
Chapter 1156 Song City

Chapter 1156 Song City
At noon, [-] Jurchen cavalrymen came to Songcheng County, and Alubu ordered [-] cavalrymen to search for food and livestock around. Roughage, but chop it up and the warhorses can barely eat it.

But the human problem is even bigger. The Jurchen army only has one day left of dry rations. If they can't get food supplies before dawn tomorrow, or if they can't take down Songcheng County, they can only retreat.

This is the power of strong walls and clear fields, and it is especially effective against nomadic troops. Nomadic troops invade the Central Plains and never carry food. They rely on looting along the way to support wars. Finally had to retreat.

Alubu narrowed his eyes and looked at the city. He had led the army to be stationed in Guide Mansion for two full years, and he knew Songcheng County well. He knew that the defense of Songcheng County was flawed. It can be smashed down with a heavy trebuchet, and it can be easily knocked down with a battering ram.

This is why Alubu didn't carry any siege weapons, but prepared a heavy battering ram.

Fortunately, the Song army did not repair Songcheng County, and the defects in the northeast section were still the same as before, which made Alubu heave a sigh of relief.

"The whole army rests in place!"

After running for a whole morning, the cavalry were a little tired. Arubu ordered to rest in place, and sent soldiers to check the freezing situation of the moat.

On the top of the city, Hu Yanlei watched the situation of the enemy cavalry. The number of enemy cavalry was less than he expected. It seemed that there were only more than [-] cavalry. He had received information from Licheng County before that the enemy had sent [-] cavalry. Could it be that Incorrect information?
The lieutenant general Zhou Ping smiled and said, "The enemy must have divided up and went to Xuzhou, so the number is smaller than we expected."

Hu Yanlei nodded, it must be for this reason, and the deputy general Zhou Ping said again: "Actually, our troops are no less than the opponent's. Even if the enemy invades the city, we can wipe them all out with street fighting!"


Hu Yanlei categorically denied this idea, "Whether the enemy army invades the city or engages in street fighting, it will be a disaster for the people. We cannot explain to His Royal Highness King Yong."

Zhou Ping was ashamed and said: "The general is right, I know my mistakes!"

Hu Yanlei said again in a deep voice: "The enemy army is resting in the northeast direction, which means that they know the shortcomings of the city, and they will definitely attack Dongbeiduan. General Zhou, hurry up and gather the fire oil!"

Zhou Ping walked quickly. At this time, a soldier shouted: "There are enemy cavalry coming to investigate."

Seeing a cavalry of about [-] people rushing towards the moat, Hu Yanlei immediately said: "Shoot with crossbow arrows!"

On the top of the city, hundreds of soldiers raised their crossbows and shot at the enemy cavalry. The Jurchen cavalry raised their shields to resist, but some horses were still shot and fell to the ground neighing, knocking the cavalry to the ground. The crossbow arrow hit and was shot dead on the spot.

However, more than a dozen cavalry braved arrows and rushed to the moat, stabbed the ice of the moat with their spears several times, turned around and fled, the arrows followed, and several cavalry were shot down , the rest of the cavalry beat their horses desperately and fled back.

Half of the [-] cavalrymen were shot and killed. Hu Yanlei found a clue. They were not using divine arm crossbows, but ordinary army crossbows. , this kind of situation can't happen, and now you can shoot and kill the enemy from a hundred steps away with ordinary guns, what does this mean?The enemy's equipment fell.

Hu Yanlei immediately said to a commander: "General Wang, you lead a hundred brothers to the city and drag the corpses of the enemy soldiers back with ropes. I want to have a look!"

"Follow the order!"

A dozen soft ladders were thrown down, and the commander Wang Miao led a hundred soldiers to climb the rope ladders down to the city.

Not long after, more than a dozen corpses were hung on the top of the wall, and more than a dozen generals of the Western Army surrounded the corpses for a closer look. Sure enough, there were no iron armors, but leather armors. The faces were Donghu people, and the waist tags were also Jurchen waist tags. It doesn't explain the problem, and it can't be seen that they are real Jurchens, and they are generally referred to as Jurchens.

"It should be from the Donghu people, not the real Jurchens!"

