
Chapter 1151 Recruiting talents

Chapter 1151 Recruiting talents
This team came from thirteen households in Dezhuang. Under the leadership of Ruan De, they traveled day and night and trekked for seven days, finally arriving in Yuchi County.

"Where are you from?" Xu Pei ran forward and asked.

Ruan De stepped forward to salute and said: "We are the people of Dezhuang, Chuqiu County, Guide Prefecture. The government informed us to move to the interior. We traveled three hundred miles to come to Yuchi County."

"Do you have a migration certificate from the government!"

"Yes! Yes!"

Ruan De took out a thick stack of migration certificates, and comforted Zhang Xiao thoughtfully. Each household had a migration certificate, including the number of members of the family, and the relationship between names and so on. Receive immigrants, register households and naturalize, and then use the migration certificate to receive food subsidies and resettlement financial subsidies from the Department of Appeasement.

Xu Pei looked at the certificate, then at the team of more than a hundred people, and said with a smile: "There are thirteen families in total, right?"


"Come on! You go to the big tent to rest and eat first, and you have to go to the toilet, and then you will be assigned a big tent. After two or three days of rest, you will be sent to your new home."

Everyone helped the children and the elderly out of the cart, and Xu Pei shouted again: "Just take the things you carry with you, and take the big items after dividing them into the big tent."

The crowd helped the old and the young to walk towards a large tent, where steamed buns seemed to be steaming, and someone was waving to them.

Yu Shou rode a horse and looked at them. At this moment, his eyes fell on Ruan De. Seeing that this man was so majestic and burly, he seemed to be the leader of this group of people. It would be a pity not to join the army with his body.

At this time, Yu Shou's eyes fell on the wooden stick in Ruan De's hand again. This wooden stick was a foot long and slightly thicker than his wrist. It turned out to be an iron rod, which weighed at least sixty to seventy catties.

Not only that, he held an iron rod in his left hand, hugged his youngest son in his right hand, and carried a pannier on his back, which contained blacksmith's tools, weighing at least fifty or sixty catties, adding up to almost one hundred and fifty catties. Still so relaxed.

"That man, what's your name?" Yu Shou asked with a smile.

Ruan De looked back at Yu Shou, "Did the master call me?"

Yu Shou nodded, Ruan De said hastily: "The villain is called Ruan De, he is a blacksmith."

Yu Shou smiled slightly and said, "Go and stay first!"

Ruan De bowed slightly and left with his wife and children
After eating and resting for a while, the big tents will be distributed. According to each family, there will be one big tent. If there are too many people, such as two brothers who are married and have not yet separated, then they will be divided into two big tents. There will also be separation at this time.

In the afternoon, Ruan De was packing his blacksmith tools in the big tent, when he heard someone calling him outside, he walked out of the big tent quickly, but saw that it was the official from the morning.

Ruan De clasped his fists in salute and said, "The county lord has something to do with the villain?"

Yu Shou smiled slightly and asked, "Master Ruan seems to know martial arts?"

"Father has taught me a few punches and kicks, and I have a few pounds of clumsy strength, so I can't talk about martial arts!"

Yu Shou pointed to an ox cart nearby and said with a smile: "There is a millstone on the cart, can you try to take it off the ox cart for me?"

Ruan De stepped forward and was startled. He had never seen such a big millstone, which weighed four to five hundred catties, but he was only surprised by the size of the millstone, not because he couldn't hold it. With both arms, he lifted the millstone Get off the bullock cart.

"My lord, where are you taking it?"

"Take it to the kitchen, next to where you eat, it would be best if Ruan Zhuangshi can lift it above his head."

Ruan De yelled, lifted the [-]-jin stone mill over his head, and walked to the kitchen one hundred and twenty steps away, causing everyone to exclaim.

Yu Shou followed behind. Although he didn't know martial arts and didn't know what kind of strength this was, he was still very satisfied.

Yu Shou is a county lieutenant, and the recruits are also his soldiers. This time the Western Army recruited [-] soldiers, and Henan Road received [-] recruits, which were then divided into counties. The target for Yuchi County was [-] soldiers.

Two hundred people is not too many, and Yu Shou has already recruited, but he still lacks a Dutou to command the [-] people. This is a real indicator of the army's Dutou, and it can be regarded as a little benefit for the local area.

