large tents were set up next to the official road at Dongchengmen in Yuchi County. Immigrants were placed in the tents for two days. After registration, they were separated. Some abandoned houses in the countryside were also repaired. The roof tiles were replaced and doors and windows were installed. , built a courtyard wall, which looks very good, and is used to resettle immigrants.

A few rows of tables were set up in front of the largest tent, and five or six clerks led by Xu Pei, the security officer, were responsible for registering and resettling the immigrants. Feicha, the only one in the county who knows that Yu Shou is actually related to His Royal Highness Yong, including himself, was also specially approved by His Royal Highness to be transferred to Yuchi County. .

Xu Pei has a high emotional intelligence, hugging Yu Shou's thigh tightly, working hard, and studying hard in his spare time, planning to take the Mingjing examination in the next year. As long as he passes the Mingjing examination, his qualifications are enough. When Yu Shou is promoted to Zhizhou, he can recommend himself as a county lieutenant or master Bo, and he can also be promoted from an official to an official.

This is the rule of King Yong. Anyone who has served as a county clerk for more than ten years, and has served as a prefect for not less than five years, who has the qualifications of Ming Jingshi, is under [-] years old, and has both ability and political integrity can be recommended as a county magistrate.

There are four hard indicators here. First, ten years as a county clerk; second, no less than five years as a prefect;

There are also two soft indicators, first, having both ability and political integrity; second, being recommended.

These six indicators are indispensable. Xu Pei already has two of the four hard indicators. It is only a matter of time before he serves as a prefect for five years. The thigh can be solved.

Besides, he is only in his early thirties now, so Xu Pei has the dream of becoming an official, and he works very hard.

This morning, Yu Shou came to the big tent on horseback, and asked with a smile, "Is there any business coming to you today?"

Everyone laughed, Xu Pei also laughed and said: "The county captain, there are ten people from two families, they came from Xuzhou, and the humble staff arranged two big tents. They have also eaten and are packing their things."

"Are you registered?"

"Registration in the afternoon, they want to go to the countryside to do farming."

Yu Shou nodded. Most of the immigrants this time were farmers, so more than [-]% of them asked to go to the countryside to farm.

Suddenly, an archer pointed to the distance and shouted: "Lieutenant Yu, it seems that the business is here again."

Yu Shou hastily put up the curtain and looked east, only to see a group of common people coming from the official road in the distance, mighty enough for more than a hundred people.

"Ouch! Why are there so many people here all of a sudden today?"

Xu Pei has experience, he laughed and said: "County captain, I guess they are from the same village!"

He hurried up with his men
(End of this chapter)

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