
Chapter 1157

Chapter 1157
"Damn it, I can't finish killing it!"

Seeing that the other party could not finish killing like ants, Hu Yanlei cursed angrily.

Deputy General Zhou Ping reminded: "General, it's time to use kerosene!"

"I know, you don't need to remind me!"

Hu Yanlei was furious, and shouted: "The fire oil barrel is ready, listen to my order!"

He shouted to Zhou Ping again: "Hurry up and patrol other places, don't be hit by the Jurchens' voices."

"Follow the order!"

Zhou Ping took a team of soldiers to patrol and defend elsewhere.

Arrows were still raining down on the top of the city, and the soldiers holding up their shields kept falling to the ground, but soldiers continued to join in. ,
The battering ram was still advancing step by step. It had already passed the ice of the moat and was about to go ashore. Hu Yanlei shouted, "Throw down the fire oil!"

Hundreds of soldiers poured down barrels of kerosene, and three hundred barrels fell down in an instant. A dozen torches were thrown down, and the kerosene burned loudly. The flames were raging, forcing the battering ram team to retreat again and again.

A Lu Bu in the distance sighed softly, Song Jun still used kerosene.

He turned his head and shouted sharply: "Attack with the torches!"

Ten thousand cavalry lit the torches, and like a long fire dragon, they galloped towards the city wall two miles away. The sound of horseshoes was like thunder, and the ground began to shake.

Hu Yanlei shouted: "The crossbowmen are ready to shoot!"

In just a moment, the cavalry team rushed to the city, and the arrows were like a storm. Soldiers continued to be shot and fell off their horses, but more soldiers struggled to throw their torches towards the city.

The torches fell on the top of the city like raindrops, more than a dozen barrels of kerosene were ignited by the torches, and a big fire ignited on the top of the city.

Hu Yanlei shouted anxiously: "Throw the torches and fire oil barrels down the city, and protect the other fire oil barrels!"

There was a mess on the top of the city, and the soldiers threw torches down the city one after another, covered the burning kerosene barrel with wet quilts, and threw the bedding and kerosene barrel down the city together.

After working for a long time, the fire on the top of the city was finally extinguished. At this moment, there was a loud bang, the city wall shook, and many soldiers could not stand still and fell to the ground.

Although the battering ram army was forced back by the fire, they did not go far. The torch attack was to cover them. Under the cover of the torch offensive, they took the opportunity to launch an offensive.

"Use kerosene!"

Hu Yanlei roared, "Smash the fire oil!"

Hundreds of soldiers ignored the fall, picked up the kerosene and smashed it down on their heads and faces. Just as the enemy hit the city wall for the second time, the kerosene poured on them all over the body, and the burning fire on the ground was instantly ignited, turning into a pile of burning men. After these two steps, the soldiers in front fell down one after another. What was originally a shocking blow turned into a battering ram and passed by the wall.

Hundreds of barrels of kerosene were thrown down, and the city was turned into a sea of ​​flames. Hundreds of Jurchen soldiers turned into firemen, howling and struggling in the fiery swamp. The battering ram was lost, and the soldiers ran out crying and screaming. After a dozen or so steps, he fell headlong on the ice and gradually stopped moving.

The huge three-foot-long battering ram also turned into a stick of fire, which continued to burn, and finally burned into coke.

When the time came to Haishi, the only siege weapon of the Jurchen Army was destroyed by the Western Army. Alubu was at a loss. Made a battering ram.

"Master Wan, the beams of the houses can be used as battering rams!"

"The beams?"

Alubu has been in the Central Plains for a long time, but he also knows what the beams of the houses look like. The beams of ordinary houses are too thin and too short to be used as a battering ram. If it is a house of a wealthy family, the beams of the main house will be thick. It can be used as a battering ram.

"Master Wan, you almost succeeded just now!"

"Master Wan, it's still early, let's continue!"

Everyone talked and talked, and Alubu nodded, "Okay! Go find the beams, make them strong enough, the main hall of a big family, take a look after demolition!"

A commander led hundreds of cavalry to find the main beam, and everyone had to wait patiently. Everyone realized that the crisis was coming, and there were basically only two meals of dry food left, one meal each in the morning and noon tomorrow , We will run out of food at night.

At this moment, the ground began to tremble slightly, and there was a rumbling sound of thunder in the distance. Arubu stood up in shock and looked to the west.

I saw a few spies running from a distance, shouting, "The Western Army is here! The Western Army is here!"

Alubu was so shocked that his scalp exploded, and he shouted: "Song Jun is coming, blow the horn!"


The horn blew, and the resting Jurchen soldiers got up one after another. They also felt the murderous aura, and quickly got on their horses.

The moonlight was bright and clear, and the snow-covered land was exceptionally clear. A few miles away, a dark cavalry appeared.

At this time, the spies rushed over and reported loudly: "There are [-] cavalry in the Western Army, and they are coming fiercely."

Another spies came to report, "Master Wan, the gate of the city has been opened, and [-] Western troops have come out."

Arubu quickly made a judgment that they could not be the opponents of the Western Army, and they would be wiped out.

"Blow the horn and retreat!" Arubu immediately ordered.


The urgent sound of the horn sounded, which was an order to retreat, and more than [-] Jurchen cavalry turned their horses and fled eastward.

In a short while, [-] cavalry from the Western Army came overwhelmingly, and the leader was Yang Zaixing. He received the news that the Jurchen cavalry had crossed the Yellow River the day before yesterday, and immediately led an army of [-] to support Songcheng County.

The [-] cavalry of the Western Army did not stop and continued to chase the enemy behind. Hu Yanlei also led the army to chase behind. The cavalry did not have time to clear the battlefield, and there would be many wounded soldiers, so they relied on the infantry who came later to make up for it.

The cavalry of the Western Army chased after them very quickly, and the Jurchen cavalry fled desperately. They passed a low hill. In the darkness, arrows suddenly shot out in a storm from both sides.


The horns of the Western Army sounded, and five thousand cavalrymen from both sides rushed out, and they made a detour to intercept the fleeing Jurchen cavalry.

The cavalry of the Western Army rushed into the enemy army in an instant, smashing the Jurchen cavalry into pieces. Not long after, the [-] main cavalry also arrived, and the [-] cavalry of the Western Army surrounded and suppressed the Jurchen cavalry from all directions.

This Jurchen cavalry belonged to the Jurchen cavalry in a broad sense, and they were actually Bohai and Korean people. Their combat effectiveness was generally weaker than that of the real Jurchen cavalry. They were no match for the cavalry of the Western Army one-on-one, let alone the cavalry of the Western Army was three-on-one.

The Jurchen cavalry was defeated. Alubu led more than a thousand people to fight a bloody road, and ran eastward in a panic. The rest of the Jurchen cavalry either died or fled.

After escaping the Yellow River in one breath, Alu Bu counted and fled back to the cavalry. They got together sporadically, and there were less than [-] people. Excluding those who died in the siege battle, that is to say, [-] people were wiped out in this battle. .

A Lubu was frightened for a while, and immediately sent someone to inform Wanyan Digunai to withdraw his troops, while he himself returned to Licheng County in panic.
(End of this chapter)

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