All the other counties give up the opportunity of the capital to their relatives and friends in the county, or give it to rich and wealthy families as favors, but Yu Shou is very serious and does not favor personal favors. He must find someone who is capable to be the capital head.

But there were only five days left before the start of the recruiting, and he still couldn't find a capital that met the standards of the Western Army. He was extremely anxious for the past two days, but he was lucky today.

Today, Yu Shou happened to see Ruan De, who could lift [-] catties and walk [-] steps. Yu Shou immediately realized that this was the person he was looking for. Yushou.

Ruan De lightly put the stone mill on the millstone, Yu Shou smiled and said, "Master Ruan Zhuang, please, I will tell you something."

Yu Shou led Ruan De to the side, and said with a smile: "I'll give you a chance, you don't have to refuse immediately, you can go back and think about it."

Ruan De nodded, "County Lieutenant, please tell me!"

He already knew that the official in front of him was a county lieutenant, so he certainly didn't want to offend him casually.

"Western Army is recruiting troops. Our county has recruited [-] soldiers, but I lack a leader to lead them. I need someone with real skills. I think you are quite suitable, and I want you to be the leader."

Ruan De didn't say a word, his two sons were still young and didn't want to leave home.

Yu Shou continued: "The only disadvantage is that you may be killed in battle, but there are many benefits. Once the soldiers of the Western Army join the army, they will first be given ten guan as a settling allowance. If you add one mu of land to the army salary, you will have [-] mu of land for one year in the army.

But this is just an ordinary soldier, you are the head of the capital, the settlement fee is [-] guan, Yongye farmland is [-] mu, the monthly salary is [-] guan qian plus three mu of land, and the county can also provide your family with a family in the county. The yard is about an acre. If you want a house in the country, you can get two acres of land, and it doesn’t mean that you can’t go home if you go to the army. The Western Army stipulates that all soldiers have one month of family vacation a year. "

The conditions of the Western Army are indeed very good, Ruan De couldn't help but feel a little moved, Yu Shou smiled and said: "Think about it! The wages in Yuchi County are not high, the brewers can only earn fifty yuan a day, and you can earn five yuan a month." The military salary is enough to allow his wife and children to live well."

Ruan De nodded, "I want to go back and discuss it with my wife."

"Go! If you decide, come to the county government to find me tomorrow morning."

Ruan Du's wife, Wang Shi, heard that her husband wanted to join the army, but she didn't say anything for a while.

Ruan De held his wife in his arms and said in a low voice: "You know that my father was a bandit in Liangshanshuibo when he was young. He was full of martial arts but had no chance to serve the country. He was unknown all his life. This time is my chance. Relying on merit, not nepotism, let alone flattery, I just want to make a name for myself and earn a fortune for my son and descendants, which is also my father's last wish before he died."

Wang hugged her husband and burst into tears, "You are gone, what will we mother and son do?"

"Don't worry! I have a family allowance of [-] guan, and a military salary of [-] guan a month, all of which will be given to you directly. The county will also give me a yard, not for rent, but for me directly. The three of you, mother and child I have a place to settle down, and I still have a hundred acres of farmland. If you bring your parents to live with you, your father-in-law can still farm the land, and if you give the land to him to cultivate, the family will be taken care of."

"I'm not afraid of suffering a little bit, but I'm afraid that you will go to war. What if something goes wrong?"

Ruan De shook his head, "In this world, it doesn't mean that you will be safe if you don't go to the battlefield. When the golden soldiers are killed, one family will be destroyed. Have you forgotten how my uncle Wu's family died? When the flood came, the whole family had no corpses. I will go Joining the army is also to protect the safety of your mother and child, besides, I can still come back to visit relatives for a month every year, and it’s not like I’m gone forever.”

Wang wiped away her tears and said, "Husband, go! I will take good care of the two children."

"Let Da Lang go to study, understand? I have a family allowance of [-] guan, which is enough for him to enter the county school."

"I will let the children study. If the house is well-off, I want my elder brother's family to live together, so it will be more convenient to take care of."

"I see, you are more thoughtful than me."

Ruan De held his wife's face and said with a smile, "Let the two children go to bed early tonight."

Wang's pretty face flushed, and she nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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