Hu Yanlei said to everyone: "His Royal Highness Yong said that there are not many real Jurchens left. In order to win over Donghu people, a large number of Donghu people were also granted the identity of Jurchens, but in fact there are differences in all aspects. From It can be seen from the equipment that real Jurchen cavalry don't use leather armor, it must be iron armor."

"Control, this is important information!"

Hu Yanlei nodded, "Notify Yang Dutong immediately!"

At dusk, Alubu got the worst news. Within a radius of [-] miles, the two thousand cavalrymen did not find a grain of grain, not to mention livestock, not even a dog, and all the trees were cut down completely. The strong walls and clear fields.

Now it is impossible for them to go to other counties. The nearest county to Songcheng County is Gushu County. It is fifty miles to the south. They rushed to Gushu County. It was already dark. If there are people, they can still get some food. But what if it was an empty city again?

Moreover, there is a high possibility of an empty city. If it is an empty city again, they will have no time to procrastinate and can only withdraw their troops.

"Captain Wan, why don't you ask Dong'an to send some supplies over?" a commander cautiously suggested.

Alu's face sank, "Do you think Marshal Du can't think of it? Use your brain to think about it, why didn't Marshal Du let us carry supplies?"

"Stupid and humble!"

Alubu saw the confused look in the eyes of several commanders, so he had to explain: "If we have supplies, once we attack Songcheng County, we will go deep into Kaifeng Mansion. We don't have many troops, nine out of ten The Western Army will be completely wiped out, and it will be too late to regret. Marshal Du will only give us dry food for a few days. The purpose is to limit us and prevent us from staying too long on the west bank of the Yellow River. Dry food, can't we get it?"

Only then did everyone understand Marshal Du's good intentions in restricting dry food, and they bowed together and said, "We understand!"

A Lubu nodded, and said to everyone: "If you can't attack Songcheng County before dawn tomorrow, withdraw your troops immediately!"

As night fell, the attack began. Five hundred Jurchen soldiers held up their large shields, forming a [-]% shield armor, covering the battering ram and marching towards the northeast section of the city wall. The core of the shield armor was fifty soldiers holding the attacking The city hammers were covered by layers of large shields above and around their heads. Looking from the top of the city, it looked like a huge centipede wall approaching, and there were two thousand Jurchen soldiers following behind with their shields raised, and they would rush to replenish at any time.

"The first team of bed crossbows is ready!"

Two hundred mobile bed crossbows were deployed on the top of the city, and they were divided into four teams. After one team finished shooting, the second team would switch to shoot. Four paragraphs.

The centipede appeared two hundred steps away, and Hu Yanlei shouted, "Shoot!"

Fifty bed crossbows were fired at the same time, and two hundred and fifty jackdaw iron arrows roared out. They were so powerful that the iron arrows pierced the shield and leather armor, and nearly fifty shield guard soldiers outside screamed and fell to the ground.


The commander shouted, and immediately dozens of soldiers rushed up to fill the gap that appeared.

Hu Yanlei cursed angrily, "Why don't you shoot the god arm crossbow, are you watching the fun?"

Zhou Ping hurriedly shouted: "The first team of god arm crossbows is ready, shoot the gap!"

The god-arm crossbow on the top of the city is a heavy-duty god-arm crossbow, which is powerful with six stones and cannot be operated by a single person, so a god-arm crossbow is equipped with three soldiers, one is in charge of shooting, and the other two soldiers assist in winding, a total of [-] pieces The heavy-duty crossbow, [-] soldiers practiced three-stage shooting.

At this time, the second gurney crossbow was shot out, and more than [-] Jurchen soldiers on the periphery fell to the ground. Before the supplementary soldiers rushed up, three hundred god arm crossbows were fired at once, and the powerful arrows rained down on the enemy. .

More than [-] shield-bearing soldiers in the middle layer were shot through by arrows and fell to the ground screaming. Jurchen soldiers began to quickly replenish, and more than [-] Jurchen soldiers holding shields rushed up.

In this way, the Jurchen heavy shield soldiers were continuously shot down, and they were constantly replenished. In just a few hundred steps, thousands of soldiers were shot dead.

But the battering ram gradually approached the wall.
(End of this chapter)

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